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Everything posted by Siouxmama

  1. ? I sure hope to hell you aren't referring to The Ralph here.
  2. 1st come 1st serve? NOT!!!
  3. Good luck to Jesse. I hope he has a swift recovery.
  4. 4 minutes is stretching it. They were gone within about 1 minute! An unorganized mess.
  5. Did someone get you a jersey? I thought it was the most unorganized fiasco that has ever been. Not sure what the point is of being there early (one of the first 5 in line) and have others come in and pust their way into the front. They then had 3 security guards come with the 22 jerseys....well you can about imagine the rest of the story. I did hear (from a reliable source that they thought the 22 jerseys wouldn't sell. I quickly let him know that they could have sold 100 more than that. Very disappointed to say the least.
  6. Belfour has been a longtime fav of mine. My brother used to play PeeWee and Bantam hockey against him back in the day. That was when the players from the opposing teams stayed at host teams homes.
  7. Prayers go out to the player. Those injuries are very scary.
  8. How sweet it is!
  9. I just read through his CB journal. I wish this little man and his family the very best. He sounds like a trooper. I'll keep checking in on him, and pray for positive reports.
  10. DAMN!!! Live out of the Midco area. Have DISH, so I guess I will settle for TH and the radio.
  11. Congrats go out to Monique and her fiance Taylor Kolls, as they are to be married today.
  12. Everyone out there in SIOUX land, say a prayer for Perry and his family today.
  13. When you find a room, please let us know if you want the hotel staff to remove the yellow M&M's from the dish, or if only Fiji bottled water will do. Maybe only a black rental car? Would a limo work better? If you are making the trip to ND, we want it to be the BEST experience for you! Anyway, hope you are able to make the journey out here. Would love to finally meet you in person.
  14. I'm Coaches Club, too. I think it was last wednesday when I talked to them.
  15. I did get an email back, and was told they DO NOT have a base on them. Something would have to be built.
  16. Does anyone know if these have a "base" to them? If I were to add them to the deck at the lake, would we have to make some sort of a base? If I remember correctly, the seats of these were bolted directly to the cement risers/bench. Right?
  17. Geeze. What ever happened to respecting other peoples property? That is just plain nasty.
  18. You can have all the golf clubs you want, Big. But you'd need a smart woman to go along and keep score for you. Oh, wait, I guess you'd want someone that doesn't know how to keep score, right? You'd get a better score that way.
  19. Hey Morley... Why do bachelors like smart women? Opposites attract.
  20. My biggest fan.
  21. I know you are joking.
  22. No. Actually I'm typing it from my desk. The same desk that I oversee operations of 2 successful stores. Thank You
  23. How do you get a man to do sit-ups? Put the remote between his toes.
  24. Why don't men like to drink coffee at work? It keeps them awake.
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