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Everything posted by Redneksioux

  1. Redneksioux


    I can't answer all your questions because I'm not in the know as to how these decisions went down. What I do know is that I have many friends and family members out of the area that no longer have the access to und hockey that they did in the past. Some of them are jumping through the multiple hoops to access the online stream. Most of them aren't. Just don't expect everyone to be content with the situation.
  2. There is a difference. Under-utilization of facilities as well.
  3. Redneksioux


    So und, the school that basically pioneered the nchc, gets shafted by the conference, both on tv and choice of officials.
  4. With that $30 you spent on data you could have bought a ticket!
  5. You're the only one. Must be on your end!
  6. Any update on this?? I'm guessing it's not anything regarding Fta. I've found maybe 20 football games with my Fta system so far today, including ndsu's in hd. Also found the und feed and the und feed is one of the few that is scrambled so can't be seen Fta.
  7. From my experience the data usage should be close to the same either way. Expect about 1gb used per hour for hd.
  8. How does the points system work now for otl's and so's? Edit...... Found it http://www.nchchockey.com/news_article/show/277202
  9. So the upgrade is $4.99/same upgrade as the video on demand upgrade? Is the und insider subscription also required with this to watch live video on iPhone/iPad?
  10. I understood his email. And I understand it's not ready today but should be by this weekend. Is it the und insider app with the upgrade that will be used though or is there a separate neulion app? Or is it just the browser issue that is being fixed so games can be streamed directly through und insider to an iPhone/iPad?
  11. But what is the app that needs to be downloaded? The und sports app says it does on demand video only. So how does one with an iPad/iPhone view live events? Is there a separate neulion app. Or do you need to have und insider purchased as well as the und sports premium app?
  12. You're not a Toby Kane can? They rock! I fly off my couch every time I see that intro!!!
  13. It should have been expected that people would wonder their options for viewing und hockey, especially now the season is upon us. You can't expect that every fan interested in viewing on tv or the Internet has read every post of every viewing option thread on this site. Suggestion for you jayson.....you've done a great job of explaining to us on this site, but undsports.com should have a central location with viewing options....maybe you already do but info on the site is limited to me since I'm on my iPhone??? Ex. "If you have midco tv, watch und sports on x channel. For nationally televised games see CBS sports link for televised CBS sn games. If you live outside midco's footprint or don't receive midcosn und home games can be viewed here(link). Webcasts do not currently work on apple products(iPad and iPhone), please clear the cache from your browser prior to viewing, please use google chrome, and we reccomend chrome cast or an hdmi cable to view on your hd tv. Operating system requirements are xxxx. And please call xxx-xxx-xxxx for assistance with the web service" Maybe I'm missing something. Now that I look at it all that it's a lot to do! Only for some die hard fans though. Just seems like a ton of hoops to jump through.
  14. If fans took their money/time/interest to follow another program, sponsorships would follow. Have any of you been to a few other of these types of hockey games?(ahl,echl,Canadian juniors)? Und hockey is an excellent product and these other leagues may not put as great of a product on the ice, but it's a much more laid back environment and in most cases much more affordable to attend. And teams at these levels still make money. I think another team could do well but would also put a dent into und's following.
  15. They did look very fast but maybe it was just the competition they were playing. And for Rocco being a smaller guy he can sure put a bigger opponent to the ice. Love his aggressiveness.
  16. Exactly! Don't get me wrong there are plenty who drink responsibly at the games. But there are also plenty that don't and I've had beer spilled on me and seen it spilled on people a number of times. And this is nothing compared to the high percentage of those that drive after numerous drinks. If und/Rea was truly concerned with the health of their employees and visitors the alcohol sales would be discontinued.
  17. How about when you smell like beer because you just had 1/4 cup spilled on you by the drunk walking up the stairs? I'd be shocked if alcohol was banned at the Ralph though because that would be a poor business decision;)
  18. Makes me sick that we are turning into a St. Cloud state mentality with this one.
  19. Nope. I'm suggesting that these decisions are generally sugar coated to look good when they generally benefit only those who make money off them. On the other hand maybe the smoking ban is for the better. Maybe a few Sioux fans will quit!
  20. It seems as if more and more of these decisions are based around money. Sad but that's the world we live in now. If you don't have the money your options for "wants" are limited. For the smoking ban they can say this is for the health of employee's and in line with the campus smoking rules but I call bs. State law requires smokers to be 20 ft from entryways to prevent smoke from entering the building. If smoke was entering the building why not move the smoking area further away? And if this is a campus rule why is alcohol still allowed to be served during the sporting events? If there is one health danger from attending an event at the Rea, it is definitely tied to alcohol. Drunk drivers and a history of fights at sporting events are linked with alcohol consumption. By eliminating the smoking section the Ralph is saving maybe 10 hours of paid work per game? But alcohol sales will continue because money is to be made. Soon there will be a press release again on alcohol sales. It will probably be in line with the last one "to promote safe drinking practices we are once again shrinking the size of your beer cups to 16 oz's" prices will remain the same. This will just bring in more revenue and those that drink will still drink the same quantity per game.
  21. I can't get any video off und sports to play on my iPhone. I don't believe this is a neulion problem or a problem on my end because NHL gamecenter which uses neulion works like a charm.
  22. What's faison gonna do? Cancel the beloved midco contract and go back with wdaz?
  23. Faison's coaches are a direct reflection of him. If they succeed it shows success for faison. If they fail, well he fails. Right now Missman is failing and well we all know how this makes faison look. So how does faison look now after he just extended mussman's contract and it needs to be bought out? Like it or not this is being paid for by the hockey team and the midco tv deal. Good thing they planned for this with a cushion!
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