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Everything posted by Redneksioux

  1. I can't recall very many gopher games that have not been on tv(home or away) if not on fsn, they've been on the alternate or the b10 channel.
  2. If the beavers were produced out of Neptune, midco must be out of mars? I can't speak for everyone....but to most fans in nd and mn, the beavers have a much better tv deal than und has this year.
  3. Not bent out of shape again...:.just still bent out of shape;)
  4. These games are very good quality through Lakeland if you can pick it up ota. Quality was better than midcosn.
  5. Someone on this site is on your side? Is his name Charlie?
  6. Not so much that I don't have the spine. It's that I don't have the interest.
  7. I'm sure Jonathan has many places hed like to take the cup in the short time he has it. Not sure where Gf is on his list but I'm sure Gf is on it. With his leadership qualities I hope there's more cups to come for him and eventually he will bring it here.
  8. And talk about getting laughed out of a forum?!?!
  9. I'm not a fan of the pens or the thrashers (when they were a team). Not even a fan of Kane (until I saw him stand up for himself so humble like). Me thinks it's something in the water in Fargo.
  10. Cooke was clearly the bully. He went after Kane away from the play. You've watched hockey long enough Dave to know what happens next haven't you? It was far from a savage attack....more so Cooke not being able to back his words up.
  11. How does this make Kane a lowlife piece of trash? Cooke went after him away from the play and evander did nothing but stood his ground. Cooke was clearly the instigator. Watch it again. Cooke got exactly what was coming to him and got to eat a fresh slice of HUMBLE PIE.
  12. One thing is for sure you are living up to your past screen names.
  13. http://www.hockeyfights.com/fights/94177 Goon has posted this video before and I'd like to see your interpretation of this video Dave.
  14. Dave that still photo proves nothing. How do you know Macquaid was looking at Cooke? Hockey is a very fast paced game and things happen very fast. Mistakes happen for this reason. But when you have the same mistake take place over and over(viscous hits to the head, knee shots, slough foots, etc......you have a problem. This is why Cooke is not popular. He's come out a number of times saying that he is changing his style of play and has failed to follow through and do so. Cooke has also been in at least 22 fights in his NHL career. Why are you defending this gutless puke?
  15. So tell us Dave. Why are these players laying dirty hits being suspended and players that fight not being suspended by the NHL?
  16. Not sure how Dave k can even be a fan of the game. Fighting has traditionAlly been a part of the game. Unfortunately so has dirty plays/hits.
  17. I believe light em up already has been used as a warm up song this past season.
  18. Curious what shirvani had on these guys.
  19. Sorry for redirecting the thread but curious if the original email account gets banned? IP address? Not too difficult to do eh?
  20. Metrodome/Tom Reid's style trough bathrooms. Brilliant!
  21. Yet it was reported yesterday the final dog was killed upon entering the house on Tuesday. The dog was found laying quietly in a bedroom. It seems as if they assumed every one of these dogs was a dangerous killer.
  22. So the city wants to compete with the convention business currently happening at their hotels?
  23. Couldn't he just have a permanent residence in another state to avoid these taxes anyways?
  24. Maybe his plays don't look so dirty on a standard definition tv???
  25. This is much more detail than was originally reported. Not to change the subject but not sure why it takes forum communications so many goes to get some details and substance on a story. They did originally report he had killed one of his dogs and that a vet was on the scene. But they originally reported and this was last night that there was a standoff and shots were fired so maybe I came to conclusions. Either way it's sad that the owner of these dogs is the one who should be held accountable when ultimately it was the helpless animals that paid the price.
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