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Everything posted by Redneksioux

  1. For "whatever reason"??? These black kids are getting shot for reasons you will never find myself nor anyone I affiliate myself doing. The trend I see is an attitude of "f the police" held by many and I think the outrage on this site comes from how people decide to handle what they don't agree with with. If these people had half of an education and had actual jobs, would they be participating in violent protests? I'm doubting so. But thanks for labeling a number of posters as racists bud. You did watch the video in post number 1's link right? It looked like most protestors were not black.
  2. Pretty sure I know people that wish they were in their plow truck for a situation like this one.
  3. I can't tell for sure but it looks like his windshield had been spider webbed by some of those idiots.
  4. http://m.startribune.com/local/minneapolis/287654471.html Saw this on fishing buddy. Get off the street people! The street is for vehicles!
  5. Kinda like Obama bragging up the health care exchange sites' popularity when 9 out of 10 people using them are simply to sign up for Medicaid?
  6. The affordable care act is known as obamacare. What should the new nickname process be tagged with? Kelley#%$? Sorry couldn't come up with anything that sounded good. maybe we should hire some pricey consultants to come up with a board who can determine a process to put a name to this fiasco in place;)
  7. Anyone that has crossed the track where this accident occurred would tell you this is a dangerous railroad crossing. I believe there's been at least one death there before. Prayers to the families involved and the community of larimore.
  8. I'd rather not have one person being paid 15,000 per day to come up with a process.
  9. You can no longer scan out to smoke and get scanned back in.
  10. Didn't make any request. Guess it's probably a fake account
  11. A quick google search of Brock boeser on Twitter and this guy can go ahead and play for the goofs. Looks like he'd fit right in with them.
  12. 15k in a day equals 3.9 million per year. That is one expensive consultant to help decide the current committee needs to form another committee to come up with a process. So how were these consultants selected? I smell an investigation coming up. Kelly has just blown his personal driver funding. I agree they should invest to get this right but at what point will the state wonder where this money is going?
  13. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/education/3647228-und-puts-thousands-dollars-nickname-task-force That is one expensive consultant charging $15,000 for one extra day of work and one extra meeting. I wonder what she accomplished in that one day!
  14. I heard the same thing about their game vs Merrimack!
  15. Also available with a set of rabbit ears. I'd be willing to bet this is a combination of midco working kvly for more market share as much as it has to do with cable one sucking.
  16. Kvly sure Seems to have it out for cable one. The scroll said to visit their site to learn about switching cable companies. Almost anyone in the red river valley can get both NBC and CBS with a $10 set of rabbit ears and they don't share that info.
  17. Is Hak working too hard for recruits? Simple question. Fire Hak?
  18. U.S. boys did give up 41 shots and overall they were outplayed. But this game could have gone either way. Unfortunately the deciding factor was a ref's call.
  19. Clearly contact was made to interfere with Demko prior to the puck going in. Wow what a joke
  20. I'll make an educated guess. This was written by a ndsu grad.
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