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Posts posted by burd

  1. I'm not one of those people who pines for Deano, particularly since you could easily argue that his work has been a disappointment in Omaha. But one difference between his teams and Hak's teams, I think, is the level of caution the Dmen show in their first pass up ice. They tend to hold on to the puck quite a while before making the breakout pass--it seems like their number one rule is not to turn the puck over, so they chip it up the boards to a covered winger or pass it to someone away from the boards who is now covered. Spaces close pretty fast in that league. I understand that all teams tend to do this and that it is early, so the players do not have midseason rhythm. But it does seem that Hak's teams are trained to hold the puck a little longer before passing as a matter of defensive caution.

    As I said, this is a seems kind of thing, and I'd be happy to have someone say I'm full of shat.

  2. If Mattson OD and Parks continue to play at a consistent level like they did last night this team will be tough to beat night in and out. The Fr. have all looked good and will continue to get better but the Jr class is the key to the season IMO.

    Agreed. Most of us saw a very bright upside with that class early their freshman year. Now we will see if they have leadership qualities.

  3. Well the good news is that the coaches will have alot to work on this week. The PP was brutal. Top 6 were good, but pretty dry after that. I think the 2 sitting seniors will be back next week unless there is an injury. For the freshman Johnson was great, looked like an NHLer. Ausmus played very well. The Defense was solid defensively but brutal on offense.

    Outside of Schmaltz and Simpson any of the 6 could sit. I could also see coming back with 7 D and 11 forwards. Gotta say Mattson was really disappointing.

    Grimaldi weights more than Tambellini, ouch.

    Grimaldi needs to talk to Jason Blake about when to pass (rarely).

    Parks and Cagguila look like the most improved players.

    Both goalies solid.

    Some good points, but I completely disagree about Grimaldi not passing. He dishes the puck too quickly sometimes.

  4. There was a time when this rivalry was fueled in part by Northern Minnesota kids in Warroad, Roseau, Thief, etc identifying with UND's smaller, rural character as opposed to the mpls/stpaul kids and wanting to play and beat them while playing for UND. Northern Minn and the range claimed an ownership of the hockey tradition in the state, much like kids growing up in small towns all over Canada did.

    Now, kids headed for D1 college hockey end their high school years playing in far from home, teammates with kids from all over, including former rivals. UND and UMinn are neighboring schools with a great traditional rivalry, but it will wane, IMO. I hope I'm wrong, and probably am, and I will still get juiced up for the games they play against each other, but it will slowly change.

    But don't throw away those frozen gophers in the freezer--there's still hope.

  5. I'm really looking forward to seeing this new class with all of the local kids. Much better class than the previous two.

    I really like the class that came in '11--this year's juniors, including Rocco.

  6. Nobody's picking UW in the Big Ten? One of the best teams in the nation in the second half last season and they return a lot.

    I'm picking UND to win the NCHC. Not sure why but I just don't trust Miami for some reason and I think the Sioux are a bit underrated. I also think Gothberg shows this year why he was so highly touted coming out of the USHL. He's better than what he showed last year.

    I wondered the same about the lack of love for UW. Maybe it's because things have been so down in Madison, or at least perceived that way by the fans, that it will take some convincing. I think the momentum they had last year coupled with the conference change will be good for the Badgers.

  7. One thing that caught my eye about this year's roster is the lack of size. The two most intimidating people by height and weight stand in the net. Sure not like the old days, I hope this isn't a sign of what the team is moving towards but with the stupid rule changes and even worse officiating I guess this is what Hakstol has to do. Chage with the times or be left behind. I am going to miss being one of the most feared teams in the league and not having the refs put you in the box just for being so.....

    Rant over.

    No team is feared more than BC, and it's because of their speed and skill, not their size.

  8. Makes it seem all the more remarkable that Greg Johnson stayed for four, even though he left town a little over 20 years ago. He was a special talent when he was a freshman. Very good student too, maybe that made a difference.

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