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Posts posted by burd

  1. Greg Johson - 18 goals and 61 assists that season.

    Dixon Ward - 34 goals, 35 assists.

    Russ Romaniuk - 40 goals, 28 assists.

    Jeff McLean - 19 goals, 26 assists.

    Jason Herter 11 goals, 26 assists.

    Justin Duberman 19 goals, 18 assists.

    Dane Jackson 17 goals, 9 assists.

    24-17-2 record - disappointing finish to what looked like a great team going into the season. Brent Bobyck, Garry Valk, Russ Parent, and Lee Davidson were all gone from the prior year though.

    We talk about the explosive firepower we had with DOT, but that team could really put the puck in the net.

  2. I'm warm to Hammy now. He may be a rube but he is bending over backwards to be "our" rube. I appreciate that. I think he is mountains better than last as well.

    That's how I feel. At first, I was offended by his lack of hockey knowledge, and I missed the old crew. But he is enthusiastic, and those gaffs are so oddly boneheaded they are kind of endearing. And I have a feeling they will keep on coming.

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  3. Yet I still don't think he understands that the disallowed goal was because of the guy in the crease, rather than just the normal penalized goalie interference rule. It's the blue paint, Hammer.

    Yeah, he wanted to focus on the "judgment" aspect of the referee, rather than the crease violation.

  4. Good topic, especially after we were blessed with the traditional circle of sticks last night. Hammer so goofy, I'm starting to like the guy. Not Dewey Berquist, but a little of that off-the-wall oddness.

    When this thread is complete, somebody does need to make a T-shirt.

  5. I'm usually pretty lenient on Hammer...I don't give him a pass on everything, but it's challenging to be witty, insightful, and describe a fast-paced play on the fly.

    But, dang, "Circle of Sticks" is just absurdly funny and ridiculously embarrassing. :lol:

    You're right, Hammer has done fairly well on the play-by-play, even cut back on the "one-timers." And the funny, idiotic things he says could make the guy a bit of a cult figure if he can last.

  6. NMU was prevent defending to the max. They had a couple decent offensive stints, but were really mucking things up. Super clutch play on the tying goal from LaDue's pinch to Parks' feed and Gage's money shot. Good finish and sweep! Best weekend for Tambo and Murphy, though they both tailed off in this game.

    Tambellini shows a couple of Toewsesque moves tonight, getting through several D to the net. They haven't had a guy with good hands and a big reach for a while.

  7. Really? The fans don't have to "get used to" anything. If we backslide into being a perennial .500 program, the Athletic Department and REA will have to "get used to" not having home sellouts anymore. We've won four in a row, but I am still not sold on this team being a factor in the playoffs this year or next.

    And please, everyone, enough references to Jerry "Freaking" York! :angry: I do not care what Jerry York and his program are or aren't doing; I care about THIS program. Period.

    York is part of the discussion just as Gwoz, Blasi and others are, because you don't replace Hakstol with a championship or a desire for one--you replace him with a coach with a name and a record and a reason to think he will produce something Hak hasn't. Wanting a championship is the easy part, and we are all good at the easy stuff.

  8. I agree 100% he is an awesome recruiter and assembles a great team but not bring able to deviate from your game plan is not the sign of a great coach.( see having Finley out with Gerbe in Denver in the FF) People have complained about the dump and chase or three forwards below the redline or being able to break the trap , sometimes you have to adjust.

    Actually, by "program coach," I meant more than recruiting and assembling. He develops players well and has generally gotten them to buy into the team concept, something I think Eaves has struggled with, despite his one banner. Some have suggest his players haven't been motivated this year, but I disagree. They have played hard, but they have been reacting to play rather than controlling it, and that makes them a step late getting to where they need to be too much of the time. They aren't as good as they looked last night, because NM is not a highly skilled team, and they weren't as bad as they looked in some of the games previous because some of that competition was ahead of UND in skill and experience--and goaltending.

    They can still get into the dance, and you never know who gets to go home with the babe. If nobody departs early after this year, the acid test will be next year, with what looks to be a potentially talent-laden team.

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