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Posts posted by burd

  1. Bahhhhh Bahhhhh! Go sheep Go!

    ooooo we are ranked 6th in the beginning of March!!!

    Take that to the store and see how many loaves of bread you come home with in April.

    Who cares how we are ranked in the regular season? You be proud of that this offseason while the team probably CHOKES another postseason away. At least you'll still have something to hang your hat on.

    I forgot it's a crime on SS to have expectations. We need to be "ok" with being UND and letting our ancient past speak for itself. Don't let the fact that we have choked numerous opportunities away the last decade. Nahhhhh....that'd be something a "non-fan" would do.

    "UND..home of high expectations with mediocre results! But, but, but, we are ranked 6th in March!" Sorry, but that's not the hockey program I grew up watching, or the schools mantra when I was a student there.

    When did you grow up watching Sioux hockey? It took them 10 years to win a banner after the Circus left town. Don't even get me started on the teams from the late 80s/early 90s. Some of those teams had more offensive firepower than UND has ever had, with G Johnson, Dixon Ward, Russ R and others, yet they couldn't make it into the tourney some years. The '97 team got lucky that BU took down the prohibitive favorite. The '98 and '99 teams were supposed to win it all, but the coaching must not have been good enough, or the teams did not want it bad enough, or the fans just didn't care enough, because they just choked it up, at least in your mind. As for UND's ancient "glorious past," how many banners did they win between the time Kennedy was elected and 1980? What a pathetic program.

    Do you go to the games because you love the game, or are you just looking for someone else to accomplish something that will give you some second-hand validation you are lacking in other areas of your life? You are mistaking childishness for pride.

    • Upvote 4
  2. I will say this, it seems like some people on this board believe that winning the final five is more important than winning a nat title. I would trade a nat title for any of the last three FF championships.

    I don't think anyone would say that. But. I can say that I value the Mac a great deal, not because it's cool hardware but because if the Sioux win it that means I would have enjoyed watching extremely good hockey week in and week out for an entire season in the best conference in the country. Banners are nice, especially natties, but in my old age I've gotten more selfish in wanting to watch good hockey on many weekends than I care about the bragging rights that come from succeeding over two weekends, which, for fans, is what natties are mostly about. Not to diminish the thrill when the Sioux win one--it's great. But for example, I would not trade the pleasure of watching the DOT line for a year for a nattie. Would have been nice to have both, for sure, and a lot of fans would think that's crazy. But it's the game and the way it's played at the college level that is so great, not the numbers 7 or 8 or 9.

    As long as it's more than 5, of course. :)

  3. I thought the boys worked very hard last night and played well overall. The second Beaver goal was not a softie and it wasn't a fluke--just a good sensible decision on the blue line by their D and a good tip. We didn't finish some of the good chances we had and came up with a tie. Had they scored on the breakaway, we'd all be feeling a deeper shade of blue.

    I love Rocco. Dynamic player and generous with the puck now too. Great vision. Sometimes he dishes the puck so quickly others aren't quite ready. He's not ready to go up the ladder, though. Rubbed out on the boards too easily to be ready to deal with the big boys. Not that he isn't physical and intense--he just has to develop some techniques, I guess. Some of you more experienced hockey experts here will have a better assessment of that. He'll have to be a Kane-type player, relying on his quickness and vision. The Kane who is playiing this year and showing more defensive responsibility.

    I love that so many teams are in the mix going into the last weekend of the soon-to-be old WCHA. It's been such a pleasure being in this conference. They better do a tribute of some kind at the Fin Five.

  4. No question. No doubt. Full compete level. Battle. No mental mistakes. Solid througout the line up. No soft players. No weak goals. 100 % committed and focused. Need to be a little loose. Level headed. Lunch-box mentality. Came to play. Full 60. One game at a time. Take it day by day. We're not worried about tomorrow. No Dzone turnovers.

    Missing any?

    Keep your stick on the ice and don't Bogart that joint.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Moy has his new Bracketology out:


    Grand Rapids

    13 Notre Dame vs. 2 Minnesota

    10 Minnesota State vs. 7 Western Michigan


    14 Dartmouth vs. 3 Miami

    11 Niagara vs. 6 North Dakota


    15 Alaska vs. 4 Boston College

    12 Denver vs. 5 New Hampshire


    16 Boston University vs. 1 Quinnipiac

    9 Yale vs. 8 St. Cloud State

    Sioux-Gopher matchup on Thursday in Pittsburgh?

    We would be dam lucky to get that bracket.

  6. Pattyn is a hard worker who plays a physical game. I hope he can still play with a brain and leave the stupid stuff in the locker room. It's getting close to that time of year, when an avoidable penalty at the wrong time has a steep price. Much as people loved Prpich and Hextall, those two made extremely stupid plays at times, and even when they did not get the box, contributed to closer scrutiny by refs, IMO. Hit hard, play aggressive, but walk away from the stupid shat.

  7. I've run into the guy at the golf course after an event and found him to be very engaging. He was on his way out after what was probably a long day and was very gracious--introduced his wife by name and seemed very willing to talk to a self disclosed Sioux fan. He may be a jerk, but he sure wasn't at that time. (no, not drunk) Of course, he wasn't coming off an arse kicking at the hands of his worst enemy either. :)

  8. Good, intense play all weekend. I also watched the conversation between Hak and Eaves after the game (streaming, not in person), and I got the distinct impression they (Hak particularly) were acknowledging the fact that this was the last game as conference foes. Can't tell for sure, but it was definitely not heated or overtly negative. Hak just seemed like he was saying a little extra, and Eaves did not seem at all bothered. He's an intense guy, and if Hak were confronting him, he would have reacted differently, IMO.

    Reffing is what it is, and there is always something to complain about, but I really could not beleive Mac did not get called for a trip before the 4th goal.

    The 3rd and 4th lines really forechecked well this weekend. All lines did, but they really stood out. Still some sloppy first passes by the D, but obviously a good weekend for them, and the forwards are starting to do their job in the d zone better also. Great weekend, but UW is not UM or SCSU (or UNO). They just aren't.

    Real tough test coming up. Will be interesting to see if they can keep the intensity and stay out of the box. The PK won't be a free pass from here on in.

  9. Different team if Dell had stayed. We are average in the nets right now. For those whose lives seem to revolve around Sioux Hockey or for that matter any sport, I can't argue with whatever goofy ideas you come up with cuz it won't matter what anyone else says. Last nights game is over. This team has the potential to continue to be one of the best in the country. Without an utstanding Goalie, we will have trouble sustaining a run at title #6.

    If Hak costs us title #6 we should fire him.

    • Upvote 2
  10. Regarding Bjugstad, I do believe he is one of the 2 best players in college hockey this year for sure. His points aren't showing it because he's basically molested by other opponents, but what he does while on the ice to control play on most of his shifts is unreal. It would be very hard to find someone in college hockey that can control play and be as dominant as he is. Gaudreau is probably the only other player that can be put up there with Bjugstad, IMO.

    He's definitely a beast any team would love to have. A rare combination of size, skill and speed.

    Wrong jersey, though.

  11. I only got home last night in time to see the third period. I thought the boys played very well that period, for the most part, especially on the forecheck. After seeing the game highlights, there were certainly some coverage problems in front of our net.

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