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Posts posted by burd

  1. Hammers' hockey knowledge ends at the cheesy one liners he got from NHL '94 on sega genesis.

    He's a godd@mn disgrace to the program and the sport of hockey.

    The one-timers thing is so pitiful it has to be intentional. Surely he's heard . . . .

  2. I think hak is a great hockey coach in many areas but I do believe his greatest weakness is his shoot first philosophy. Shoot first works often and has its place but shoot first never beats a blue chip hot goalie. And when do you run into a hot blue chip goalie?

    Shoot first is so inveterated into the current Sioux dogma that I hear Sioux announcers, media folks as well as fans on this site talk about it like a religion.

    I'm sorry but against a good goalie you pass to an open net shot opportunity or your just wasting a scoring chance.

    Some truth there, since a blue chip goalie will control rebounds, but the success of "shoot first" is just as dependent on how much traffic your team can generate in front of the net. If the other team has Dmen who are very good at keeping the slot clear, you might as well pass. But if they don't or you have a garbage meister like ZPar, that's different. One problem, in this age of butterfly goalies, is that players tend to go high so often, resulting in fewer rebounds.

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  3. It's true Gregoire and St. Clair were only verbals, but some would say their decisions were even more turncoat. College and majors are two distinctly different routes to the NHL. There is no interleague play, and a there is no return from major junior. To promise one college your allegiance then chose another is a choice between two teams playing the same game. A player like Gregoire can go on to hurt the team he decommitted by playing against them for his second choice.

    I'm not criticizing players who change their minds in either venue. But to give guys like Gregoire and St. Clair and many others passes but to come down hard on Miller is not completely fair. Whether they are 17 or 21, they are kids making big decisions about their futures. They have to do what is best for them. Fortunately, we are fans of an elite program, so we enjoy the fruits of many of those decisions, including the decommits.

  4. The problem with Miller is that he is a selfish liar. Call me immature, fine. I have zero respect for him. I hope USA does well at this tournament. But it won't change my opinion on Miller. I'm glad he didn't come to UND. No room on the team for guys like that, no matter how talented they are.

    Jason Gregoire a selfish liar too? And Colten St. Clair?

    The kid made a decision. Good for him. It happens to all the top programs--and to others as well.

  5. A little chemistry on that second line...great stuff!

    If we can roll our top 2 lines to the tune of 3 goals per night, we should win a lot of hockey games...

    When we get Parks back, he can give us a third scoring line...

    What is the latest on Parks (other than day-to-day)?

  6. CFB on Jim was good call...dumb play on his part. Missed the CFB on Kristo late in 3rd and then missed one on Easy Mac as he was heading to bench on line change shortly after that. Hunt and Shep were absolutely brutal last night...but what's new.

    Panz was really solid...2 big checks on his first shift. He keeps in simple and isn't flashy but he brings some physical play in our D end. I hope he stays in the lineup. Gleason makes way too many miscues on the NFL ice...his turnover lead to Du's first goal. He is way better suited for the big ice with his speed.

    Rowney played like Rowney last night.

    Kristo was his usual self last night...one of the 3 best players on the ice.

    If this is the Rocco UND gets the rest of the year, watch out. He was absolutely amazing last night in every phase of his game.

    Agree with all that, including the fact that the cfb on Senkbeil was a good call.

  7. Well coached game by Hak. Reacted well to the cfb situation, which was bad but could have caused the boys to completely lose composure. I became a Gaarder fan last year, and he's still showing that desire on the ice. Kristo is showing some sick skills, but he is also showing a ton of hustle, especially on the forecheck.

  8. Was there any mention of poor ice conditions? It seemed like there were a lot of wierd bounces.

    I thought the same thing last night. Players were continually having the puck slide back in their skates, like happens when there is water on the ice.

    But that was a great college hockey game to watch last night. Call me disloyal, but I'd rather watch one like that than a 5-1 slopfest, even if the Sioux win (minus playoff implications, of course).

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