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Posts posted by burd

  1. Situations like this are good for the team at this point in the year. Although it was not an egregious hit, Schmaltz will learn to avoid that situation. Saunders will have to carry them for the next 4+ minutes, which he is capable of. If SCSU scores and the place starts to jump, the Sioux will have to learn not to panic and to come back. Good test.

  2. Well, this game is over. We're down a top pairing defensemen and SCSU has 4 and half minutes on a clean sheet.

    I guess if you guys don't care that it's based on a blown call, that's your problems.

    Don't be a quiter, passit--there's a lot of hockey left.

    But if SCSU gets 2 out of this, it will be a long way back.

  3. It is nice to have a goalie whose college experience has been knowing that it was up to him to keep his team in the game--that his team would not win in spite of him but because of him.

    His positioning is so good. Last night he made some huge plays on cross net passes without flopping all over the place. He was just where he needed to be. I wonder what coaching he had at UAB, if any.

  4. curious how you think it is easier to skate than walk?

    Glide maybe, but certainly not skating in a D1 hockey game...stops and starts, hard turns working all 4 edges...not to mention getting hit...

    I think it's because the Canadian players who have played here all skated before they walked.

  5. when you're gassed, you turn the puck over and miss chances.

    I hear you though. BU played a pressure game- which you'd expect when you're down in the third. When they do that, you have to respond smarter. The biggest issue was the aggressive forecheck they put on our d. They put 2 forwards on the puck and the other forward pressing the weakside. When that happens, your centers have to get "dirty" in your own zone. The strong side winger has to sit at the hash in hopes of a breakout, but also to cover that point. We appear to rely almost entirely on our d in our own end, with our forwards always looking to breakout.

    Parker noticed it and exploited it, as you would expect of a Hall of Fame coach. Our D, under pressure, go D to D, chip, or work individually...that results in no flow out of the dzone. Forwards need to help!!!

    Good analysis. Yes, the D were guilty of some miscues, but they have been very very good in their zone this year so far. Hak will bring them along--he's a fabulous program coach. I think this year will tell us how far he has come as a game coach.

    Schmaltz is as far along as a freshman as any D the Sioux have had for a long time IMO

    You also have to like the way BU plays the game.

  6. I sat there watching thinking the same thing. Haks teams struggle to play w leads when they strictly switch to a defensive mode. My gut was uneasy when we blew the PP to start 3rd and went into the D shell. Didn't think it was going to hold a 2-1 lead.

    And when the team gets to chipping the puck up the boards or off the glass instead of passing . . .

  7. What the hell is he doing passing in front of the net with a attacker 5 feet from you

    He did what Sioux D used to do all the time but haven't done much of this year and that is hold the puck for two seconds before attempting the same pass that was open from the start.

    You could see the Sioux starting to lose the puck battles again tonight and feel what was coming. You know Parker will have a good game plan after all his years' experience, and his boys delivered.

    I really like Gleason, but you wonder how long it will take before there is a change there.

  8. I think the Sioux attack is fine, although they can be a little lax at times. Our D needs to step it up. This season there have been many rushes where the D looks slow and plodding, and that simply won't cut it in today's WCHA (or facing any quality team on the national level). Now, if we can just get a decent ref crew........

    Really? I'd say this is the best skating D crew UND has had in a long time.

  9. Keep a lookout on how he uses "one-timer." I can't remember his exact use, but there were two times last weekend when he didn't seem to have a clue.

    At the same time, he was OK last night, all in all. I liked Sweeney, but if the change had been the other way around, there would be pushback too. I've never listened to Hennessey while watching the video stream. Is there a lag that makes that impractical?

  10. It absolutely sucks that these two programs dont have any games scheduled after this season. Not only is it the best rivalry in college hockey but I honestly believe it's one of the most intense rivalries in ANY sport at ANY level.

    You have to credit the fan bases. It wouldn't be as fun or as intense if gopher fans weren't such mindless, hairless, dickless, slopeheaded, nose-picking, turd-eating, diaper-wearing, goat-banging, pansy-arsed, run-from-a-fight liars. Great playthings.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Can't really fault him. Two fewer loses might be the margin he needs to keep his job after they disappoint again this year.

    Seriously though, it's a shame. It's one of the best rivalries in hockey between two quality programs. I'll miss those games and the trash talk that goes along with them. Look around--who you gonna hate like them?

  12. Funny you should mention that, I was talking to my nephew who was at the Saturday game and I mentioned how the play always seems better on Fridays than Saturdays and his exact words were "That's because they party all night after the game, it was like that when I was here 20 years ago and it still is."

    His opinion but probably a lot of truth there.

    20 years ago, eh? If we need to know, we have an eye witness standing on the bench.

    Greg Johnson was in that group, and I don't think he was a big partier.

  13. You smarter hockey guys help me here.

    It s e e m s like our Saturday nights are more difficult partly because we have a pretty conservative transition game (hit the winger on the wall or go cross ice to the other D, not often passing up the middle) and they adjust the second night to be all over our wingers. The result is a chip-it-up-the-boards scrum just inside our own blue line and no real flow. If the other team is high energy working hard, we play uphill. BUT

    I really don't trust my own observation there. It doesn't explain the improvement we always show as the season progresses, for one thing, unless Hak expands the breakout schemes as the guys become more disciplined with the basics. Hak will always stress two way responsibility, so he (like most coaches) will prefer using the perimeter in the D zone, and it works. But it would also be a scheme that a team like AA last night can disrupt if they have enough quikness and work hard enough.

    How lost am I here?

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