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Posts posted by burd

  1. NIce to see the goals in HD and everything, but it's too bad Notre Dame didn't show more actual highlights from the game. Half the video is them complaining about not getting a free goal.

    Anders Lee could've got to that puck a little quicker(before the ref blew the whistle), but he didn't. That's hockey.

    Still, that's a goal.

  2. ND 36

    UND 17

    Have to take the win but also have to shore up in our own zone...it has been awful all year.

    Good win. Call me crazy, but I didn't think the play was terrible in our own zone. They gave up a lot of shots, but they kept the puck on the perimeter pretty well, and many of those shots were easy saves. Not to say Saunders didn't play extemely well--he did. But they played as well in the D zone as they did in the O zone, where they had very little extended possession. Kristo is really playing well in all phases of the game, including PK. I like that Mac is usually good for a few good hits, but the guy takes too many penalties that have nothing to do with big hits. But they got it done against a good team in their own rink--that's about all you can ask of them.

  3. Okay apparently I got it downloaded but somethings ask me do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer, is that normal, will it do anything bad to my computer?

    It might. There is apparently a real nasty virus out there sometimes imbedded in programs like this that will keep taking you to GPL until you lose it and become a drooler if you don't destroy your computer in time. You won't even know it's happening until you can't count to 7.

    So be careful.

  4. I wonder if they still have the giant spinning Tiger head?

    If you are planning on watching this game online I strongly suggest you stop by Walgreens and pick up some dramamine for the floating Tiger heads. If they don't make you sick they will drive you batsh!t.

    • Upvote 1
  5. @UNDMHockey: With his 5-point weekend, Danny Kristo is now tied with Yale's Andrew Miller as the top active NCAA DI scorer. Both have 121 career points.

    Amazing how the college game has changed. Greg Johnson scored 272 points and played for three of his four years with D Ward, who scored 219 points and 110 goals, and for at least one year with Lee Davidson, who scored 202 points.

    Also amazing that during those years I don't think the Sioux even made the tourney more than once or twice--though I might be wrong. Blame Hak. :)

  6. Sorry, I was over-exaggerating a bit, but I have played hockey my entire life and have watched this team for the past 14 years and can tell you I have not seen them this bad in their own zone before. The past few years the problem was letting in weak goals (14 shots against....3 goals allowed, etc.) this year Saunders is doing a fine job but he is getting peppered. Those SCSU games are a great example....SCSU was on the door step all night. Those shots all came from inside the circle(s). Yes, I like your GAA stat...that means Saunders is playing well....nothing else.

    On a more positive note, our offense has been fine all year. I have a hunch MacMillan and Kristo are going to have a great years.

    But you can't say the offense if fine if you are ignoring the defensive and bachchecking responsibilities they are not living up to. The D zone is pretty big, and there are 5 defenders covering it.

    • Upvote 1
  7. OK, I'm going to take a shot at an analogy that is probably complete bullshiat, and I'm sure you guys will tell me if it is.

    Remember that old Stiga table top hockey game? We used to have tournaments in the dorm using a wind-up kitchen timer for 5 min. periods. When you had one or two players who were not very skilled, the game was usually pretty slow, because it took them a while to find the right levers and then couldn't get control of the puck very well. They often had goals scored on them while they were looking for a lever to match the man nearest the puck.

    If you had two players with skill, the game could be incredibly fast, with the puck flying around, rarely staying on a players stick for more than a brief second. Some goals were crazy good and some werre pure lucky bounces.

    But if you had two skilled players, the game could also be pretty slow if one of them was a control person. When their winger got control, played slowed to a near stop while he set it up for the winger to either take the shot or get a pass to the crashing center. It would be wait . . . wait . . . wait . . . BANG, shot on goal. In those games the puck would fly around until the control guy got control with his winger or dman and then it would slow right down. Those players were often very skilled and could actually play the face-paced, crazy game pretty well--they just were more comfortable with the control game.

    I like Hak a great deal. Outside of York, I think he is one of the best program coaches in the country. But his is a control type personality. He teaches a perimeter game in the Dzone, including the breakout. (everybody does, but he moreso) He is more comfortable having his Dmen hold the puck just a little too long out of caution and then chipping along the boards to a winger who is covered, resulting in a scrum inside the blue line because it is a low-risk play. If his guys understand their roles, work hard, and mind their coverages, there will be few goals scored against them from crazy plays and odd-man rushes. On the other hand, sometimes that system seems easy to forecheck, and if not everybody plays their part or hustles enough, it will seem like they are chasing around, always a step late in their own zone all the time.

    I didn't see last night's game--sounds like it was up-and-down. You would think with the speed and skill this team has (along with not much size at forward) they would welcome race horse hockey. But I don't think Hak is real comfortable with that kind of game tempo. He does it, I don't mean to say he doesn't, but I think his basic personalilty is to use caution and control first. A little like the guy who preferred to play his tabletop game that way. If Hak made his living playing tabletop hockey, I think he would be a control guy. It's just his personality.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Kristo can't stay snakebit hitting pipes forever, once they start going in it should get Knight cranked up too. I still think that line is going to put up big numbers this year, they just haven't quite got it going yet.

    Fortunately we have other guys who have been filling the net...and that goalie isn't too bad either. :)

    I understand that in the age of butterfly goalies, shooters will go high, but pucks near the ice and on net sure find a way of going in a lot of the time, either through a five-hole, a tip, a skate, or a rebound. Waterbottle goals are hilite material, but sometimes Kristo goes that way a little too often IMO.

    Easy to pick nits, though. He's really been hustling this year, as he did last year. They will start going in.

  9. I'm old too, Fetch, and I also tend to like what I have. But when you're old you also realize that nothing is ever what it was--that change is what brought us to a good place. The WCHA is not the same conference I grew up on, but it has been a wonderful experience. The quality of hockey in the new conference will be right up there with the best in the country. Adam will be off the ice. I won't have to stay up real late two nights a year. My medications won't be affected, and my prostate is not bound to get any worse. I will greatly miss the gopher and badger rivalries, but when they bring home the banner in April '13 the Sioux will not have kicked the last gopher azz.

    And yes, it's a good thing Adam is upstairs and not on the ice.

    • Upvote 1
  10. A few years ago he was "suspended" from working UND games after he was $h!tfaced in Sugars Lounge and was babbling to everyone that he hated the Sioux and had no problem screwing them over....not sure why that "suspension" would ever be lifted?

    Do you have a link or a cite to his suspension? It's been a while, where is Sugars?

  11. If it is true that Don Adam has it out for the Sioux, then he shouldn't be reffng Sioux games or any other games for that matter--I'm sure we can all agree on that. But if he is wearing the stripes for a Sioux game, then Hak and the boys need to BE SMART ABOUT IT. Control what you can control.

    I'm a Hak supporter. I would rather have him than either Lucia or Eaves, both good coaches who have had a lot of their fan bases calling for their heads after several years of just plain bad hockey. The team will come around. One thing that frustrates me, though, is the way we have been losing so many puck races this year. It's not just Saturday nights. You could argue that the Sioux were outskated on Friday night too and would have lost that game if it were not for Saunders and an opportunistic offense. There is a lot of speed and quickness throughout this Sioux lineup , and they are not big, so hustle and winning puck races will win games for them. I understand that the way coaches have designed defensive coverages explains some of it, but not all.

    But we can't lose sight of the fact that this is a very talented Husky team. When they get all their players healthy, they will win a lot of hockey games.

  12. Hey, if there are any young players out there that are thinking about coming to UND: Don't bother. You will get consistently screwed by the idiotic refs, even in your own barn. And your own fans will look the other way rather than risk being accused of making excuses. They'll even try to find reasons to blame you, rather than face the reality of the reffing situation.

    you're welcome in advance for saving you the trouble.

    Or you can hope things will change in the brand new conference, next year. We all just have to hope.

    :) And now that some Kristos and Simpsons have decided to go elsewhere because of all that and we have some roster spots to fill, if there are any young players out there who like to pout and whine and who will give up when they get a bad call, come on over!

    The rematch for this series will be intense, especially if SCSU gets a couple of its horses back and Parks is healthy.

  13. Yeah, he hasn't looked too confident in his own zone.

    That's true. It's as if he lacks confidence unless he is carrying it out of the zone.

    Is it my imagination or do our Dmen seem to hold the puck a long time before making the first outlet pass? That may be a scheme, but they often seem to hold it until the lane closes.

  14. It's true we could've played better and won, but why should we have to overcome bad reffing all the time? Sometimes a good team can barely win a game even when they are flat and that's how it should be.

    How many points have been left on the board from this stuff, over the years? how many pairwise comparisons have been lost? How many national tournament seeding spots have we dropped?

    Man up. We got beat on the ice by a team that outskated and outhustled us. SCSU deserved the win.

    The refs sucked, but we would have gotten beat anyway.

  15. This game could go a couple different ways here in the third. I'm guessing either:

    A) SCSU scores on the powerplay and goes on to bury UND with a ton of penalties and Hakstol getting tossed.

    B) UND kills the penalty and rallies and wins the game.

    You're probably right.

    Some bad calls, but Hak really has to keep his cool there. He just has to.

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