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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. I think that's a good point. Everything that I've heard is that, for the most part, this team checks its egos at the door, and that they all LOVE playing basketball with each other. In past years, it seemed like we had more of a hodgepodge of individuals, complicated by a slew of hit and miss players transferring in, with all the baggage that they brought with them (i.e. the reasons they left other teams... i know we have a few transfers on this team with Shanks and Wheeler.) Even when we had Huff, Webb, Anderson, Brekke, Wilmer and Schuler off the bench, there were only spurts of team play, strong defense, making the extra pass and the like. Huff would both dazzle me and drive me nuts with his tendency to take the team on his back. This year's recruiting class is the first sizable one to come in together and start fresh together (plus Geno) in a long time, and the best part is they are playing strong defense and unselfish BB.
  2. It's uncanny how winning, or relative progress compared to before, shapes that perception. I've seen little difference court side from the coaching staff but I have witnessed marked improvement from the players' execution and the leadership of Q, plus the steady maturation and gelling of Bernstine, McBuckets, Avants and Crandall. I guess you are right in that, behind the scenes,the coaches do have considerable influence on that on-court process but I see it less as a light switch that all of a sudden turned on at conference time but rather a slow developing process that's been needling upward since the beginning of this season. I hope it continues. It's been nerve wracking at times and a lot of of fun at other times to watch this team grow.
  3. It's believed to be academics related. Reminiscent of when Alonzo Traylor had to sit a few years back. I don't know the rules we'll enough to know whe he's eligible to return.
  4. I think Avants has earned a start in the next two games. Let Shanks come off the bench to provide depth and to keep his fouls down. Also none too impressed with the BSC officials this weekend. They were horrible both ways. But lots of phantom calls on Carson, and a brutal anticipation traveling call on Hooker on Thursday night. Are they too proud in those cases to reverse their original call? This guy just got more adement about it when mildly challenged by Jones and wildly challenged by the crowd.
  5. Only to add to the fun: Collins is said to be the best all around athlete on the team, and has shown only short spurts of what he could be. Shanks is still a raw project but young. He needs to focus on defense and build confidence off that. Oh, and quit holding the ball down by your waist in the paint. Get it up and got to the hole with authority. Cashman at 6-10 has the tools if he could ever put it together on a good team.
  6. Totally agree! I'm calling out the yahoos who clearly had a problem with people who were cheering for the Fighting Hawks.. It goes both ways. And furthermore shouldn't those booing the use of the FH name at hockey games take up your same benevolent stance on the subject, or are they exempt from the opinion?
  7. Valid opinion.. But the fight is over, thank goodness. Let the kids embrace it if they want to. I will continue to be amused by the those that can't do the same. Not necessarily talking about you. Just the people who grumble at the students and others who want to embrace it.
  8. NAU beats Idaho! Color me stunned! 72-70.
  9. Ok. Different sources. Different feedback. It is what it is. Let's move on.
  10. Sometimes it takes time. We fans are impatient and want immediate gratification. That said, I'm not even saying that this will last. Just enjoy the moment. One additional comment: UNI has a tendency to make a lot of low to mid major teams look silly -- home or away. As for NDSU, we've done the same thing to them when they had better teams then they have now. All things being equal, early season basketball is a bit of a crapshoot. I think that is why a lot of us were saying don't get too wrapped up in the nonconference schedule, but do pay attention to conference games, that's where we will earn it or sell the farm. Noncon games are far bigger for major teams that have legit shots at at-large bids, IMHO.
  11. That edict might have stemmed from a parent or two trying to encourage a player or two to play/ do things a certain way that may have been contrary to coaches' guidance. Yes, some choppy waters to be sure, but the fact it's relatively staying in house is a victory in itself.
  12. It's not really home team message board fodder. But it was certainly a locker room issue. Let's just hope they continue their strong play and can keep the underclassmen intact in the offseason for next year and beyond.
  13. No the joke was the few fans who were irked that "their very own" football players were embracing the school's new nickname. Even the end of the national anthem was virtually void of the former name. The few who thought it would be a good punctuation mark to the anthem, uttered a very weak almost in audible attempt. They really are fish out of water when they're not at The Ralph.
  14. Thong guy was "The Swede" -- William James -- and Bubba probably won't have much to say as James is an outgoing senior whose eligibility is up.
  15. Thanks for the update, and being conscious of thread integrity!
  16. Anyone have any idea if Keinan Walter might be ready to go next year as maybe that complement to Drick at forward? He's 6-8 and built a bit like Shields was. Although I have no idea if he can jump out of the gym like Shields could. We also add Wheeler and Brown at guard spot and should get Cashman back inside for depth. A side note: we won this week despite a quiet two games from Baldwin. Thank goodness for McBuckets 2.0!
  17. Football players were insanely good the whole game. They brought an atmosphere to the Betty that has been sorely missing. Now if the rest of the student body follows their lead, we might be on to something. I think they may have ticked off a few stick-in-the mud fans in the building with there "Go Hawks" chants in the second half. It was kind of amusing.
  18. Yeah you could have given us the play by play of the handshake line. seriously, tho, nice win, Hawks!
  19. For those into that kind of thing, Jones shook hands nicely and walked away calmly. He didn't throw his neck tie on the court like Brew nor did he publicly give any officials the bird. I guess that's a fascination among some. ( ;
  20. Hooker with the first triple double in UND BASKETBALL history! What? Wow!
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