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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. Caveat: I never let myself say nice things about the the kids from goofy land: --So let's get this straight... the goofers have a horrible name and logo. It survives on history and tradition but as a stand alone image it all sux, and had something like that been unveiled at UND yesterday, the pitchforks and torches would have been out instead of just hyperbolic opinions over the Internets!
  2. Bubba's speech today made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. He said it best.
  3. Don't kid yourself. There's no way that UND was going to be able to hit a home run with this thing. Too damn heated. Too damn divisive. Too damned much butt hurt. Too subjective. The best we could have hoped for was a slow dribbler up the first base line with the faint possibility that Buckner was there waiting to receive it. Even if God, Himself, would have designed it and delivered it with with a Herald of Angels... it would have been pretty much universally panned. Just the way it is. No surprise.
  4. No clue. Was a three-star recruit (QB with a little WR) out of the Houston Metro, and was just recently named the #42 Best College Football Player in all of Texas, albeit for a horse crap FBS team.
  5. A "C" would be huge! And that's not a dig toward SME. Fingers crossed.
  6. Schafer is one and Faison is the other ..... your guess is as good as mine as to whom to attribute the grades to. Jk.
  7. Actually, I think they are very interested and concerned about how this will play out. I could hold UND in higher esteem than most, though.
  8. The problem, or reality, of it all is that this stuff is so damn subjective and these things tend to endear themselves to people over time. If they did roll out a jet fighter for a logo (which they will not) a great many people would loathe that concept as much as you might think it's great -- or an example of thinking outside the box. Today's reveal will be as close to a no-win situation as you can get. A lukewarm "well I could live with that" type of reaction is about as much as UND can hope for. And SME would consider that reax to be a huge victory.
  9. There will not be a mascot at any UND sporting event for the foreseeable future.
  10. There certainly will be a lot of protest reaction today, as in hate it for the sake of hating it, regardless of what it looks like.
  11. We were never REALLY in the conversation for Nigel Bethel. Johnny Walker (Black or Red, take your pick ) out of Colorado State looks to have taken that DB spot.
  12. There will not be a mascot. End. of. story.
  13. This just in..... FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: NEWS CONFERENCE NOTICE: UND to announce new Fighting Hawks graphic identity WEDNESDAY, June 22 at the High Performance Center The University of North Dakota will hold a news conference on WEDNESDAY, June 22, at 11 a.m., in the school’s Athletics High Performance Center on campus to reveal a new graphic identity for its Fighting Hawks nickname. WHAT: News Conference to announce UND’s new Fighting Hawks graphic identity WHEN: Wednesday, June 22, 11 a.m. WHERE: UND Athletics High Performance Center ( just east of the old Memorial Football Stadium on 2nd Avenue North) WHO: President Ed Schafer and others Contact: Peter Johnson Executive Associate Vice President for University Relations Division of University & Public Affairs University of North Dakota (701) 777-4317 work
  14. Haha... yup. interesting prospect, tho, FWIW.
  15. I see. I've got nothing either other than a few coaches are following him, he has something about "UND '17" on his Twitter handle and he just got released from Texas State. A former 3 star recruit out of Houston, rated #42 best College Football Player in Texas. Hmmmm?
  16. Might it be Demun Mercer, formerly of Texas State?
  17. Yes and no. I was invited to be part of one of several focus groups in which versions or "directions" for potential new logos were discussed. So I do not know which one Ed ultimately will choose but I have an idea of the direction that designers were aiming for.
  18. Well said. I love the football team's approach to the new name ( as well as other athletic programs on campus). They have decided to own it and embrace it. I see that continuing with the new logo, too.
  19. I would say "really cool" is overstating it a bit. It's certainly not terrible. I would go so far as to say it's a decent job. But then again, I was not particularly enamored with the Bennett Brien Indian head logo as a pure marketing logo, either. At first, I thought the Brien logo was too busy, or maybe too intricate, and would be hard to replicate on caps and shirts and uniforms. But, over time, it grew on me a lot, until I fell deeply in love with it (probably due to its association with our school's tradition and legacy). Obviously, many other folks felt the same way, but whether they felt that way right away or warmed up to it like I did is another matter. Maybe the same will happen this time, although, it's different in that we are carting out a whole new thing that replaces a deeply adored and iconic image. So it won't be apples to apples by any stretch. As I say, all the time now, expect this not to be readily embraced because of the deep seeded anxiety and hurt surrounding this whole transition process -- and the fact that this stuff is so damned subjective anyway.
  20. Later than usual, but just renewed my season tix (2) and purchased two additional for this season! Leave no doubt. "Can't wait." (In my best NY Jets' Bart Scott voice.)
  21. Does it really matter, guys? You're arguing a very inane point in the grand scheme of things.
  22. Just North Dakota carried with it problems that have been hashed over ad nauseam on here. I had hoped it would be dropped the first time, was miffed when it was back on the table (regardless of how genuine or disingenuous that gesture was) and was glad it was eliminated a second time. A real nickname, in the truest sense of how we all know them to be, will be better for UND in the long run, IMHO. We are already "North Dakota" and that's not changing anytime soon.
  23. Darrell is more right than he even realizes. The new logo designers, at least when I sat in on the focus group, were suggesting a Fighting Hawks secondary logo (for upper sleeve/ shoulder area, etc. presentations) that incorporated elements of a Sundog (the meteorological phenomenon, not a made up animal illustration) because they sensed there was interest in that during the voting processes and because it had a link to American Indian culture. 

    I told them that that if it ever got around that was being incorporated into the new logo there would be immediate backlash by a lot of the stakeholders out there because of the Sundogs connection to the student/faculty group that pushed for the name change. 

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