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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. I wonder if all this drama will get special treatment on "Through These Doors" I smell an Emmy nomination?
  2. Doesn't need to at all. But it could. And many would be all the happier to see one of the greatest rivalries in all of NCAA football resume. But maybe Kolpak's right. It was a simpler time, and you can really never go home again.
  3. It passes the time as I sit home with 3 sick kids on a Friday afternoon. Sometimes the Internets can be nothing more than a mindless amusement. So I am not making it more serious than it is. By calling for a thread to be shut down, makes it seem more serious and is a true Bisonville move that happens when the propaganda police can't control things any longer.
  4. http://hornets.bigskyfans.com/index.php
  5. I am having more fun over at Sac State message board with all of their two consistently posting fans. Exciting!
  6. Doesn't seem like Sac State message board thinks there's a game this weekend either, by the number of posts and posters.
  7. Well then you'd be the only one not doing that in your conversation. That's a good strategy, too. But, sadly, kind of hard to do consistently year after year ( we at UND should know ). How about a true "marketing strategy" (not a a financial strategy -- two completely different things) that utilizes both playing your biggest -- by far -- OOC FCS rival and paving a path to the playoffs and an NC. They don't have to be mutually exclusive of each other. Best of all worlds!
  8. You'd think that if there was a will there's a way, right? I mean, on years when UND would host the big rivalry game the Alerus Center would be packed to the gills (13,500 with SRO), and this would still happen if ticket prices would be doubled for even the "nosebleed" seats and incrementally even more so for the better seats. Season ticket holders, I am sure, would gladly pay more if they knew the reason was to accommodate the Granddaddy of all rivalry games in the Dakotas. All this not to mention huge concession sales and other fund-raising opportunities based on the "Nickel War." With all that, I am sure that cooler heads could work out a profit sharing agreement, based on all the extra revenue, to help compensate NDSU for all that lost revenue they would incur from busing their players 75 miles up I-29.
  9. I don't disagree with you about not having enough information, and we can quibble all day long about what we do and don't know, but seriously, what the hell does a school's "marketing strategy" have to do with anything? Bottom lines are bottom lines (and yes we are not privy to the info) irrespective of market strategies. That just comes across as a red herring assertion that has little to do with hard number crunching and what will make more money for a host team.
  10. He's actually not that bad. I just get a little tired of the feigned incredulous tone from folks from other teams who venture on her and who are always so "astonished" that we are very optimistic of our teams and our future and that we poo poo the motives and perceived successes of other teams. I mean, for crying out loud, it's a UND message board and we especially despise the Bison, Gophers, Badgers and BC Eagles. The feelings are mutual. What do you expect? We didn't start the fire! But we will continue to keep it stoked.
  11. OK. What series should Hakstol and Faison have waited for to impose the suspensions that would have been better than the first regular season (non-exhibition) game of the season? Just curious.
  12. I thought polls were "meaningless," made up of rankings submitted by lackey team water boys who know nothing about the total FCS landscape?
  13. Quality, Character win for the UND Ladies against what seemed to be a very defensively sound Weber State team!
  14. About Thomas Blake: Not much of a recruiting profile in basketball, but has one in soccer.... looks like a well-rounded athlete with mega school smarts. http://www.herald-ma...0,7502308.photo http://www.ncsasport...l/thomas-blake1 http://www.herald-ma...,0,307126.story Edit: UND info says Blake is enrolled and majoring in General Studies this semester.
  15. Two things: 2012-2013 roster is posted. And who the heck is Thomas Blake, 6'2" freshman guard from Haggerstown, Md. He's on the roster.
  16. With their best CB back home in Grand Forks.
  17. About $20,000 (use of the Alerus Center per contract between city and UND)
  18. After this post, I'm done with UND vs. Aztecs and the coulda, woulda, shouldas. But I can't help but think what might have been if three simple things would have went UND's way: 1) Hendrickson throws a completion or an incompletion on first play from scrimmage instead of a pick 6. 2) Chavon Mackey blocks the punt or misses it completely instead of being penalized for running into kicker and giving SDSU fresh set of downs. 3) Hardin makes the routine catch for a fourth TD instead of dropping it. Despite the poor tackling, lackluster running game and blown assigments by DBs, those three plays were complete back breakers.
  19. You only think that way if you're an NDSU fan, or at the very least, a "double agent." (;
  20. Official fall enrollment is in at UND 15,260 (563 students more than last fall's record official enrollment, or 3.8 percent higher). I am sure we will see more about this later today or tomorrow. EDIT: Make that 15,250
  21. Daryl Brown, und's best CB, stayed back with injury.
  22. For the umpteenth time: it's Schadenfreude (look it up) not jealousy. Why can't you guys get it through your dunderheads? Oh yeah, don't answer that. (:
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