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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. River Rats is probably a great melding of the words "Varmint" and "Channel Cats" in people's memories.
  2. XL 93 (92.9) sometimes has UND talent on the air. It's a pop-rock station and not much for UND sports other than mentioning upcoming games and sometimes interviewing athletes on-air. It's about a mile and half east of campus on University Avenue in the Clear Channel headquarters. The other radio conglomerate, Leighton Broadcasting, is way the hell out in Walle Township about 4 miles south of Grand Forks City Limits. They also have been known to have UND students on the air.
  3. Rough Riders: ... a diverse bunch of men consisting of cowboys, gold or mining prospectors, hunters, gamblers, Native Americans and college boys; all of whom were able-bodied and capable on horseback and in shooting. You're probably right, but the Rough Riders were more diverse than you give them credit for. And the Spanish Soldiers they were fighting were basically white Europeans, so the minority card needn't come into play, either.
  4. Does Roughnecks or Roughneckers resonate with anyone, playing on the state's oil and gas exploration history? Others I've been kicking around in my head, include: Wheatkings Sodbusters Homesteaders Riverboaters Plainsmen Pride (a lion could be used as a mascot in this regard) Rough Riders Nakota Norse Badlanders Remember, many of the nicknames of other universities that we accept as "ok" or "pretty cool," were probably regarded as "lame" at one time, too, but because we've grown up with them, they've somehow become accepted and interwoven in the fabric of said institution. Rivalry aside, imagine if Minny had a different nickname, and it was us that chose the name "Gophers." To me, that name seems pretty lame on the surface, but because of the tradition and history that it carries in Minnesota and because generations there have grown up with it, it's a source of pride and you'd be hard pressed to find any of its fan base who's ashamed of it today.
  5. It was going on long before Wayne was an employee of the Herald. Hell, it was going on long before Wayne was even the editor of the Jamestown Sun -- way before his days at the Herald. We're talking about back in the days when Virg Foss was a clean shaven cub reporter fresh out of St. Olaf College.
  6. Below you will find a list of college program nicknames from schools of all shapes and sizes, some under NCAA authority and others not. My point is this, imagine being the first students or alumni or stakeholders in your schools to be slapped with nicknames like any of the ones below. I am sure it would take some time to warm up to them. Now, some of the nicknames below have an odd connection to the school or the region that the school is in, I realize that, so they make a little sense. Others, though, are very random -- I mean, Youngstown Penguins? C'mon. Maybe there's local folklore or a legend that would explain situations like that, who knows? Even the well established and nationally accepted nicknames of today like the Ducks for Oregon, or the Kangaroos of UMKC, or the Gamecocks of South Carolina must have had an uneasy growing period for popularity at one time. Now those students, fans and alumni wear their odd nicknames across their chest like a badge of honor. They think it's clever and original, I guess. They might be right. My guess is the same will happen here at UND, eventually. Anyway here's my list; there are more: Hokies Ducks Bonnies Anteaters Loons Fighting Squirrels Gorloks Poets Zips Great Danes Greyhounds Kangaroos Threshers Polar Bears Judges Bridges Vulcans Tartans Mules Maroons Camels Fight'n Blue Hens Gila Monsters Purple Aces Stags Diplomats Paladins Hoyas Sycamores Prairie Fire Duhawks Chaparrals Terrapins Fighting Muskies Lobos Setters Lutes Pilots Anchormen Profs Red Flash Billikens Pomeroys Oles Peacocks Gamecocks Bees Llamas Salukis Mad hatters Orange Dust devils Havelinas Trolls Catamounts Keydets V-hawks Little Giants Argonauts Shockers Blugolds Wombats Muskateers Penguins etc.
  7. Whatever is chosen will be hated immediately by most of us old timers, simply, because we can't have the one we loved and grew up with. That said, the conventional wisdom points to whatever nickname is chosen will eventually be accepted by the kids, current students and new alumni and will gain momentum over time.
  8. Actually, I think you were told that the practice had been going on long before the nickname was a goner; in fact, the use of the term "Green and White" can be found in Herald archives going back decades. It is just more noticeable now as they tend to do it a bit more because -- shocker-- there is no official nickname to use. And yes, I wouldn't worry about it. This is what the kids these days like to refer to as First-World problems.
  9. Teeder11


    True, but I also said that behavior, though, unfortunate, is not enough to revoke your participation on this board. My exact sentence is below: "That was all fine and good and would not have been enough to warrant banning, IMHO." It's the threats that popped up recently that crossed the line.
  10. Teeder11


    Watchmaker was a tool in the same mold as the AC trolls you listed. The only difference was that Watchmaker got off on trolling his fellow UND fans. He liked to side with the minority opinion whether he shared that opinion in his heart of hearts or not. Case in point, when most of the board was for keeping the nickname, he changed his stance and posed as an anti-nicknamer so he could stir the pot. Then when the tide started to shift and more and more people started voicing support for retiring the nickname, he called them traitors, flip floppers, unprincipled, etc. He would go tooth and nail (personal stuff) against DaveK and Chewey over their strong support for keeping the nickname at all costs, and then, when it became clear that their opinions were in the minority and it became too boring to continue his assault on them, he immediately changed his tune and defended them to the hilt against the very same "traitors," "flip floppers" and "unprincipled" hord he once aligned with. So, in essence, he was making a mockery of the board. He wasn't here to share opinions or add perspective; he was here to slash and burn for the sick fun and enjoyment that he got out of being an anonymous a-hole. That was all fine and good and would not have been enough to warrant banning, IMHO -- until recently, when it appeared that his rhetoric was escalating to threats of physical violence against other board members through their PMs and such. That's bush... and I am glad he's gone.
  11. After stalking Twitter, it looks like Aeron Carr, Dustin Iverson and Kyle Norberg are enjoying this balmy week together in Grand Forks for New Student Orientation at UND. https://twitter.com/KNorb44/status/349381041699565569/photo/1
  12. That was a bit of an inside joke as Schloss is a huge Miami Hurricanes football fan. He's gone to several of their home games over the years.
  13. Is Stock the one that goes by CAS on Bville?
  14. It's ok, though, because it wasn't an act of violence or sexual in nature (sarc.). LOL!
  15. Teeder11


    Should have said 90 or higher, Nostradamus!
  16. Interesting. That surprises me given the big learning curve that tends to come with learning technique, footwork and other mechanics that are unique to secondary positions. Being this is his last year, he'll have to be a really quick study or be content with a special teams and/or reserve role. It made more sense to me when they moved Ivery to the secondary as he had more time ahead of him to learn the position. He's talented and quick, I will give McGill that.
  17. Not really that surprising. It's just a juvenile reaction to seeing the same stuff about UND on here from trolls or on another program's message board. Goes both ways. We just have a lot of other-team fans (and a couple of supposed "UND fan" contrarians who like to feign indignation and argue for the sake of argument) on here that like to remind us that we are supposed to check our biased fanatic card at the door and see things from a realistic, informed, un-opinionated, pragmatic and unbiased standpoint. Makes for a boring message board sometimes. That's all.
  18. That's a very good bet. I have not been told anything that exact, but I have been told that it is imminent this summer. The State Board of Higher Ed approved its demolition way back in February.
  19. OK, so your unemployed; I was trying to be nice.
  20. Oh they do and they have and they will continue to. (i.e. alcohol violations, suspensions, drug busts, child support neglect, fleeing police, disorderlies, etc.) This usually is all met with much chagrin and feigned incredulity by the Siouxsports community and UND admin. I've perused lots of threads on here about how unfair the GF media was to UND athletes. We can argue about Kristo's "side" of the frostbite incident and how the media reported it, but, for the most part, accurate accounts of UND athletes' run-ins with the law have and do make the news.
  21. Can't and won't ... besides his shift at the north Fargo 7/11 starts in 15 minutes. Needs time to bike it and punch the clock.
  22. What does this have to do with the thread in question? If you're suggesting that UND hockey alumni give less time, talent and treasure back to UND than AC football alumni do to their alma mater, then I have to ask, what's your source? I don't know who gives more? They probably give the same. Who cares? Or are you just trying to be contrarian again? Stirring the pot for s & g?
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