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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. UND beats NDSU 4-2 in home opener!
  2. UND up 3-1 over NDSU with less than 20 minutes left in game. All 3 UND goals scored by freshmen.
  3. I don't know what this has to do with the thread topic, but actually, no, Dan, the College of Education is the 7th largest college/school at UND, ahead of only Law and the medical school. Again, I don't know what it proves, but there it is.
  4. Heard the football coaches might soon be personally delivering season-tix packages to consumers (within 30 minutes or less or you get them free). All you fans outside of Grand Forks County should pony up! Edit* It must be a local promotion (as in within a certain proximity of GF). If I hear more, I will post.
  5. About right, IMHO. Now, c'mon, boys. Prove to us you deserve higher!
  6. Does this pick up suggest one of our bigs won't be back? Edit** Just saw Tom Miller's story on this, and there was no mention of anyone leaving the team. Whew! Plus, it looks like we will be loaded with bigs, with Wall, Evers, Roscoe and O'Toole (all 6-3 or taller).
  7. Frank-talking chef Anthony Bourdain had a great tweet today along the lines of: "Can't wait to see Biebs opening up for MENUDO at the county fair in about 10 years!"
  8. Thanks. That always happens to me when I assume things.
  9. That is big! UND's recruiting edge with that dude, over the others who've offered, is that he'd have a chance to play closer to home a lot more times with us.
  10. Not gonna happen. The LBGTQ would cry foul. (;
  11. That's what I was thinking, too.
  12. Groupthink hardly. This is an awesome family squabble. (:
  13. Something special? If my calculations of your age are accurate... you grew up in the Rocky and Bobby B. coaching years. Not much special about those halcyon days of yesteryear at Moo U, IMHO.
  14. I'll give you that. I can appreciate your new-found giddiness and zeal for your beloved NDSU. This winning stuff is all pretty new to you. When you were growing up -- outside of women's basketball -- you didn't see much for Nattys. Those musta been some pretty lean years to love the hometown team.
  15. Uh, fun fact, it was 22 years since NDSU won a championship in football before 2012. So what is your point? See how this works? Everyone has their talking points, perspectives and stats, and we could go on on like this all day and night.
  16. True, programs do make runs from time to time. I guess that would be like me saying to you after UND won the national championship in 2000, its second in 3 years, "Didn't Saddam Hussein invade Kuwait the last time NDSU won anything?" What comes around goes around, I guess. Difference is I have the years and perspective to realize that, and know that the king of the hill today sits on a precarious throne. I just don't pompously and naively go around strutting around like a peacock in the neighbor's yard and expect not to be teased.
  17. Your words not mine, buddy. Just trying to maintain the apples to apples comparisons (premier program vs premier programs). You threw me off when you wrote about a team winning championships, I thought you were finally seeing the light and talking about UND hockey and its championships (tied for second most in the NCAA), and then I thought you were contrasting that with the "embarrassing" string of issues down at NDSU, especially recently. But I guess you still have the yellow and gold blinders on, even though you're constantly trying to horn your way in with the in-crowd up here with us. It must bite to not be accepted where you obviously truly want to be.
  18. Regularly gets embarrassed? You're absolutely right. With all those off the field issues, you couldn't be more right that NDSU "regularly gets embarrassed." That is a mess. But I thought you guys were doing ok with attendance? Certainly as well as UND's premier sports does attendancewise on a given home weekend.
  19. I think one of our loyal posters in the women's hockey threads just got a huge honor very recently from the North Dakota sports writers and sportscasters! Congrats!
  20. Shows they don't read fan message boards, I guess.
  21. I know you were addressing Mariucci (Yuk!, can't believe I typed that word ), and I hate to keep sounding like a dink to you, as you typically have some very great points on a lot of issues, but to answer your question in a word: Yes. Ok, I'm done.
  22. As someone who used to work in the vile media ( a long time ago, albeit), let me try to inject a little perspective here, for what it's worth: It really has nothing to do with what a player did or didn't do when he/she was with a particular team that plays a role in how a local media source will identify them. Local media will, and always have tried to, well, "localize" stories or elements of stories. Thus, it is only natural for a Minnesota media outlet to identify the Lammy twins with something local that their publics can appreciate. It's like when the Herald writes about Jimmy Kliensasser. He is always ID'd as a "former UND star." But in the Twin Cities, he would be described as "former Viking Jimmy Kleinsasser." In the Jamestown Sun, Darin Erstad would be "Jamestown native and former Blue Jay Darin Erstad;" in Lincoln, Neb., he would be "former Husker baseball and football star Darin Erstad" or "current Husker head baseball coach Darin Erstad;" and in Anaheim, well, you get the picture. Hope this helps.
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