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Everything posted by tnt

  1. The thing is we are talking about all of this in the confines of a game, not real-life blows. Do you honestly believe if Commodore punched Matt Greene on the street, Matt Greene would be giving him a pat on the back for a job well done? Get a little context here.
  2. Somehow I don't think Greene thought Commodore was trying to injure him, because if you notice when Commodore was on top of him, Greene gave him a pat. Hmmm, sounds like a brotherhood to me!
  3. I thought that Olsen said that Duluth was on him early.
  4. I'm assuming you were just looking for a place to take a shot at Colorado, because you can't actually believe that scoring a goal against Colorado is somehow less of an achievement than scoring goals against other NHL teams.
  5. I believe they tried cooling it down in the arena a few years back, even went so far as to tell the fans to prepare for it being colder. Obviously it didn't work, or they heard a lot of complaints.
  6. It only takes one good win to regain some of the lost confidence. I for one won't bury the gophers until they are out of the NCAA tournament. It is not like Wisconsin and CC outplayed Minnesota badly, in fact it was quite the opposite in some circumstances. Why is it we are so disposed to think the Sioux have a run of bad luck and puck bounces, but it doesn't happen to other teams. From what it sounds like, they are still working hard but a bounce here or a bounce there isn't going their way, and we all know that in the WCHA that can be the determining factor, whether you outplay a team or not.
  7. I would think that Gregoire would have just as good of a chance at All-Rookie as Connolly, since he has more points and has been a major contributor on the powerplay and shorthanded. The league traditionally has rewarded players on teams that finish high if there isn't a huge difference in numbers, and let's face it, that is what it comes down to a lot of the time.
  8. Yes, this is what I was referring to. By most of the talk about the hit on LaPoint, it appears that Sioux fans are a little more objective.
  9. Why should Bruess not have been in the game? Even if he got booted for a check from behind the night before like he should have, he wouldn't have to sit the next night unless they called a game disqualification, which is rare for checking from behind.
  10. Just as I predicted Chris from WCH fails to mention anything but the LaPoint incident, and none of the stuff that was not borderline. Like I said, the guy has no credibility. If it would have been a Sioux player, you can be sure that it wouldn't be something unfortunate that happens in hockey all the time if I might paraphrase his blog.
  11. tnt


    A sweep and a split by CC and Minnesota I believe would secure home ice for the Sioux, but I'm still hoping the Sioux sweep and CC sweeps.
  12. I think for the mostpart, Mankato is a hardworking team like the Sioux. I don't think you can hold the whole Mankato team responsible for the actions of Bruess. True, the slash at the end was uncalled for, but I think that was frustration coming out. I'm not saying it was o.k., just don't think it is a true representation of most of the Maverick players. I think Bruess better hope they don't play the Sioux early in the year next year, because I think they will set the tone for the year on him.
  13. It will be interesting to see what Chris has to say about the cheap play of the Mavs this weekend. A kneeing by Bruess, a check from behind by Breuss, not counting the one I thought happened to Lapoint, a roundhouse slash by a Mav player after the game. Let's not forget Bruess was involved with Kaip two years ago when Kaip was begging Hak to be able to let him have it, then he did get what for from Kaip last year when he was running JPL. Add the concussion to Lucia to the list, and you have an out of control player. It's funny how things like this seem to miss the eye of Chris, but then again his credibility is very suspect.
  14. Don't you think it was predictable that the Sioux would see much more powerplay time after the hit on LaPoint? Since I was at the game and didn't see the replay, I only know that I thought it was another hit from behind that went uncalled, and put us in a bad situation for the rest of the game. I was pretty sure the refs would try make things right, except how do replace a defenseman possibly for the year.
  15. I believe Kevin McKinnon left and came back playing really well.
  16. Sunday tickets are sold. Will take $25 a piece for Saturday's tickets.
  17. Can you imagine the outcry if the Sioux put a guy as big as Grant Scott out on the ice for the first time after a fiasco like the night before? Let's see, he obviously wasn't good enough to be out there, but you put him out there nonetheless, then send him to junior hockey. All I am saying, is give peace a chance.
  18. I wouldn't feel too sorry for them, at this point they are in better position to make the NCAA tournament than we are.
  19. Explain to me how a team like Michigan Tech has the fewest penalty minutes per game. Hakstol was adamant that they just quit calling penalties on Tech in their series at Houghton. This to me shows that they do not enforce the obstruction penalties like they should, because Michigan Tech is the master of obstruction.
  20. Exactly, nobody knows the motivation of the player, nor the team that drafts him. I will never be fully confident a person that is somewhat of a flight risk will be back, until I see them in the fall.
  21. What do you think Sheppard would say about all the message boards that think both he and McLeod are the problem with the league. They are part of a structure that has no accountability for poor officiating, which leads to many of the on-ice problems.
  22. Gotta agree with you there. In the past three weeks, I have seen gopher players retaliate or instigate 4 times, and each and every time it was from behind or when someone was down. I'm all for sticking up for teammates, but do it face to face. I know standing up for teammates is somewhat new for the gophers, as witnessed by Stoa saying that Shack's attack was the first time they stood up this year, but there are ways that are more honorable than others. I would be embarrased if you hadn't stuck up for teammates until 3/4 of the season was complete.
  23. You have selective memory. When the gophers hit Oshie late last year, didn't Zajac jack Lucia from behind? Sometimes you just respond without thinking first. Not saying that is right or wrong, just that in a game like hockey your emotions can get the best of you. My problem is with guys like Woog and Mazzocco who after this event said how nice it is to have a guy like Shack, while they lit into Zach Jones for being classless when he wanted to handle things from the front.
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