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Everything posted by tnt

  1. So being concerned by undisciplined play is being a front runner?
  2. I will only say that the discipline of this team when the chips were down concerns me very much. The Sioux have always been a "don't beat yourself" team, and Mussman even talked about how Stonybrook beat themselves last week. They say you can find out a lot about a team when there is adversity. I only hope the reflection from this game isn't a recurring theme.
  3. This was very disconcerting to me! How can you expect your team to believe that Sioux Falls is a threat, if you don't. Injecting Sutton before it got out of hand in the first half might have changed the complexion, because the Sioux couldn't even penetrate the line of scrimmage. I was giving the offensive line and defense the benefit of the doubt up until now, thinking that the competition was just consistently better at this level, but after today, I have to say that I haven't seen an offensive line or defense that can't seem to muster anything in the way of a push. To not even get pressure on an NAIA team's quarterback this week, while the same team is harassing your quarterback all day, really leaves me wondering what is going on. It looked like we were playing prevent defense all day, while we couldn't even get a sniff against their defense. I generally don't like to post on the day of a frustrating loss, but I think these issues are undeniable, even after a cooling off period. The problem for me, is I don't think you can chalk this up totally to having a bad day. Kind of ironic that Sioux Falls dons purple uniforms isn't it. Sioux Falls appears to be our Holy Cross. What goes around comes around!
  4. I think his dad played at Michigan State. If he's good enough, why not trade in one green jersey for another.
  5. I think even many gopher fans agree that Minnesota will try to bring a physical presence this year and will try to carry it throughout the weekend. I believe that will include chippiness. When UND responds to that, I believe Woog and Mazzocco's reply will be "Here we go again". I also believe they will be appalled when someone tries to get at Tony Lucia, because goodness knows he isn't an instigator like Hextall.
  6. I will only say that Grand Forks would have far fewer restaurants and retail if it were not for the Alerus. Remember, the Alerus was in the works before the Ralph was a pipedream. Of course it is hard to support two buildings like that in one town, but what do you do now. Maybe the city should tax the heck out of the Ralph. Remember one other thing, the city was subsidizing the Civic Auditorium for about the same amount as the annual shortfalls from the Alerus. Also, I realize that most people here are hockey fans only, but do you honestly believe the UND football team would be able to recruit at the same level without the Alerus? I bet they would have had 3000 people tops last weekend at the game if it were outdoors. You can flame away, but you can't convince me that the Alerus has been bad for Grand Forks all things considered.
  7. Anyone know if any recruits will be in this weekend to watch the rivalry? Didn't we get four commits in short order last year after the gopher series here?
  8. If you can say this in about a week, I will be happy.
  9. Friday: VandeVelde Saturday: Kristo
  10. I would say that the University needs to get involved in this if this is the product they are advertising across the country and trying to sell the University of North Dakota. To sell UND as the most technically advanced, then put out a production that isn't as good as it could be, might reflect on the University itself. Pat and WDAZ should ask for help in this endeavor, and if they have and there is no response, perhaps a benefactor could help out.
  11. They are cheap patches and it makes the jersey look cheap. Why do they not think these things through before proceeding? Do the marketing people lack the pulse of the fans on stuff like that. I would probably have bought the jersey if it wasn't for the cheap arm patches.
  12. Knowing how slow the Sioux usually start out, Sioux fans should hate the getting a point for getting to overtime. You can't gain ground as fast on teams that you are only gaining a point on. I wonder how many games went to O.T. a few years back when the Sioux absolutely had no room for error after the first half of the year. Trupps O.T. goal in Minneapolis might have not been as big a turning point as it was if the gophers would have come out of the game with something. I know there are times when it works against you, but I'm fine with that, because that is what gives those overtime games the tension and on the edge of your seat for every shot toward either net. I hate that feeling at the time, but the exhiliration when the Sioux win those games is higher in my eyes when you deprive the other team of anything.
  13. I absolutely hate the getting one point for a loss. It goes against everything that sports is. I can see giving out a point for losing in a shootout, because that is meant just to get an outcome one way or another. I think if you get a point for just getting to overtime, you would see a lot more of the traps that many fans hate to see halfway through the 3rd period, and even earlier if you are a scoring-challenged team. I don't have the numbers to back it up, but it seems there are so many more NHL games that go to overtime now, and you don't see the style of play open up until the 4 on 4 overtime when the point is secure.
  14. Apparently you should look into self-awareness as well. When you decry the Sioux, then apologize for Trevor Bruess, maybe you have some soul-searching to do.
  15. Remember him ranting about Radke hitting a player when he was already down. Then we see footage of a Denver player doing the same to a gopher player the year before. I agree with the people that say it is hard to take him seriously with his background of classlessness. He is the kind of person that talks behind the backs of people then sucks up to them when he is around them. Remember him mocking "gopher pride" when he is around Sioux coaches and announcers?
  16. I voted, but it won't let me fellow workmates vote.
  17. I see that someone on GPL was asking for the password too so they could pass it along to fellow gopher fans. Perhaps the administration needs to come up with another way to do it next year to get maximum Sioux fans in the stands.
  18. I think your last line explains it-- put as many Sioux fans in the seats as possible. Gopher fans are on this website as well, and they would use the password just as easily as a Sioux fan. After some jackass gopher fan was bragging about getting 16 tickets online last year while some Sioux fans were lamenting getting none despite being online right away, I am quite pleased that the administration decided to take this route to get as many Sioux fans in the seats as possible.
  19. Not saying Gleason can or will do the same, but Jake Marto wasn't hyped coming out of the USHL becasue he didn't put up the numbers Derrick Lapoint did, but he sure has performed above expectations.
  20. The one thing I like about our freshmen, is that most of them have a lot of experience in junior leagues, so they have a chance to make an impact right away.
  21. I don't think you could call Bobby Stroup one of the two best linebackers at UND in the last decade. He had potential to be great, but didn't reach that full potential when he was here.
  22. They usually reserve pillaging and burning things for a championship won in the Cities, so I guess since the boys only won the McNaughton Cup, they felt they needed to scale down a bit and only damage their own property.
  23. Yes he was, he had a foot injury here then ended up at Harvard.
  24. Add Greg Geldart to that list, although he didn't play here long. Same with Kevan Melrose, who ended up with a foot injury and I believe ended up at Harvard. Also, Colin Forbes was a casualty of Gasparini getting fired, so he decided not to come.
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