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Everything posted by tnt

  1. Yeah, it wasn’t long after that, in fact I think the same shift that Loheit cross checked Dylan James after the whistle right in front of the ref, and it didn’t become a penalty until after Jamernik stuck up for his teammates.
  2. Has Blake been good? He is right behind him in scoring.
  3. I see Lane Hutson’s brother Quinn was the one with the hat trick last night for BU.
  4. Wouldn’t care if there were UND ties if those in charge of making the hire didn’t give that extra weight, which it seems like they have in the past. It reminds me of how a lot of people want term limits for Congress, but when it comes to their own state, they are great guys and they keep re-electing them. If things aren’t getting better your term limit is up.
  5. Especially when you don’t have a downfield presence. How about some back shoulder throws to a guy who can go up and get it. Would help to open up their bubble screens which everybody is on to.
  6. I think Cooper Moore had a very good sophomore season, but just seemed to regress and take too many chances.
  7. We certainly have had our fair share of sleepy games on Thanksgiving weekend, and I’m not talking about the fans. I would like to see Hedquist get a game against Bemidji, but does that send a message to the players that it should be an easy game, or does it help them focus on making sure they don’t hang him out to dry. I’m glad I don’t have to make decisions like that, because if it doesn’t work out the fans go crazy, just like when Cam Johnson was given his first start against Lake Superior State and had to be pulled after giving up 3 goals after a period.
  8. Yes, coming off a very hard schedule early on, the challenge now is to focus on not getting ahead of themselves and take wins for granted against teams that are most likely not going to be in the upper echelon. In other words, “stay focused” so you don’t get dragged down by bad pairwise losses.
  9. Yeah, after watching him play, surprised that he didn’t get drafted by someone.
  10. Got to say, these announcers were very good. Far cry from Judd Medak, who was also a former Duluth player, but didn’t have a thread of objectivity in him.
  11. There were times when it was second down and 5-7 and USD was playing 10 yards off of our slot receiver, when a quick throw would give us the first down, but we wouldn’t take advantage.
  12. Which makes you wonder why our defense is continually giving up 2nd and 3rd downs of 15-20 yards.
  13. Agree, so because we have one lame person come on and try and create friction between the sports, is no reason to double down the other direction.
  14. So soccer is the best sport ever in your eyes if it comes to how many people agree on what is a “great” sport.
  15. For sure, the fact that we don’t throw deep hinders us in so many ways. Get a dual threat quarterback with the threat to throw deep opens up our running and short passing game that much more.
  16. Exactly, we need to focus on getting all our programs going in the right direction. When your fan base has little confidence you can win on the road, that’s a problem that needs to be addressed by more than just coach speak.
  17. But Ziebarth came back in only after we lost momentum. I prefer a killer instinct.
  18. …and how did we beat NDSU, by running it down their throats with Ziebarth. He was nowhere to be found in the second half, except after momentum had switched. Once again, that is on the coaches.
  19. The problem you have is he is a game manager, and the coaches aren’t. We had a chance to run it down their throats when we still had the momentum, and the coaches didn’t see that.
  20. Show of hands, how many at halftime were confident UND would win with a 10 point lead. I certainly wasn’t.
  21. “We’ve got to do better, and we as coaches have to be better”!
  22. 2nd and 24, and was sure they would covert with 2 plays.
  23. Assuming he is hurt again. If not, total incompetence
  24. When we throw deep, just about positive we run on second down.
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