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Everything posted by tnt

  1. I see what you did there. You are apart of the gobc not a part of the gobc. So in other words you know squat.
  2. Not as good as others because they have all those crappy players from Grand Forks.
  3. So you say Grand Forks hockey rules in a small window of the state. Well then, UND hockey rules this year too!
  4. Wait a minute, I thought Grand Forks hockey rules! You have quite the dilemma with a guy from Grafton winning the Natty with Duluth and their guys making the development team ahead of a Grand Forks Guy!
  5. Apparently not since 2 also accepted.
  6. In their last 7 games Duluth only scored 3 goals once, and that was in overtime. Sure, we need to improve our production offensively, but our bigger problem the second half of the year was not playing as well defensively as we did the first half.
  7. They'll get stronger because schools like that become adept at doing one thing great -- Cheat! Seriously, that is why I really don't care for teams like Cal and other schools starting up college hockey programs. Don't want it to become like football and basketball where if you aint cheating you aint trying. College hockey isn't perfect, but they are saints compared to those other sports.
  8. Sure is impressive. Can't wait to see what kind of impact he makes next year.
  9. They just had a big story of complaints on KVLY the other week in Fargo.
  10. Duluth was led in scoring by a freshman defenseman. Not so sure their numbers were that much more extraordinary, but they won which allows one to look past any shortcomings. Who knows how things pan out for us with only one more regular season win. Jones missing games that from all accounts shouldn’t have happened, could easily have changed the outcome of the pairwise. One thing is for sure, a better locker room is necessary to have a better team. Hopefully that will be the case next year.
  11. I feel bad for the girl you were seeing. I assume she came to her senses!
  12. https://www.draftsite.com/nhl/player/jacob-bernard-docker/30302/ Since we aren't bringing him in, maybe Notre Dame swooped in and stole him from us. I know Notre Dame is on a roll right now, but in the hockey world ND has always been North Dakota.
  13. Being that Boltmann is young and is in the hunt, that might be a good sign. Otherwise I hold to the theory if you have 3 quarterbacks, you have none. Kind of the same thing when you have 3 goaltenders that aren’t separating themselves from each other.
  14. tnt


    Aren’t you going to wait to see if Duluth wins it all? Remember, getting there means nothing to you. So far, Berry has one Natty in 3 years, which matches Sandy’s total!
  15. https://www.isshockey.com/iss-top-31/ Interesting that they have Bernard Docker ahead of Tychonick. I am sure his maturity and character are playing a role in that as well as his skill and how he has really ripped it up lately. With him possibly sneaking higher in the draft, it sure makes you wonder if the coaches consider the possibility of him coming in this fall.
  16. http://www.ajhl.ca/media-centre/news-archives.html?nID=13353 Bast was on the all Rookie team, and Bernard Docker was a unanimous selection to all league. Tanner Laderoute was 1st team all league. Duluth picked him up late as an overage recruit. Be interesting to see how he does compared to Huber. Wonder if he is getting scholarship money from Duluth. Is it a matter that we know Huber might stay even if he doesn't get a lot of playing time whereas Laderoute is an overage player that is projected as playing?
  17. Same can be said of guys like Carson Soucy and others with Duluth. If they are on your team, they play with an edge, if they don’t, they are cheap.
  18. I'm a Bruin fan, and what scares me the most is that Marchand just doesn't get it. How many times do you have to be suspended before you alter your behavior for the good of the team? When it is this close to the playoffs and you are involved with risky behavior, it shows quite a bit of selfishness in my book.
  19. Another year in the Elite league should help, but if he could work with someone to get that extra step in his skating that will put him over the top.
  20. Christian Wolanin with first NHL goal tonight.
  21. We know that young commits to Wisconsin come here later anyway. Boeser and Schmaltz should help in that regard.
  22. I read some of his hockey tweets, and it certainly comes across as desperate to get people to read college hockey news articles. That might explain a lot.
  23. So is Jost. Has goals 11 &12 of the season so far tonight.
  24. If Arizona State had recruited Jack Rowe when we did initially, I probably would have considered that a miss at the time because he was doing well in some of the select camps. You don't hear a lot about Michael Fink anymore either. Lot's of hits and misses when you're recruiting at those ages, and sadly it is probably going to get worse before it gets better.
  25. Just to put some perspective on this, there was someone that projected another Arizona State player, Riley Simpson, as a big loss for UND. His sophomore season he didn't have a point, but of course you can bet that whoever considered him a big loss would have been ripping on the coaches had he put up big numbers. Remember all the people thinking UND should sign a bunch of players off the EGF championship hockey team? Probably one of the players who wasn't mentioned much was Colton Poolman, a very nice addition.
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