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Posts posted by homer

  1. FU will be tough to beat in Fargo. I didn't get to watch the CC game today.

    EWU beating up on the Jacks isn't surprising. What is surprising is how they rushed on a MVFC defense. We heard a lot about how soft EWU was.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Hurts a bit, doesn't it?!?!

    Not really. There was actually a punishment for multiple offenses. The action taken by UND was better than questioning whether those involved have been through enough and letting it pass. I suppose Faison could have punished with extra conditioning

    • Upvote 1
  3. This year's recruiting class is essentially irrelevant because we are in the process of doing something way more important. The new head coach has the potential to reboot this program to a playoff level for years to come. Sacrificing one recruiting class for a quality head coach hire only makes sense.

    Well said. Its about all he has left to comment on.

  4. Don't care about any of that. The fact is NAU placed 2nd in the BSC and beat UM bad during the season. How's recruiting going??

    So some of you FU fans want to visit results from during the season and others want to use results from the playoffs. You guys really are looking over your back shoulder aren't you.

    On a side note, Danno, noticed you haven't been in any of the women's sports threads or the men's basketball threads lately................weird.

    • Upvote 2
  5. Feel sorry for the kids, but not for the coach. Hardee is apparently a good coach, but way too arrogant. When UND went into the Big Sky, he pretty much guaranteed they would win the Big Sky and get into the NCAA's. He said even if the didn't win the tournament, they would be a Top 25 type team and get an at large bid. Do you suppose he will be watching tomorrow with his team waiting for their name to be called?

    You would take him as the coach at FU in a second.

  6. What you just mentioned is really not significant. First off, the playing experience does NOTHING for his coaching credentials. He has less than two years FBS experience, that's the only way to put it. Also, the top assistant in the ACC thing was apart of a subjective article done on ESPN. I wouldn't read too much into that.

    I agree that Bollinger is nothing more than a familiar name that we are hoping will give UND a hometown discount. He shouldn't be a top candidate. I would even argue Montana State's Jamie Marshall is a better candidate.

    I wouldn't be entirely opposed to Bollinger but there are better candidates in my opinion. I don't believe anyone when they say he couldn't be a bust; he absolutely could be a bust because he has no college head coaching experience!!

    I don't want a head coach that failed at the FBS level either.

  7. Sorta like not one person mentioning Brian Ferentz. He played at a Big Ten school, played in the NFL, Coached in the nfl, and is currently a position coach at a big ten school in Iowa so he also is familiar with the area.

    Why has no one mentioned him (or numerous others with the same "qualifications")?

    (hint: no _____D connection)

    Think he'll apply?

  8. And brooks Doesn't have any of that experience....although a year or two of head coaching high school?....his greatest asset to UND fans..."we know who he is."

    Not one person would be mentioning him if he wasn't from gf....numerous other coaches have the same or better credentials.

    Part of recruiting this area is getting someone who can relate and is known. The example of Lennon in SIU is a good one. Another coach with simar qualifications/experiences as Brooks might not be a big deal here but would be attractive elsewhere. That is part of the deal.

  9. The NA/SDSU game will be an interesting matchup. Northern Arizona has shown it is vulnerable vs. the run and SDSU has a good one. I also was not very impressed with SDSU's defense in the one game I saw them this year but that was early so who knows how they are playing now.

    I'm going to take Northern Arizona to win at home by 10.

  10. In the end, this will mean more UND athletics being broadcast. Whether that's through Midco, or even if Midco successfully bids for the ac contract then I've no doubt NBC North Dakota would pick up UND.

    Midco isn't going to drop UND for FU. There is a reason Midco made UND the highest paid school of all their TV right deals. It gives them value from August-April.

    If anything adding FU gives one more reason for their programming to possibly be picked up nationwide on various sports programming packages.

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