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Posts posted by homer

  1. The graduations of Brock Jensen, Ryan Smith, Crocket, Ojuri, Billy Turner, Grant Olson, Marcus Williams, the entire starting DL, and probably some others may slow it down.

    I'm not saying the cupboards are bare but that is a lot to replace in one year. Bohl knew what he was doing leaving now.

    Bohl and his staff have had a recruiting plan and stuck with it from the start. They knew the type of player they wanted and where they were going to get them. Someone asked in another thread for reasons Muss didn't succeed. My biggest reason was recruiting and not having a plan. In the last few years our main recruiting area has changed from ND, MN, WI to California than to Illinois. We can get talented players from there to fill some roster spots but it can't be the main recruiting area.

    FU will be fine next year. They might lose a couple but if they can still get homefield in playoffs, they will be tough out.

  2. Watched NDSU-NH last night.

    Watching NW Missouri/Lenoir-Rhyne DII championship right now.

    The difference between the two is obvious.

    Can't believe we harken back to the days of our DII success to resurrect this program.

    UND/GF area has always bugged me. Think small be small.

    Meanwhile 70 miles south we have a university/town that dares to grow and be better.

    I'll maybe agree with you after I see the staff either of these guys has put together. I originally wasn't sold on the idea someone mentioned earlier but perhaps there is a chance we sign a guy like Pflugaard to an O-Cord/Asst. Head Coach position. Bubba could tell him the offense is yours and Bubba can focus on the defense with Schmidt and whomever else he brings in. I don't think we need to offer over $150,000 to get either of the two finalists so Faison needs to use that money on filling the staff.

  3. Towson will run all over EWU's #104 ranked defense.

    Towson's O-line is very good.

    NDSU/Towson in the NC game.

    Could happen. EIU was having some success throwing the ball last week on Towson. They went away from it for awhile and it hurt them. I think Towsons RB will have a nice day.

    I'll take EWU by 17. I think the beat 3 teams all year are still left but there is a drop off from FU to the two playing today.

  4. I agree, but barely. I saw alot more emotion out of fans for beating ndsu in womens basketball a few days ago than I would expect for a BSC championship.

    Wow, how dare fans show emotion after coming back from almost ten down with 7 minutes to play.

  5. this^

    And if it is between the two guys on the same team.............what would you think as a player? hmm?

    I would think that possibly the only coach to have ever won a Nat'l Championship here and is also an alumni here (wants UND to be as successful as all of us do) possibly recommended either of his cordinators if contacted by Faison???

  6. It's NCAA's or bust every year for NDSU, which is why the fanbase is uneasy.

    I'm a little shocked that your expectations are the Big Sky Conference Tournament or bust.

    Not every team in the Big Sky makes the conference tournament so yes, that has to be goal #1. Last year there was a lot of disappointment after the conference tournament so your hockey only thoughts are tiring.

    And I heard Saul the other day trying to justify his loses this year but he didn't touch the UND game at all. He knows they got embarrassed and I don't think there is any doubt it would happen again if the game was tomorrow. From what I saw that night, those two teams aren't on the same level.

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  7. If you talk to a majority of coaches in North Dakota, Bubba will get us back in the door. We haven't done a good job the last few years reaching out to these coaches, Bubba was the man recruiting ND when he left. As far as recruiting against Bradley, a majority of that was done by Hedberg with taking over that territory just prior to Bradley leaving. I'm just going off of what I have heard from coaches in Bismarck, Dickinson, Minot etc but I have way more confidence in Bubba in getting back in good standing with our new staff.

    As far as recruiting other areas, our assistants need to be better. The last few years we only had a couple coaches hauling in the players. I'm going to assume Freund stays and he is a better fit in Wisconsin than he was in AZ. We need someone who will do a better job in the cities although Kotelnicki got a few guys from there last year after he was moved from the Nebraska territory. I don't disagree that Bubba is busting with charisma and energy but our assistant coaches can do a better job than they have in the past.

  8. "Bubba's dream job" on this board seems much like the comment that Bollinger "bleeds green", but wore red (red of one of UND's biggest hockey rivals at that) and turned down the job at UND. Not hating on Bubba, just agreeing with jdub about that particular comment.

    Don't think Brooks turned down the job. Just wanted to clear that up.

  9. ....and UND got trashed by NDSU last year but almost beat the Jackrabbits. Comparative scoring has very little place in basketball.

    On the court, head to head is what matters. Thank you.

  10. Welcome to UND Deion.

    Moved to QB his senior year to help his team. His coach said WR and DB are his natural positions. Also had a a lot of good things to say about him as a person and things he's already been through as a kid.

  11. Deciding factor for me is the staff I feel each of these guys could put together. Also, after seeing two years of a Big Sky schedule, I've wanted a head coach who is defensive minded. Coach Schweigert fits that description. If I was a defensive player on this team I would be excited if Bubba is the guy.

    I think Bubba can bring in a guy to coach the offense and continue improving there. Need to get back to a more balanced offense. Maybe Bubba even gets Lotyz back to help with the Oline.

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  12. D coordinator at two FBS teams, D coordinator for two Grey Cups Champions in Canada, now the Linebackers coach in the NFL.

    Sounds much better than a FCS D coordinator so yes.

    Sorta like Craig Bohl worked for NDSU then went FBS coordinator. Then got hired at NDSU. If UND was going to hire a D coordinator wouldn't it be more likely to get a FBS one than an FCS one?

    I'm just saying most people from the outside looking in without relation to where they went to school would probably pick DeBoer over Bubba.

    Do you think Bohl comes back to FU if he wasn't unemployed at the time?

  13. carr on twitter is mad

    Aeron Carr@Dreamerrr9 2h

    It's one thing to keep the info from the fans, but the players? Come on.. Last time I checked we are the ones who it affects the most.

    Well he'll find out in a couple days. And starting in the spring he gets a chance to show his stuff on the field and be the man. Lots of opportunity for him now. These young guys will all get their chance.

  14. If bubba gets the job we know that in the future you will have to have previously coached at UND to get the head job.

    I can't remember the last time the head coach had not previously coached at UND....1950s?

    I wonder what the percentage of coaches have a previous tie to the school they are at?

  15. I don't think anybody with realistic expectations thought Tibesar was going to come back to UND. What people are "fine" with is the fact that the hiring process has been going on a month now and we are going to be getting a coach who we probably could have and should have done our due diligence prior to the listing being posted.

    Yet his name was thrown around. I bet some of the "I'd be fine with" quotes on this board come from some of the same people who mentioned him as a potential replacement. You can't pick and choose which posts off this board are the voice of the fans and use as a measuring stick for where the fanbase is at.

    Edit: When I say you- I don't mean you directly. Just blanketing the dialogue theme of the day on using that statement as where the program is at. I agree with your statement on time and wish a coach would have been made the day after the deadline. Whether that is a Faison thing or a process thing or a combo of both is something that can be discussed after the new coach is hired.

  16. The thought that Tibs was even an option by some is even more disappointing...totally unrealistic.

    But yet his name was mentioned.

    I'd add to that as well. Looking at this whole process the open records law clearly hurt this search. Look at the list when the process started, how many of those guys were realistic with that law in place. I'll take a guy like Klieman for example, even if the whole coaching change there didn't happen, was it ever really realistic a FU coach was going to apply during the middle of their playoff run? Some thought so, looking back now, it wasn't going to happen. Other coaches were in the same boat.

    The other thought was a FBS O or D cordinator, with what the pay was/is, we or any other FBS school isn't getting an FBS cordinator that is currently employed or isn't coming with baggage. Again, the hope was a guy like Minnesota's OC (Clays I believe) would maybe apply. He wouldn't have even been realistic for even FUs position.

  17. It's become the reality of DI UND football. It's been hard for some people to accept, including myself.

    Now, with UND non-hockey sports, I'm afraid the expectations are to try produce a high-quality product using average-quality resources.

    Need to have faith each and every season that UND football will be tremendously efficient.

    I'd say there are some pretty good investments made to the sports above if salaries continue to increase. No one will be able to question facilities once the IPF is complete.

    I'd say the "is fine" comments are based on the thought Tibesar would come back or a BCS coordinator was coming.

  18. Talking to people who played under Bubba, they say he's awesome. Talked to a couple who recruited him and they didn't think it was very awkward (like was brought up earlier). They say he'll gets you jacked up. I liked Pflu, but that doesn't appear to be happening. I think Bubba has the best chance to bring in a solid staff despite people thinking he's a different version of Lennon. Which, btw, I would love. I don't know why Lennon's name is being used in a negative connotation here, he's still the only championship coach in UND football history, so I'd love to have Lennon 2.0. I understand if you are afraid of Mussman 1.2 or 2.0 or Mussman Vista, but I think that's pretty unfair.

    All three are different coaches with significantly different personalities. Mussman's was beat to death over the past season, so I'll let that lie. Lennon commanded respect calmly. People I know who played who him would just keep using the word awesome, and the phrase "you didn't want to let him down" was repeated. Like I said earlier Bubba is the most animated of the three.

    All different, but make the easy connections if you want pretending they are just a re-run of each other. I mean, Mussman was exactly like Lennon, so it all makes perfect sense.

    Great post. To tie this to Oxbow's thought on timing, which I agree with..............Faison could have asked anyone who was around when Bubba was here and probably asked anyone at Duluth and the way everyone described Bubba would have been consistent. And it would have all been positive. So at least in terms of Bubba, he could have done his own work during the wait period and even if he had to narrow it down to 9, Bubba could have been named shortly after.

    I have no problem with Bubba being the guy. He will be a solid head coach with a plan. The key to me is still the funding of assistant coaches and the staff he puts in place.

  19. What do some have against Coach Schweigert? Is this a case of to be an expert you have to come from someplace else? Are folks here evaluating his coaching abilities or are they dismissing him mainly because he is from here?

    My opinion is no one has anything against Schweigert. He is a guy who could have been named the head coach the day after the deadline and that is frustrating.

  20. Bubba could talk about his tie to the program. I've said it from the start, to me the hiring of the assistants is more key than the head coach. That is true especially if Bubba is the guy. He is here long term, he has strong ties to the program, strong ties to ND, SD and MN recruiting grounds and he brings discpline. Bubba used to be the man when recruiting ND. Ask a high school coach in ND about Coach Schweigert and they have nothing but positives. We need to get back to that.

    I think that while not the sexy pick, the safeness of what you are getting with Bubba is ok with me. Now, if Bubba can bring an Eric Schmidt as a D cord and a big name O cord, we have something. Keep Freund on staff and things could be ok.

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