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Posts posted by homer

  1. I agree entirely. This recruiting class is going to be a bust overall, but it's too late to change it. Get in a good guy and make sure the recruiting is done right NEXT year. I'm not buying the argument that these kids don't decide until mid January where they are going. From what I've seen, the XDSU's have gotten commits from lots and lots of kids.

    We'll get enough guys to fill the scholly's, but I'm not expecting a lot really top notch talent, but rather the guys that didn't get offers anywhere else.

    The new coach may have some kids that him and his staff have been recruiting at other schools. I won't completely write off this class or annoint it anything until signing day in Feb. To completely say this class and this recruiting season has been a bust is very premature. I would hope that the previous staff identified a list of 10-20 recruits worth staying in touch with and turned that over to Coach Bachol. Anything outside of that is asking to much and a waste of time.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Sunday night will be a barometer. Need to keep improving inside. Bjorkland will as good of a post player as we'll see in the Big Sky.

    I was impressed with Nash, he'll be a tough match up for conference teams. Looking for the team to take a big jump from games 2 to 3

  3. Having Wisconsin and FU back to back games will be nice for UND. Both teams play the same type of slower pace offense and will play very good defense.

    If UND can be efficient on the offensive end and not commit a bunch of turnovers, we will be in the game at the end. Last year we were not 100% healthy in our early non conference schedule so I am looking forward to what a fully healthy bunch (minus Brekke) can do in this early season stretch. I'm excited for the game tonight and wish I had the Big10 network to watch the game.

  4. Its hard for me to knock Bollinger's lack of experience since he was in the NFL prior to coaching. He has been around football and coaching his entire life. Any coach with D1 experience is going to be a past head coach who possibly was released from a prior role or a coordinator or position coach looking to move up the ladder. Brooks fits the second description so I have no problem taking a chance on him if he's interested. If he surrounds himself with some great postion coaches and coordinators he would be a great fit.

  5. Bollinger #1 and Caruso #1A

    IMO I think if Brooks could turn this program around and into a yearly playoff team/NC contender he might be more apt to stay longer at UND than if Caruso were to do so.

    I agree with this.

  6. Unless there is a leak in the media the only way you hear anything about this is through a press conference. Faison has shown in the past with other incidents he likes to control the message- regardless of he is deciding to keep the coaching staff or not. I'm also guessing the players would be addressed as well.

  7. I'm not trying to stir the pot here. I thought I recalled hearing that, but could very well be wrong.

    What are your thoughts?! Should the firing have already happened this morning or yesterday, or is it best to wait?!

    Mine?! IF the move is going to be made, it needs to and should happen NOW!!

    It has to be done by the end of the day today. If not, your not doing either the program or the coaches any favors. I believe the decision has been made and will be announced this afternoon.......one way or the other.

  8. Let's make no mistake that when Muss is let go that it will not be a "good" day for this team, program and university. Coaches and families will be put in situations of unrest and the unknown and without jobs. That is never a "good" thing. It will also be an admission by Faison that his hire of Muss from within the program was a mistake and the 6 years of "damage" to this program will be evident for a least a couple more years to come IMO. At some point a change will and has to be made, but as an alum and supporter of UND athletics it won't be a "good" day when a change is made...but this once proud FB program can't continue on the course it's currently on.

    I could be mistaken but Coach Mussman was promoted at a time UND had an interim AD. Right before Faison was hired.

  9. I understand the point you're making, but UND is competing with the ac whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. In fact, the truth is, prior to even setting foot on the athletic field with a big sky opponent, the UND staff will need to defeat the ac on the recruiting trail. And I won't even get into public perception.

    I would also argue that Mussman has tried, and failed, to assemble what he believes is the type of team needed to play Big Sky football(whatever that means). At the expense of the type of football that brought the program to prominence.

    We are on our third offensive philosophy in 6 years. That is part of what bugs me. Need to get a plan and stick with it.

    It's more important UND wins in the regular season and makes the playoffs. Until that happens we will never win any public battle. It doesn't matter if we would get very recruit they wanted. That's why we build a team to compete in the Big Sky.

  10. There's also an elephant in the room that hasn't been mentioned: having the most dominant program in the nation 80 miles away. IMHO, the guy willing to step into the UND job is one with some loyalty to UND, or someone with ambition to use success at UND as a step to somewhere bigger (Caruso?). I really wonder if the candidates with experience at the ac would consider UND a place that they could compete with what the ac has built.

    I don't want this to get into a discussion of d2 glory days. That stuff is a distant memory. Had UND taken the offer the ac extended and been their partner in the move up, I believe things would be much different today. Both in public perception of UND football and the quality of product on the field.

    UND football has a long way to go and they aren't just struggling to get to the middle of the pack in the BSC, they have the unenviable distinction of being compared by their recruiting base to what has now become the gold standard program of FCS football.

    It will take a special guy to walk into this situation. Roger showed it can be done, but that task also took several years.

    Coach Thomas didn't have the facilities to offer recruits that a replacement here would have. We need to build a team to compete with the Big Sky, not FU.

  11. The bball team has played one game...that is worth counting anyway. 0-1. When you are counting "stars" this early in the season it shows an obvious troll attempt.

    What was UND's record against the Summit last year eh?

    We also would have accepted conference RPI comparison? Your two go to's

    Our women's team is 1-0 this year.

  12. I've never said it was or that UND should consider switching conferences. As a Bison fan I enjoy going to away FB games and watch BB games that start at 7:00CT.. If UND is happy in the BSC good for you.

    It's FU fans that try and tell UND fans they want a new conference.

  13. By noon tomorrow it should all be over, either Mussman is fired or UND football is sunk for next year.

    I just hope Faison doesn't rush out and just hire someone for the sake of getting a warm body in the position. If it takes until the second week of January so be it. This is going to be a long term project and we'll only get one shot at doing it right. And another thing, get rid of the coordinators too. It's time to start completely over with a blank sheet of paper.

    If we have a coach in 2 weeks, it means Faison promoted from within. We need someone who has HC D1 experience. Anything less will just be rolling the dice.

    Disagree that we need someone with D1 experience and that this is a long term project.

  14. Let's missed FG (3), missed xPoint (1), Kick bungle (2), poor kick coverage on the safety kickoff (7) - that is 13 points on Special Teams tonight.

    This. A strength last year, our special teams has not been good this year

  15. It is not the same. The Summit League is a true Basketball conference, it has no football. The MVFC is a football Conference, it has no basketball. The xDSU's have the benefit of being in two conferences that focus on one or the other. The Big Sky in my opinion (don't jump on me for having an opinion either) is a football conference. All of the decisions the Big Sky makes are geared toward football. And for that reason basketball will suffer and is/has suffered for it. The MVC years ago recognized that football and basketball could not co-exist so they split out the football and made it its own conference. The MVC has flourished in basketball because it does not make decisions based upon football.

    I don't know why the Big Sky does not do the same thing and split off football into its own conference. That would allow the Big Sky to add teams like Denver, Oral Roberts, Wichita State etc. that does not have football. That was before Wichita State went to the Final Four. Gonzaga would have also been an option years ago, but the Big Sky would never consider anyone if they don't have football. But now the league has so many football programs that I can't see the Big Sky adding any more teams.

    Idaho- no football

    Cal Poly & UC Davis= football only

    If your a school looking to move around, having a sepeate conference for football and basketball is beneficial. If your a conference looking to retain members, only being able to offer one or the other can be a road block to keep from becoming a revolving door. See last 10 years of Summit league.

    • Upvote 4
  16. again, adding UND will actually reduce the amount that eastern schools have to come to the dakotas. Diagram it out, you'll see that I am right. I'm not sure what you mean by 'evening out the balance of powers'. Patty V wants to keep her league alive, and that can't happen if the summit leaves (for whatever reason).

    the summit is a better league based on quality of play. I'm surprised noone seems to be aware, but the BSC is one of the worst BB leagues in the country. The summit is firmly in the middle of the pack. Its much better financially as we'll get more games with team our fans actually would care about, and won't have to fly for our entire schedule.

    It was also around the same time the nickname issue was finally resolved.

    xDSU wanted to get into the sky because they thought that was the best they could do. Then WKU left the gateway, and they go the chance to make something even better, which they have.

    Careful, your true colors are showing through again. Summit is all about basketball and it hasn't beaten another D1 school yet this year. Like I said, conferences like the Big Sky and Summit are up and down and at the end of the day and will always be changing positions. What will you and other FU fans do when the Big Sky has a higher RPI?

    Edit: I was mistaken- it's beat one.

  17. the summit *with UND* is a vastly better league than the sky and completely stable and features most of our rivals (UNO denver ndsu sdsu usd). I'm sure the other 4 summit schools would have the leverage to get UND into the MVFC.

    seriously aside from the stability strawman, I'm not sure what the pro-sky case is.

    Stability and a home for football.

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