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Posts posted by homer

  1. If the media continues to cover the basketball team I see larger crowds being the norm at the Betty. There is a lot of excitement of this team right now. If we were to get a victory over a Oregon or Butler it would take the excitement to another level.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I always like NDSUs rbs too. They get the job done every game.

    FU has very quality RBs. I was talking about USD. Trying to compare them to us to see any differences in where the programs are at. Biggest thing I noticed was the quality of their O-line. They are much further along in quality than we are right now and it showed throughout our season. Our o-line was not quality this year.

  3. One thing we can guarantee is that if NDSU only beat them like Montana did everyone on your end would say that NDSU was playing flat and didn't really care.

    Don't forget it would have been USD's Super Bowl.

  4. After watching USD (vs. FU) the only position of theirs I was impressed with was their O-line. They were good and could move people, we were lacking that this year. We really need to start to improve there. Some of your younger guys may show promise but if they aren't the answer, we need to figure it out. That is the biggest need in my mind.

  5. From everything I've seen/read, it's hard to tell if either team was able to stick with a gameplan with the lack of flow and foul situations.

    I think UND's game plan was to attack the rim and get into FU's bench and it worked. Coach Jones seems to have our guys schooled up on the new reffing style. Saul seems lost in how the game is being called but I think that is because he has no one that can get to the rim and attack. This new style does not favor the type of kids he recruits.

  6. They completely dominated you in everyway but the score. 35-14 going into the 4th quarter and they tried to mail it in. They'll beat NAU by 2 scores this weekend.

    Are MVFC games shorter than other conference games? I need to learn this about FCS football cause I always thought a game was 4 quarters long.

    • Upvote 3
  7. Had to wait for a while but Bisonville finally figured it out that it was UND's superbowl and that is why we won. Happens every time. The su boys just have a tough time giving UND a whole lot of credit. Lose to UND and you suck. I guess I shouldn't expect it..

    It's funny that they mistake a team playing with energy for it being their Super Bowl. If their fan base cared about any sport besides football they would expect it from their other teams. For now it's all excuses from their coach and fan base.

  8. Nice win by the team. That was truely team basketball. I can't remember who made the comments about Schuler earlier in the week but he made some key plays tonight. Just a good all around player. Also agree with Huff and Nash being as good of a 1-2 punch as we've had. Our bigs also aren't great, but with 15 fouls between Solmonson, Calcuterra and Traylor I think we'll be alright in league play. Each brings enough to the table. Looking forward to the rest of the season and might have to get some tickets for the Weber St. and Montana games.

  9. Going to be a great atmosphere tonight. Should be a good game. Pretty simple game plan for UND, contain Bjorklund. He's been in some foul trouble this year as well, attack him early and see if you can't get one or two quick ones on him. Huff won't go huge, will be using a little more energy chasing around Braun, but will get his. Hooker will show NDSU what they missed out on. Nash with a couple plays that blow the roof off the building. Will be interesting to see if Stefan gets into the rotation. If him or Schuler get going, look out.

    Bjorkland makes the most nervous. We won't see a big man of his skill set in the Big Sky. We need to get him in early foul trouble but I think the only way we do that is by attacking the rim. Not sure if any of our bigs are enough of an offensive threat to put any pressure on him.

  10. MVFC only gets two in? Top heavy league.

    Of all Big Sky teams SDSU could have been matched up with, Northern Arizona is the best matchup for them. They are most like a MVFC offense. After watching that defensive backfield in the game against us, EWU and Montana would throw the ball at will. That game will be the first round match up I'm most looking forward to watching.

  11. There were many people on this board who questioned SDSU not continuing to go to Zenner. Let's not re-write history.

    Also, that 3 and out led to another possession and a touchdown for UND, which is what made the game look much closer than it was IMO.

    Again, how is this UNDs fault? Back to hypotheticals?

  12. UND has played a whopping 1 game against the MVFC in the last 5 years. They lost to the preseason 2nd place team by a whole 7 points in one of their worst seasons ever and put more yards on them than anyone in the MVFC did and more points than all but 1 team (not counting UNI's 2OT points).

    Hey now, the hypothetical scoring comparison is a better way to do things.

  13. We need to get to the hoop and put some pressure on Bjorkland to defend it. With Nash playing both at the hoop and at the arc, Wright will be out of the lane. If we can get into Bjorkland and force him into some foul trouble, FU's backup post players are no better than ours.

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  14. Outside of Tibesar, which I think is unrealistic, Klieman is my favorite potential candidate amongst all the names that have been thrown out there. He has many years of experience as a DC at two different schools that have always been known for solid defensive play. He has head coaching experience. He has experience as an assistant at several FCS schools, and an FBS school. He has spent the majority of his coaching career in North Dakota's traditional recruiting territory. He has spent the majority of his coaching career at winning programs such as Northern Iowa and NDSU.

    It will definately be excruciating as a fan over the next several weeks with all of the speculation, at least until we get list of finalists.

    He is a great guy as well. Have met him numerous times and was impressed

  15. Huff playing this year will be huge. He will force someone (Braun) to actually work on defense. Nash will also force Wright to have to work on defense. Last year we did not have anyone that was a good match up for him. Braun had 22 last year and Wright had 10 while only having 5 fouls between the 5 and both played over 30 minutes.

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