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Posts posted by homer

  1. Just saying our coaching staff is very inbred. Oh yeah, I forgot......Brick by Brick.

    Maybe it is time for some new bricks!

    Bohl's first full time coaching job was with FU back in the '80s. A lot of their staff have FU ties as well.

    If things go well its not a bad thing, when things aren't going well, its pretty easy to point at.

  2. The N. Colorado - Idaho State game is one that UND fans should be following closely. It'll likely determine who we are competing with for last place in the conference. I have a feeling it will be a tight race that will come down to the final week of the season.

    UND will finish .500 in the conference. Well above both.

  3. You are right, you didn't say that. I posted that in response to people that still point to "transition" and "nickname" as excuses for why we are still struggling. And I will give Muss some credit when we win these games and not just keep it close.

    I have yet to see the nickname or transition brought up.

    Also, not directed at you, I've read this thread and no one has mentioned anything about a moral victory. It keeps getting brought up yet no one was happy we only lost by three Tds.

  4. I'm looking forward to the game today. I think we'll

    score points today. I want to see if we are able to keep the run game going.

    Defensively, any more personnel changes today? After the last couple weeks Dayo deserves a start.

  5. Looked great on both my laptop hdmi to TV and the iPhone app.

    Jayson, was the freeze at about 8:48 left in the third another system wide thing?

    8:48 is when mine froze up as well. Bumped it back about 45 seconds and my picture was more clear. First time watching a game on here and it was worth the money. Nice broadcast. Good option for not being able to watch in Fargo.

  6. My opinion both schools are doing pretty well.

    UND has some long term room to grow with football both attendance (roughly 4,000) and ticket prices (if the product on the field warrants). Also, men's basketball, women's basketball and volleyball. Would be minimal impact however. I believe hockey is maxed out and I don't know if you want to put any more on students.

    FU football is maxed out. I don't see them being able to raise ticket prices much more than current prices. They can raise student fees and will have some potential once their new basketball facility is complete, however similar to UND impact with these sports would be minimal.

    My take away from the article is both are doing well when compared to their piers.

  7. They piss pounded you the whole game and let the foot off the gas after it was 35-14 in the 4th and tried to coast the rest of the game. But if it makes you feel better you went toe to toe with them!

    You should be posting this on the jacks board. UND got back in the game, they don't have to apologize to anyone. I think the truth is the MVFC is a one team show and the hyped defenses are due to average offense.

    • Upvote 4
  8. THe "excited to go home" or "cant wait to go home" or the "decisions" tweet?

    there might be more but I quit going through it as I probably didn't want to no.

    You mean to tell me he is excited to go home?

  9. I don't care where the talent comes from. I look at the contributions from our Jr. and Sr. classes this year, production and playing like Jr. and Sr..

    Also, this is by no means sticking up for the staff- but we are going to lose Freshmen regardless of the coaches or not. This is the worst time of a players career right now, they went from being recruited and welcomed on campus- being a big deal. Now during the season, if your not playing you aren't getting the same attention and honestly your not the big man on the team. Its an adjustment from high school. You miss your friends and family, pretty natural whether your playing or just attending school. Once the season is done, you either compete for playing time or leave.

    For as many tweets as I've seen of players being homesick and question things, I've seen tweets of the younger players excited about their future as a class and showing they are in it together.

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