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Posts posted by homer

  1. It didn't take you pointing that out for me to know they aren't the only FCS team to have their helmet on his show. But as another poster pointed out, he has had the helmet on his show many, many times throughout this year.

    And so are others but their fans don't use that as an example of being ESPNs project for the year.

  2. Appalachian state still better known? Agree to disagree.

    Michigan is a far more stories program than k-state. That win gets more attention because of michigan not app state.

    As far as being a "media darling" don't make this out to be a straw man, because I'm not biting. I said espn has decided to make NDSU relevant this year, relatively speaking. I completely stand behind that comment.

    App. St was the opponent in the game, therefore they got/get the attention. And since it was against Michigan, App St. got more media that year than FU got this year. Even without gameday.

  3. So, there is another fcs school in the history of fcs football that has gotten as much attention as ndsu has this year?

    Appalacian St. is still better known in the FCS world than FU. Their win over Michigan still gets replayed on ESPN networks. No they did not get gameday, but I bet they got mentioned more times that year than FU did this year or possibly the last couple combined.

    I am not trying to take anything away from FU and their recent success. It is solid. I think the media darling comment was pretty funny.

  4. Pay attention to reality, my comment doesn't require elaboration.

    Ever seen another FCS school have college gameday?

    ESPN has been throwing out comments about NDSU on sportscenter all fall. Analysts are commenting on NDSU games. Chris Fowler has been commenting publicly all year about NDSU. Scott Van Pelt keeps an NDSU helmet at his desk routinely on his show.

    ESPN decides who to hype in the sports world and this fall they have decided to make NDSU relevant, relatively of course.

    Haha, thank you for the elaboration. Makes sense. ESPN went to Northwestern this year and I have seen 3 or 4- 10 minute segments on their coach in the last few weeks and different aspects of their program. They are the FBS project this year.

    Also, I hate to break this to you but Scott Van Pelt routinely has FCS helmets on his desk. No, UND has not been on there but I have seen Towson, Illinois St. and Lafayette recently. Lafayette and Towson more than once. I believe he has even referred to FU as Northern Iowa on his show so he clearly is pumping the program.

    FU is solid this year. You guys have done some great things on the field that are worth mentioning when talking about college football. I wouldn't look into it anymore than that. They love FU so much they are kicking off the college football season on ESPN next year right?

  5. A lot of good points. Except one fan base was ecstatic and another was lukewarm. That is what I don't understand. Kleiman has done nothing to prove that he will be a great head coach and will keep the level of play where it is at.

    Personally I am more disappointed with the one month wait. Even more excited about Bubba after yesterday. Not sure if others feel the same way.

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  6. C'mon Risky, that's the nature of the game. Some of Steve Sarkisian's Washington recruits are now following him to USC...and Chris Peterson's former Boise State recruits are looking at Washington. That's the way the system works.

    Neither of your examples were still getting paid and coaching for Washington or Boise St. though.

  7. If Montana vs. Montana St. has never garnered this attention or GoSouthern vs. App. I don't see how NDSU vs. UND ever could. ESPN has made NDSU their pet project it seems, in a very limited sense, not the top of FCS. I haven't seen any more attention paid to FCS football lately than usual.

    Please elaborate more on FU being the project of ESPN.

  8. Considering the MVFC only got 2 teams in and had the highest sagarin rating in the FCS, not sure how the Big Sky got 4 in. Head to head SDSU was one of the last to get in and smoked Northern Arizona. Southern Utah proved they were not playoff worthy. Coastal Carolina beat Montana and then NDSU smoked Coastal Carolina. The only team that showed anything is Eastern Washington beating SDSU.

    I think Northern Iowa, Youngstown State, Illinois State, and Southern Illinois would have faired better than Southern Utah and Northern Arizona... and those 4 teams missed the playoffs. The playoff committee is clueless

    They should have won a few more games than and they would have had a chance to prove it. Its easy to speculate now. Like the Big Sky this year was EWU and everyone else, the MVFC was FU and everyone else.

  9. I'm actually a fan of both teams. so I can honestly say UND sucks!! They used to be a power house in all sports but now ever since the nick name controversy they have lost their fight. I wish UND would have fought to keep the nickname because now when most fans think of UND we think of giving up and losing.

    Sorry but it is true.

    I bet you are.

  10. Wouldn't it be funny if Bohl talked the AD into buying out the GFU game? If the GFU program wasn't in such a miserable state And a sure victory I bet he'd consider it. He's as much a reason there is no game between NDSU/GFU as GT is.

    It would be a nice pay day for UND. Wouldn't bother me a bit.

  11. He emphasized competing. On and off the field. I love it. Challenging himself to improve the program, that will rub off on the players instantly.

    The other part I really liked was the quote- "games are won in the fall, championships are won in the other three seasons." I have never been more frustrated to read about guys going home in the summer. UND needs to improve the strength and conditioning and hopefully Bubba and Baukol have already sat down and the plan is in place.

    Hearing the passion and knowing Bubba already has a plan in place has me feeling good about the hire. I think the staff he puts in place is going to increase that. I like that he menitoned he has always kept a list of guys he's coached against and with to fill out his staff if he was ever a head coach again.

  12. Yea, just look at this board! UND posters are incensed that NDSU won't play UND...and NDSU's response seems to be 'meh...we'll keep busy with the playoffs and attempt to win our 3rd national championship...you guys just keep whining about why we won't play you and how we're scared to do so.'

    Kinda like the Gophers and UND hockey...which program is more 'on the map' this year after the WCHA conference shake-up? If I didn't know any better, thanks to the lack of NCHC coverage in the TC media (as expected), I would think UND dropped hockey altogether as opposed to changed conferences. My thought is the same with NDSU not caring about having UND on the football schedule...out of sight, out of mind.

    So your basing your opinion of each fanbase on a couple handfulls of posters on a fan board who post under a fake name? When you say "you guys" you mean 2 or 3 guys on this board?

  13. At least NDSU's players will know that they are the best team that will ever set foot in the Alerus center.

    Is this a head to head comparison or a hypothetical comparison? I can't keep your guys criteria straight.

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