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Posts posted by homer

  1. You bring up legitimate points, but it is a conversation few want to have until the wheels have already fallen off the bus.

    Who is to say someone with no UND ties would have been a guarantee? Just cause someone doesn't have UND ties, doesn't make them an automatic to succeed. Either scenario we are assuming failure before giving anyone a chance

  2. so why can't I be upset about this hire that was done for one reason and one reason only, an attempt to keep season ticket holders from bailing because hey look we got a sexy name from und's past. bubba won't won't come close to sniffing a title any time soon and I will go even farther an say hak will one before ole bubba does.

    That's not really a bold prediction for many reasons

  3. I'm hoping our defense improves statistically just because our offensive philosophy will change and we don't finish the year -20 in turnovers. We did nothing offensively last year to help out our defense.

    In reading the SIU board it appears they made some changes to their 3-4 over the years as well so I am guessing it will be a little different. Also, if the tackling and effort don't improve next year, we will still be in trouble.

  4. UND will be lucky to win a conference game next year, and they will open with a blowout lose at San Jose St. It's not Muss' fault nor is it Bubba's, it is the administration's. They crippled UND's recruiting ability by waiting so long to make a hire and they allowed players to leave before a new coach was hired. If I was a current player, I would be hard pressed to stay, especially if I had opportunities elsewhere. So the responsibility for UND's future rests on Faison.

    I'll bet they finish middle of the Big Sky next year. I look at the list and see the lost of two players due to transfer that could hurt next season.

    Nice first post.

  5. i might be a little to lazy to look on past threads but what connection does bubba hae with rudolpf? have they ever coached together..

    Rudolph's offenses were solid at St. Cloud. They always had a consistent running game that set up and effective passing attack. Could have been something that Bubba made note of over the years. He did mention in his press conference that he always kept a list of coaches he coached with or against over the years that he would like to get on his staff if given the opportunity.

  6. Question- I assume Bubba will have final say on the position coaches but does a O or D cordinator generally hire the guys he wants to work work with for those spots or does the head coach put the guys he wants in those spots? I assume tomorrow we will see the names for the cordinators, wondering when we will have a full staff.

  7. 1. We don't know for sure whether he'll keep the same title at NDSU as he had at SIU.

    2. If he does remain a QB coach, abandoning what appears to be a sinking ship to move back to your home state can be viewed as more of a move for family and job security than anything else.


    Its an area that he coached in for a majority of his career. I'd imagine Schmidt will be coming to UND to be DC, that is a position he could have had at SIU. Does that make UND a destination or an opportunity to get closer to your home area?

    • Upvote 2
  8. Closing date for assistant positions is today. I am guessing we will start to see announcements tomorrow. So far most are pretty confident Schmidt is coming with Bubba to be DC. I'd assume the OC will be someone with head coach experience who will also carry the assistant head coach tag. Thoughts? How about other position coaches? Hopefully these fill up quickly and the coaches give themselves a month to start recruting.

  9. Hearing things are getting a bit tense with the coaching change and recruiting down in Utopia. There may be some "forensic" funny business going on....

    I took UND-1's comment from another and pasted it here. I have heard the same thing from someone pretty near their program. Highly unlikely it affects the outcome of the game on Saturday but there could be some pretty good back and forth between the former and future regimes from my understanding.

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