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Posts posted by homer

  1. The NCAA could come in and say "Fighting Sioux" is ok again, at some point. The NCAA could come in and say that "Roughriders" is not acceptable because of the indecencies perpetrated on the Latino fighters at that time and that the present day Latino community is offended. The unpredictability argument is another arrow in the quiver as to why things should just stay "North Dakota". Logic justifying the selection of a nickname becomes a bit contorted when one says that we must have a nickname so as to appease the NCAA who may right now be ok with "North Dakota" but, at some future point, may change its tune and not be ok with just "North Dakota" or with "Roughriders" etc. That argument is circular. The school should seize the day and explicitly say that it's not choosing a nickname and state why (the Fighting Sioux nickname was the best, respect for the people who gave it to the school, etc.). Some lame nickname replacement may not be as marketable or as appealing to future recruits are some on here surmise. Ideas, passion, success, respect for tradition, deference to historical significance sell.

    if it meets the agreement UND has in place with the NCAA, than allow it to be an option. The question needs to be asked and clarification needs to be given to voters prior to it making a ballet.

    It would suck if UND couldn't host a hockey regional or playoff game in the future based on not asking a question and trying to stick it to the NCAA.

  2. Lol...yep that happened because of the nickname or lack thereof!


    But it did bring attention to UND and the nickname.  UND has no control over others actions but they are the one's continually coming out of these situations looking bad and having to do damage control.  Thats not going to change but even you can see how those situations can be handled differently with a new nickname in place instead of being known as North Dakota.

  3. Like I have said, name suggestions have been thrown out for way less than this!!  And where are these mareketing and branding consultants that seem to have an opinion on every other nickname except this one?!  I would like to hear their opinion on the branding possibilities of having no nickname!!  Seems like more of an issue than what they are making with these other names they are taking exception to!


    I have my favorites of the 7, it may not be selected and I will be fine either way.  I will offer what I would like to have seen from this process- I would have liked there to be a logo or logo idea was offered by the time this goes to vote. 


    My personal stance on the UND name and logo was always the logo was the best part and the hardest to let go.  Having a feel for potential replacements may help in the voting process.  I know this would add a little more time but this has drawn on long enough already. 

  4. People are looking for quotes and examples of how not having a nickname hurts UND.  I really expect a quote from the anyone at UND and the commitee stating they have spoken with the NCAA and they are fine with not having a nickname.  I have yet to see that and highly doubt anyone in the "know" is willing to stick their neck out there since we are playing by the NCAA's rules and they have proven time and time again that they are anything but black and white. 


    If there is another "Siouxper drunk" incedent after UND decides not to pick an official nickname and it hits the news, can it be determined by the NCAA that UND made an effort to truely move away from the Sioux nickname?

  5. Yes, because it is still an option to choose for a nickname from the people in the 'know'!


    Are you talking about the state legislature that forced UND to have this name or the commitee?  Do they know for certain or do they not want to be the bad person and get rid of the name?  I have yet to see a quote that says for certain that this meets all requirements in the agreement with the NCAA. 

  6. I like reading these arguments, NIMH, is the only one making sense, and SCPA hit the nail on the head!

    I always wait for this paranoid comment to come in like Darell said! Let me ask you, do you think you know more about what UND can/cannot do on the nickname issue then they do?

    Simple question!


    The NCAA is the only one that knows for certain what will be acceptable and what will not.  They have made the rules and moved the goalposts where ever they have for the last 5+ years. 


    Do you know for certain that not officially choosing a new nickname will be accepted by the NCAA?

  7. Really, ok then.  Some of you will know more than me.  I definitely get the conference but the nickname?  The name is retired, so the conference is set in stone.


    Is the name officially retired if only North Dakota is selected as the replacement?  Does it meet criteria set forth by the NCAA?

  8. I disagree!

    The menu got expanded outside what they are good at. They are not a specialty burger/sandwich joint. Fast food that is consistent from location to location is what McDonalds was set up to be.

    When the menu gets too big, service is the first thing that suffers. Margins also suffer as space to store more items increases.

  9. I'm not a player....I'm a fan. The nickname is important to me. You missed the point.

    You said the only thing that matters is winning.

    So winning, tradition and identity are important. Really no different than a player.

    • Upvote 1
  10. No I really don't, the only thing that matters is winning. Get good coaches who can recruit good players. Then they'll start winning. Kids don't come to the school because of a nickname.

    Well, than it shouldn't matter to you what is chosen.

  11. That "non-DI talent" BS is a main reason why UND basketball is horseshit right now. NDSU has obtained all of its DI accomplishments largely with ND and MN players. You can train and condition players to a higher level of competition. Jones looks all over the country for players not from North Dakota or even Minnesota, and as a result, they don't produce or stick it out. Need players who have a sense of pride to this area and school; otherwise, you won't get 100% effort.


    The kid from Dickinson was given an opportunity to start this season based on his height and was moved to JV as the year went a long with limited varsity minutes.  While I won't argue about not developing players and missing on some local kids, I would say there has been a refocus on Minnesota and Iowa the last couple years. 

  12. Most people outside the area that aren't familiar with north Dakotas highest award, or north Dakotas fantasy connection to teddy Roosevelt's Roughriders, (which would be pretty much everyone outside the area), will think of condoms when hearing the name.

    This is the stage of the process where the consultants earn their keep. But, the committee has disappointed thus far, so they will probably choose to ignore the experts' advice on Roughriders.

    If it's chosen, maybe Spring Fest could be replaced with Ribbed Fest.


    Someone better call the Trojans at USC and fill them in on this.  They might want to change their name quickly so they do not get continually laughed at.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Does it seem so incredibly painful that if they go with the easy, lame and unoriginal Roughriders, like has been talked about for so many years....

    That this whole god forsaken process was a magnanimous waste of time, money, and resources?

    I mean really we are coming down to....for all the time and money spent,

    Either pilfering a used nickname form a high school down the street, or just not even picking one.

    The lessons on failure here should be taught in every school in the state, from elementary to MBAs


    Whats your suggestion for a new name?  I think its easy to point at the list and say everything sucks, but whats your solution.  Understand that your suggestion will be picked apart by the majority of people who think they get a say.

  14. Although what you are saying is perhaps the most realistic, I think UND fans need to realize optimism is already perfectly okay in Bubba's year #2. Bubba has already established UND as having the best defensive unit/coaching/schemes in the Big Sky Conference. I mean, look what he did with the defense by comparing 2013 to 2014; basically all the same players, as well. Defense wins championships, and I think fans need to rally around the job that Bubba and Schmidty are doing and expect wins this season. Maybe not 8, but certainly 7 or 6.

    Very excited about UND football's present direction!


    It will be an interesting chess match this season.  Other coaches/teams have had a chance to see the pressure defense we will be using and an entire off season to study film.  What adjustments do they make?


    Coach Schweigert and Coach Schmidt have had an entire off season to stufy films on offenses and styles of offense they didn't see in the MVFC.  What adjustments will they make?  Will an offseason improve the talent level on our defense and allow us to show a few more wrinkles we didn't show last year?

  15. I know that the issue brought up in the Star Tribune is mainly related to money being spent on the different genders, however participation numbers are also mentioned as part of the issue. 


    Just for fun: If you look at the unduplicated participation numbers (each student athlete counted once, regardless of how many sports they play), U of M's women's participation rate is at 46.5% (337 women vs. 388 men), ranking 149th. For comparison: UND is ranked 161st at 45.7% (205 women vs. 244 men) and NDSU is at 31.4% (129 women vs. 282 men) which ranks 340 out 347 schools in Division 1.


    Looking at the total participation (student athletes are counted once for each sport they participate in), NDSU does move up to 337 out of 347 at 35.0% (188 women vs. 349 men).  U of M moves up to 102 out of 347 at 51.5% (501 women vs. 471 men).  UND is ranked 163rd at 48.1% (268 women vs. 289 men).


    U of M does have a higher percentage of women enrollment (51.1%) than NDSU (43.3%) or UND (45.4%). 


    Equal opportunities don't matter when you can produce "surveys" to show that women supposedly aren't interested in D-1 athletic opportunities.


    In regards to FCOA, an athlete who competes in multiple sports wouldn't get it for both sports so the 31.4% number would have to be used.  That makes the following quote from Larsen in a recent FU Illustrated article pretty interesting. 


    We always evaluate what’s best for North Dakota State and the one thing I would say is, and the one thing I think we do a very good job of here throughout our history is treating our athletes as equals, whether you’re the football player or the baseball player, softball athlete, the golf athlete. I think we’ve treated them all equally and so that’s going into our consideration as we look at the best model for cost-of-attendance if we opt to implement it.



    So is he saying they will only offer FCOA to 31.4% of male scholorships?  That will of course be spread out equally among the football, basketball, baseball, golf, CC and track and field athletes.

  16. Some holes in your math....

    -NDSU isn't necessarily guaranteed to have 6 home games every year (though have held strong on it thus far).

    -NDSU has 4,000 student tickets allocated per game plus whatever they are required to give to the visitor plus player tickets.  Even if you only included the student tickets, you've just lost 20% of your "new-found" revenue.  Your idea probably gets them halfway there.


    Also, only one more FBS game on the schedule.  That is $300,00+ that will be coming out of FUs athletic budget yearly and has to be made up. 


    Not saying they can't pull it off but I question if its so easy why the sudden change we will wait and see approach. 

  17. The estimate is $750,000.00 for the year. If you raise FB tickets 5.00 x 18,500 x 6 games is 555,000.00 by itself. Then you have the increase of premium seating dues and the fact that all tickets will now have to be attached to Teammaker membership it wont be hard to do.

    Now this is just me spit balling here. I dont know the actual formula. I do know I increased my TM donation this year to help support FCOA.

    If it's that easy what's the holdup. Why the wait and see from the AD? The raise in ticket prices may be needed to make up for no FBS games in the future.

  18. Right on - just tell Faison not to worry about anything but Hockey or what the BSC does.

    UND is offering FCOA in the sport it needs to I order to stay competitive at the level of the conference.

    FU and Larsen need to be thinking about wrestling and what the other schools in the BIg12 are going to do. Are FU fans going to accept any sport other than wrestling and a women's sport getting $$$ for this? We all know the answer except you. Also Dan, schools with athletic budgets much bigger than UND and FU are going to have a hard time paying for this in all sports. To think schools shouldn't be prioritizing sports is a funny. Tell me the plan for how FU covers this for all sports. I'll hang up and listen.

  19. I wouldn't write off a return trip to Fargo cause it looks good on TV and the city treats the Gameday crew really good.  One thing I'll give FU fans credit for is they find something on the internet and run with it as gospel. 


    My prediction for that week is Fort Worth, TX for Kansas St. vs. TCU. only because I'm predicting they will be in SEC country the week before at the Alabama vs. Georgia game.  This guy should have wrote that the PAC12 has off that week, there are some good college football games Week 6. 

    • Upvote 1
  20. Jamestown, Valley City, Dickinson St., and Mayville of the old DAC along with Presentation College and Dakota St. make up the North Star Conference.  There are a few future colleges joining from Nebraska, Iowa and Wisconsin for basketball and a few other sports.

  21. Of course, some Bison fans wanted this game and will be excited about the game. I have never contended otherwise.


    What I have said is that there are a significant number of Bison fans who did not want this game and have mixed feelings about the game itself. They certainly want NDSU to win, but they always want that no matter who NDSU might play. Likewise, they certainly will attend the game, but they would also have attended whatever other game might have been on the schedule. And I do still contend that any increase in interest in this game, or at least most of it, will be due to the proximity of a large number of UND fans to the Fargo area, and not to any great surge in interest in NDSU football on the part of Bison fans. As I've Said before, NDSU didn't need this game to create interest in their football program. That interest was there, and would still be there, with or without UND on the schedule.


    You're free to disagree.


    But would FU still put the price increase in place for whatever other game might have been on the schedule and would the fans pay it? 


    FU football right now is similar to UND hockey that on gameday, I can ask around work and find a ticket if I want to go.  RIght now, I ask around work for ticket to the UND game and my coworkers laugh at me.  Nobody is giving that ticket or any season ticket up and are not missing that game. 

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