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Posts posted by homer

  1. So Iowa State and Kansas are dropping to Tier 2? Many in the P5 can't afford to add scholarships, the P5 is more than just Alabama, LSU, Ohio State and USC. If anything, they might be able to add 5 to 90, if conference tv money is available to pay the bill.

    Kansas and Iowa St received roughly 30 million each last year from Conference distributions. That's big boy money. I think they could afford more scholorahips to keep receiving that money. Plus, many conference commissioners are on record stating that figure will increase in the coming years. So to answer your question, Kansas and Iowa st will stay right where they are.

  2. C'mon, you know who originally took their ball and went home. And, you also know who decided that the (Nickel) trophy won't be played for this fall.

    If you want to criticize others, you need to have clean hands yourself. UND doesn't.

    I know your 70 miles south but do you understand the !@#$ storm that would show up at the Fargodome of the buckle trophy was on the line?
  3. All we can do at this point is speculate, but it would likely take a minimum number of scholarships to be able to play games vs. the P5 teams, and it will be higher than 63 I would think in the future. If it's higher than 63, most of the FCS isn't going there, period. I would agree with you that some number below 85 and above 63 will be the minimum scholarship number for an adjusted Tier 2 in college football and some FCS teams will try to get to this level with some FBS teams reducing down to try to better afford college football. 74 is as good of a guess as any. I would guess that 70 or 75 will be the minimum.

    There was also earlier talk of P5 schools

    wanting to add scholarships. If they add 10-15 scholorahips, that's a big difference.

  4. UND ain't winning this game......in 2015.

    If miracle of miracle happened, I will be disappointed if our Athletic Director doesn't walk out to the middle of the field with a briefcase containing our cash buyout for 2019, the 2019 contract and some lighter fluid. Set case down, pull out contract and lighter fluid and light contract on fire.....walk off the field and here is where I am conflicted a bit as I am not sure if he should go with the single gun or double gun salute, but I am leaning towards the double birds.


    LOL.  Could we get Jim Ross on the mic to do a WWE entrance?


    "Oh my God, its UND athletic director Brian Faison."

  5. But NDSU fans don't list beating a mediocre FCS team among their team's best DI accomplishments, even if that team happened to be ranked at the time.

    It may hurt to admit it, but UND has zero noteworthy DI football accomplishments.

    Which is why they fired their coach. It's like the FU teams from when the Fargodome opened until 2010.

  6. The QB situation is the biggest X factor. It's hard to know what we are going to get. Without that it's tough to know how the season will play out.

    This along with offensive line play. Last year we had below average production from the QB, part of that was because we had below average Oline play.

    • Upvote 1
  7. who are our FBS players added for next year, any others we are still looking at?


    The Sioux Football Insider blog does a great job of tracking all players for a given year and lists them on the right side of the page.  I believe 3 former FBS guys will be on the team next season- Georges, Arrington and Baker.


    The window for bringing anyone else in is nearly closed with camp being less than a month away although it impossible to write anything off entirely.  Our coaches seem to be very well connected.

  8. Devil's advocate here: A lot of UND fans found it amusing that Craig Bohl left NDSU for FBS doormat Wyoming. Where then, would a Roughriders/Sundogs/Fighting Hawks win over the Cowboys be ranked in terms of North Dakota football lore?

    Any win over a FBS is a great win for a FCS program.

  9. I was in Grand Forks and went by this facility this past weekend.  These pictures don't do it justice.  The size of this building is so impressive.  I can't wait to see it completed and Faison and company have to be very aggressive to get Phase 2 started.  This will be one of the finest training facilities in the nation when its done. 

    • Upvote 2
  10. Soiux83,

    I believe the main point of this topic is that it was strongly recommended (required) that the players be on campus this summer and the issue is with these kids having to feed themselves over the summer workouts, lifting etc. I don't think there are any issues during the season as they are feed and eat at least 3 times a day thru the schools meal plans. I personally like the idea of the kids being on campus and working hard to get better, bigger and continue to build the program, but if mandated then some type of compensation or meals should be provided to feed the kids. Even if its only one meal a day which is better then nothing.

    Have teams in the past been required to be on campus for the entire summer break?


    It has been strongly recommended for years and the numbers have always been pretty high.  This isn't a new thing and players in the past were able to get by.  Plenty of part/full time jobs available and people willing to be flexible with hours to be able to hit all other "highly recommended" activities of summer.


    This also isn't a new point of conversation at UND or across the country.  With the exception of P5 schools and some of the G5, most schools have very limited summer scholorships available and a lot of players make time to work during the summer.  This was a big discussion point for the P5 schools to break off is the smaller budget schools couldn't afford to give a bunch of summer scholorships to all its athletes, not just football players.    For comparison sake, I live in Fargo and there are a lot of FU's players get jobs in the summer to pay for some of these expenses.  Some just get paid for forging signitures but its an attempt at working.


    This thread is pretty rediculous if you ask me. Even if a player goes home to mom and dad, money would still be getting spent to feed them. 

  11. To Summarize:


    1) One of the States Nicknames is the Roughrider State.


    2)The North Dakota State flag is a copy of the Roughrider Flag.



    3) This sign welcomes you to North Dakota:




    4)Theres Statues of TR as a Roughrider in North Dakota:




    5) Theres a National Park in North Dakota named after Teddy Roosevelt.


    6) Teddy Roosevelt was a Sheriff for a short time in North Dakota


    7) Teddy Roosevelt became the President of the United States and said if he didn't live in North Dakota he doesn't think he'd be president.


    All that may be true but its not on a license plate

    • Upvote 1
  12. Select which of the following sports you participate in or would participate in?

    At what level would you be interested in participating?




    Questions similar to that


    So no mention of scholorships, no pay to play, competing in conference tournaments?  Plus, the survey is asking people who likely wouldn't play at the D1 level.  If they were truely given an option to compete varsity vs. club and all other things were equal,  including playing time, which do you think they would pick?


    There are likely other holes that could be put in that survey if someone had the interest in poking hard enough.

  13. As someone who has taken 5 of those surveys, it asks what level of competition you are interested in competing in.

    Maybe the girls are interested in playing at the club level rather than varsity. No idea. That'd be a question for NDSU.

    How are the questions asked? There are some details that could be left out or not discussed that make staying at the club level equally appealing.

  14. Don't let your jealousy cloud your post.  Fargo being the largest city in the area will always attract a certain criminal element.  This Hunter should have been in jail after he stabbed another person (3 way) but the DA and Judge let him plead down to a lessor charge.  I hope they get a little ink over this.


    Dan, as a Fargo resident, the crime going on lately is more than a "certain criminal element." 

  15. If you had a crappy breakup a few years ago, would you reach out to your ex -- or worse, the sniveling bitch who wouldn't mind her own business and caused the breakup -- and ask her permission before making decisions about your personal life?


    Didn't think so.


    Because you have a pair, and you're not going to give her the satisfaction.


    You left out the detail that you are still living in your the house of your ex and she makes all the rules for you because in the grand scheme of things your pair isn't as big as the 60 guys she truely cares about.

  16. If Kelley and the Committee want closure, healing, transparency, involve all of the stakeholders, etc., then they should truly allow the people to make the choice. This is the only way that any licity, legitimacy, credibility can be ascribed to a process that, to-date, has been largely viewed as a cluster#@#.

    That's fine. If they are going to let the people choose, they need to supply all the facts about their options. This would include something in writing, with their name behind it that remaining just North Dakota satisfies the agreement made with the NCAA.

    I don't think you'll see it because the NCAA has proven time and time again that their members play by their rules and they can move the goal post as they want If Dave St. Peter, KG and other members of the committee do that and sign off that it 100% meets the NCAA criteria, than I'm fine with letting the people choose that option if they want.

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