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Everything posted by WiSioux

  1. Bubba didn't make a change all year... Why's he gonna start now? This coaching staff is stuck in the 80s... Maybe the 90s.
  2. This is very disappointing. The coaching staff is a letdown for a variety of reasons. From recruiting, to player conduct, to the inability to adjust. Some serious changes needed to be made and yet we're left with the same staff. Doubt there will be much of a change of philosophy next year...
  3. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-brad-miller-time-podcast/id1310608796?mt=2 Brad Miller Time is back!!!
  4. Cam out with an injury. Thome playing tonight. New helmet must not be lucky.
  5. I am debating driving down from Denver on Saturday evening... Issue is I work at 530a on Sun and when I went last year we lost ha... But we won the St Lawrence game I went to this year...
  6. It's on both of them. Bubba may be a rah rah hype them up kind of guy but the entire coaching staff's inability to adapt and make adjustments throughout the game (at least prior to be down two plus scores and back against the wall) is what is killing this team. There is just no flexibility from the game plan that was made during the week. I still think we run the ball WAY too much, especially for how little it seems to work. I understand wanting to establish the ground game to open up the passing game but that is not what we appear to be doing. Something needs to change quickly.
  7. Don't forget to put the asterisk so you can change the minimum speed limit in hazardous weather conditions... Snow, fog, rain, ice, etc. It's a speed limit, not a goal.
  8. Forget the Twin Cities... We want it nationwide!
  9. Question does the new AD need to have a North Dakota connection? What if the best candidate has never even been to the state before the hiring process? Do we want a financial person, a sports person, a fundraising person...etc? As fans, what is the top on our wish list? What are we willing to overlook?
  10. Lol I read the thread title as a new ad request. Was wondering why we were requesting any ads... Punctuation and capitalization are your friends....
  11. Yawn. We needed a press conference for this why? Just put out a press release and call it good. A new AD deserves a press conference, not a marginal one retiring.
  12. They're closed on Sundays everywhere.
  13. For the record, the wedding was fabulous! Congrats to @siouxforeverbaby and @Vegas_Sioux
  14. These refs are letting a lot to go... Picking up the tempo here
  15. Somebody look up how tall #27 is... He's like head and shoulders above everyone else on the team
  16. Seems odd. I understand wanting more playing time, but isn't playing time earned?
  17. Now boarding in Denver.... See you all tonight!
  18. http://www.news-leader.com/story/sports/college/msu/2017/09/26/what-does-missouri-state-have-do-students-attend-football-games/677277001/
  19. If the students who already have the tickets and are there don't want to stay why do you think students that currently only come for tailgating or don't come at all will want to stay? I can't provide much insight because I love football and as a student in the D2 era I stayed for the whole game even when we were winning by 40. Only once did I leave early and that was because I had to go to work. Students today just have so many other options of things to do with their time. Spending five hours a Saturday at the Alerus for tailgating and football is just not going to win out for a majority of them.
  20. https://www.google.com/amp/amp.usatoday.com/story/29007681/
  21. You do realize that literally every college football team in the country has this problem, right? Send the picture all you want I can guarantee the Alerus and athletic department is already aware of it. You can't force the students to stay. Just be glad they are there. I can think if more than one B10 school where the students roll in during the second quarter and leave during the third.
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