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Everything posted by Irish

  1. So - who would you cast to play him in the movie?
  2. Well, we definatelty came to play - There is a night and day difference in attitude and play this year. The defense played well. The offense had periods of adaquacy. We made some mistakes that are killers - poor special team and punt play - not fielding punts and letting them roll for example. I still think Bartles should get a chance - otherwise coach might as well tell him that he's never getting in. The only way anyone should have that many quarterback/center exchange problems in the 4th game is if all of your centers are hurt and you have to play a guy who hasn't played center since his sophomore year in high school. Overall nice effort, but marred a little bit by how much we shot ourselves in the foot by preventable errors.
  3. I see we started the second half with a 1 yard run
  4. Fourth game of the season - no way we should have center exchange issues
  5. I see we are back to the one yard run on first down
  6. My Magic 8 Ball says "outlook not so good"
  7. I was refering to his body of work this season and last
  8. Please give Bartles a chance
  9. Ok - now we know we are going to need some points - let's see how the offense responds.
  10. Our posession - run, run (sounds like against 10 in the box) 3rd and 8 - incomplete - punt
  11. I think most of the heartburn over Jones stems not from his won-lost record, but from being frustrated with the team's play the last couple of years. The senior talent never really improved in 4 years, we turtled constantly on the road, and we appeared to play selfishly and not do the little things such as box out. Many games turned into a one on five offense. Many expected much more from the recently departed class than 17-17. He brought in a very talented group as freshmen and showed little ability to either add to them or coach em up. Whether this criticism is fair or not is another question. He may have had to coach the kids he could get and did the best he could, or he may have a discipline problem (disciplined play, not other issues). We'll know a lot more after this year.
  12. Don't mind him - Geaux Sioux hasn't been himself since "Big Snacks" left.
  13. It's so nice to have a fan from one of our rivals come here, talk about the game, talk up their team, and not be a total douche.
  14. My scenerio for a Sioux win - after battling for field position in a scoreless first quarter, MSU plays into our hands by driving down to our 4 and throwing a pick 6. The Sioux then start running the same two plays over and over again for 1 or 2 yards. This is so mind-numbingly boring that several MSU defensive linemen nod off and we break a couple of long scores.
  15. If he's playing the long game, it must be really long because he has shown absolutely nothing of this plan so far. I am sure Rudolph is a very knowledgable coach. You don't get to where he is without knowing a lot of football. My point is that even the smartest coaches sometimes have huge blind spots - especially about their "systems", and can be unusually stubborn. You see it at all levels. The best coaches have a system they like and recruit for, but have some flexability for change, because even the best offense or defense can be planned against and beaten. Unless you have a Bison type line, offenses need to keep defenses off balance and guessing, or at the very least keep them honest. Like I said in my last post - time to see what Rudolf is made of.
  16. Sorry I'm late - making a plate of nachos I don't think Oxbow and I are advocating chucking it 50 times, but I am not in favor of the entire game being one and two yard rushes either. I think this is the week we see what Rudolph is made of - 4th week into his new (and not very complicated) system, playing a team that apparently can be scored on, playing a game in which we almost certainly will need some offensive points. He's had time to review the film of the Stony Brook game. Hopefully he can come up with a plan that mixes up some plays and gives us a chance to move the ball. While 3 rushes and punt takes more time off the clock that 3 incompletes, it is not a strategy to run the clock. If we try this with any other team than Stoney Brook we will get our butts handed to us. Remember, we were one 90+ yard pick six from losing. We have to show some effort at moving the ball beyond the one yard plunge. The Lennon years we are all so nostalgic for had a much more balanced and attacking offense than this.
  17. You mean this article that refers to our offensive output as "putrid"? People are very very happy with what Bubba has done with the defense and overall attitude of the team. The offense is another story. I've been a Sioux football fan for over 40 years, and this is about the worst offensive display I have ever seen. Not just the output, but in the sheer futility of 1 yard run followed by 2 yard run. It's like we didn't even try. It was so painful to watch that people in my section started handicapping our plays for play and distance before they were run (with about 90% accuracy). Most popular call - 1 yard run over left guard. I know we all wax nostalgic for the "golden age" of Sioux football - when Lennon was winning - and fondly remember a fierce defense and a conservative "grind em up" offense. Lennon was conservative, but mainly in field position calls - when to punt, when to go for it and liked to play the field position game. Although our offense was run oriented, if you look at the games, we had a very diversified offense with runs, misdirections, and an accurate passing game all mixed in. Although we weren't a throw the bomb and go for broke team, we often set things up for long plays. We had a great passing game. I think that people mis-remember this era and only recall the grind it out part. We had some great quarterback play as well that was crucial to our winning. I know that we have to play with the team we have now, but for many fans watching us bang our head against the wall that was the Stony Brook defense over and over again was frustrating. I also believe that fans can comment on the offensive play selection and still be Bubba supporters and Fighting Sioux fans.
  18. Wow - not quite sure what I saw here. Thanks for sharing.
  19. I thought is was very funny - We need to keep things loose here as we adjust to a new coach. On the flip side, I love the new attitude on defense.
  20. Although the trophy is nice, I have to confess I might not be the Madden genius I thought I was because everyone else in my section at the game was able to call just about every play of ours and predict the outcome within a yard. I'm not sure when suggesting on this board that an offense that is on it's way to 6 - count em - 6 yards in the second half should try ..........something else.... (maybe at about the 3 total yard point) became such a bad thing. I sense a stubborness on offense that worries me.
  21. I'll give you that the line is very weak, but in my opinion neither Molberg or Rudolph are helping matters.
  22. Certainly not - there is a number between 7 and 50 that might work better, however. Take out the one 68 yard pass play and we gained a total of 77 yards in 42 plays. I am suggesting that we look at other things besides what we did the last two games. If that makes me a video game armchair quarterback, so be it.
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