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Everything posted by Irish

  1. This is our 8th year of our current suckhole. How much time do you want.
  2. It's sad to say, but here "on track" has come to mean not giving up during the game and not dicking around on the sidelines. That's how low we let this program get.
  3. I believe that much of the current differences in our programs can be explained with the answer to one question: "How long would Muss have lasted at NDSU?" - Not only was he tolerated here, many on this board actively defended him and regaled us with tales of how great each recruiting class was. I know it is sometimes a fine line between being a fan and being a critic, but it seems we have a much greater tolerence for medioctrity up north. We don't demand winners. Should we invest more money - sure, but that's only a small part of the problem. It isn't that hockey steals the money, it's that hockey steals the intensity - Muss has another crappy team and it's "hell with it, I'll go hunting until hockey starts". Where as down south football is all they have. There if Bohl has a couple of sub-par seasons after a couple of 10- 1 years it's "by God, he better get it together and right now". They demand success, we hope for it. Right now fans are fired up about Bubba. I hope that translates into increased attendence, funding, and expectations. I hope we have the collective will to demand and support a winner.
  4. And we haven't come close to showing that yet. I'm so tired of hearing from Bison fans I could puke. How did we let our program get so far down this Muss-hole? I am really frustrated about our lack of demanding a winner.
  5. I certainly liked the tone Bubba took in the paper today - we have some areas we need to improve in and we will work hard to do that. So much more refreshing than the toe to toe crap we used to hear. I really believe Bubba has an accurate handle on how this team performed and we will improve greatly during the season. That's what coaching is all about.
  6. Irish

    SJSU Game Thread

    That's something I don't want to get used to. Seems like we have gotten used to quite a bit over the last 7 years. And I think asking how we are going to approach our offense given the state of the O line is a legitamate question here on a football forum.
  7. Irish

    SJSU Game Thread

    Ah, yes - vintage Sioux Football forum - wildly over-optimistic before the game, critical of anyone who provides analysis or comments that aren't duckies and bunnies afterwords. No one is freaking out. What they are doing is discussing the ass-whooping we recieved (and probably should have expected).
  8. Irish

    SJSU Game Thread

    I fully understand how many games we've played. I think it's a legitimate question to ask - can we continue our philosophy of establishing the run with our O line? Unless these guys get better in a hurry or unless you think that SJSU has by far the best D line we will play, we have a lot of 2nd and 9 and 3rd and 7's in our future. That's not to say we can't keep this philosophy for the future - we just need some hogs to make it work.
  9. Irish

    SJSU Game Thread

    I will be interested in seeing what happens to the offensive philosophy. I'm happy to establish the run and play a little smash mouth, but when your first down runs end up with a yard or less, things get dicey. Our attempts to establish the run ruined our offensive chances for at least the first half. How long do we keep this philosophy with our line? Thanks to Muss's fine recruiting, it doesn't look like we will be pounding much of anything against most teams.
  10. Irish

    SJSU Game Thread

    I wouldn't call the penalty phase of the game one of our strong suits tonight.
  11. Irish

    SJSU Game Thread

    Bubba's first move when getting back should be sending out guys to recruit their asses off. Quite honestly, if he brings a team like this to the Fargodome next year to play a game that UND had to bend over to get, I will be pissed beyond belief.
  12. Irish

    SJSU Game Thread

    Sadly, I have to agree with you. This is his 3rd year in the program and we have yet to see anything like we were led to expect.
  13. Irish

    SJSU Game Thread

    I guess it's down to that now.
  14. Irish

    SJSU Game Thread

    Absolutely no push from the O line
  15. Irish

    SJSU Game Thread

    I thought we were done with stupid penalties this year.
  16. Irish

    SJSU Game Thread

    I sure hope there is less jacking around on the sidelines as that may be our only area of improvement.
  17. Irish

    SJSU Game Thread

    Pounding the rock only works if you can actually pound the rock.
  18. For some reason this ground my gears more than almost anything in the Muss era - especially when you add the smack talk.
  19. Where did I say UND couldn't win - I was critical of Faison, who to the best of my knowledge has no eligibility left. My comment was to point out that we accepted an offer from the knuckleheads down south that was a deliberate insult.
  20. Hapless but cocky and mouthy.
  21. Two away games and no home games is a deliberate slap in the face of the Sioux, not a quirk of the schedule.
  22. Two away and no home - what is so hard to understand? Faison basically bent over for them. Pathetic.
  23. Faison bent over for the Bison - he needs to go.
  24. Couldn't agree more - pathetic groveling on UND's part - but hey, we were willing to put up with 7 years of Muss, so we must have an incredible tolerence for pain - maybe if we just tried to relax ...
  25. UND fans are very tolerent of mediocrity and lack of championships. When things started to go south with Mussman with the Sioux Falls debacle, critisism of Muss met stiff resistance here on the forum, with supporters of keeping on and hoping things got better out in force. One football "expert" on the forum would regulairly confront people with the "what is the highest level you played" argument - insinuating that if you didn't spend at least a couple of years on the Viking's Taxi squad you had no football knowledge. We were content to let a poor hiring decision turn into what looks now like a decade long rat hole. Teams not getting it done - hey let's hope next year is better. We don't demand success, we just hope for the best.
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