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Everything posted by Irish

  1. Not cohesive offensively because the guys haven't played with each other a lot? - the same offense as last year after the guys played together for 4 freaking years. They play a playground offense when it counts.
  2. Hak has many positives as a coach, but he is one stubborn SOB about his "systems"
  3. Any evidence our esteemed Athletic Director has done anything on our behalf? I have no faith in the man standing up for Sioux Sports.
  4. I've said this before, but I think it bears repeating on this thread - Complaints about Jone's coaching are, in my opinion, about 50% on his record and about 50% about style (how his teams look when they play). Remember, most of the Mens BB fans are older. He brought in a very talented group against the odds (last year's seniors). Jones supporters rightfully point to their high conference finish. However, others saw a talented group that did not improve in many areas for 4 years - teamwork, rebounding, defense, and toughness on the road. In addition, he showed little ability to add to this group. What could have been a team that people rallied around became a team fans were frustrated with. It's like towards the end of the game we called time out and during the break we called "playground" for the last two minutes - you know - "hey, if you get that 1 on 4 matchup, make sure you take it". I know that this is an oversimplification, but what should have been a fun 4 years became a frustrating time for many old time fans. Now we have some new young talent that shows signs of playing the same way. We are never going to win just on the talent we attract here. We need some semblance of rebounding and discipline. That is why I think many fans are tired of Jones.
  5. Contact information for the league - please write and express your feelings http://www.nchchockey.com/page/show/878706-staff-directory
  6. Alright, I'm gonna say it. There is one guy who needs to have the Sioux Hockey Program's back - I'm looking at you, Faison. The team and coaches shouldn't focus on poor reffing, many fans including me have emailed the league office, the media will not write anything that is so critical that they jeopardize relationships with anyone (they will hint about a controversy, but are not willing to say it like it is). We need someone in an official capacity to make the case. This is why we need an AD with a spine - if he has "talked about the subject in private" that's not good enough for me. This isn't a case of just having the close calls go against us - this is a case complete with out and out incompetence or malfesance (with video evidence to prove it). The series had league championship and playoff implications and there is no way we should let this slide. It is my strong feeling Faison won't do what is necessary, leaving the Sioux chat board to express our disgust. He has caved in to the NCHC powers that be before (the media contract and hiring Don Adams as head of officials - for those of you that have forgotten his WCHA days, he is the only reff that has openly stated his dislike of North Dakota. Time for someone to cowboy up and back this program.
  7. Tell me again cberkas (from friday thread) how the NCHC has the finest refs in all of college.
  8. This is a well reasoned argument that makes its point without resorting to calling anyone a moron. I respect this opinion, while I don't agree with all of it. I don't know Coach Jones personally, so I will take your word about his personality. I also agree with the point you made about coming in at a tough time in the transition. However, there remains for me something frustrating about this program. I admit to being an old fart who was around for the Gunther years (which may be idealized over time in my mind) but I think I came away feeling more satisfied after a Gunther loss than many of the Jones wins. The undisciplined "balling" of his teams drives me nuts as did the "give me the ball so I can play 1 on 4" offense we saw sometimes last year. That along with the lack of rebounding and boxing out makes for a frustrating experience. I know he has some young talent and more on the way next year, but for crap's sake, can't we play with a little basketball sense and at least box out? In my mind, another year like this one except with some more talent isn't the direction I hope we go in. Look around at the age of the basketball crowds - almost all old guys. When they get tired of this program and stop coming the program will be in real trouble.
  9. Allow me to disagree - did you see the goal waved off tonight - no excuse
  10. Nice win - dominant - with a couple of lapses One thing I was happy about when I heard we had a new conference is the chance for better reffing - holy crap was I wrong - Don't know what can be done, but if I'm AD I'm shaking the tree after the season (not just about the goal tonight, but about the body of work).
  11. Not sure what to make of this post - my first thought is you were being sarcastic (I hope this is true) - My second thought is that you are on drugs (or off your meds). I hope this is not true. My third thought is that you are BisonDan.
  12. It ain't the hocky only bs attitude, it's the product on the floor. Stop blaming hockey for mens bb problems. If hockey went away, would that all of a sudden make Jones a better coach? Mens bb did well alongside hockey when we fielded winners.
  13. This is a really good question and made me think a bit about my answer - - I'm not thrilled with his interpersonal skills - not that being a rah rah guy is always the answer, but he gives us absolutely nothing to rally around or get emotionally excited about. He may care deeply about winning but hasn't expressed that to the fans in a way that gets anyone fired up - Yes, he finally pulled the trigger on Muss, but in my opinion, let things go way too long to the point where we need a massive rebuilding project to become competative again. He also gave Muss a contract extension which we had to eat. This at a time when our sister school to the south is having unprecidented success - I'm really tired of hearing from my NDSU buddies - If he cared about winning, something would have been done after Sioux Falls - Men's basketball isn't really a program that people are going to rally behind in its current state. I'm worried Jones is another Muss and it will take us another 5 years to make a change. - Poor luck and timing - Many fans I know of are frustrated with our overall athletic situation and when you add in the second longest title drought in history in Men's Hockey (been discussed, not saying it's Faison's fault or to fire Hak - just frustrating) - Our place as the best school in the state by far is being threatened by the AC, who anyone can see has the fire in their belly. Faison has all the excitement of an accountant. - There have been no signature wins anywhere to get excited about. - Need something to rally around for fundraising - I'm worried that if I give more it will go to a Jones extension like he did with Muss - He has done some good things like the conference allignments, but for crap's sake we really need a big winner. Really. North Dakota needs to be buzzing about UND sports again. - Maybe that's the answer to your question - go to any town in North Dakota and start talking about athletics and what school comes up? Didn't used to be that way, even when the Bison were winning DII championships. -
  14. It seems like you know more than I do - here are some of my basic questions that I have never seen answered publically - not saying they aren't public, just that I haven't seen the answers: Who gets the ticket revenue for hockey games - I would assume UND gets it all, but would like to know for sure Who gets the money from concessions? How much is that for hockey per year? What are the arrangements for profits from the Sioux Shop? Does UND athletics "pay" rent to the Ralph for games or practice ice time? In other words, for the hockey season who gets what revenue from games? For me, this is quite a different set of information than how much The Corporation send back to Sioux Sports (after expenses) - My calculations may be way off here, but assuming UND athletics gets the entire ticket gate for hockey games, the New Ralph holds at least 5,000 more than the old Ralph. At a ticket cost of 37.50 per ticket and a season of 22 home games, that should be $4,125,000 more revenue per year - not including the associated costs for season tickets such as Club membership in order to purchase tickets.Plus what The Ralph rolls back to UND. It it works like this, that's a lot of new revenue. This is what has never made sense to me - we have a free new venue which seats 5,000 more people and our Athletic Department is so broke we have to operate some DI sports "on a DII budget" . Why don't we have millions more per year? If we are not getting all the money for admissions, we are getting hosed. If we are, why didn't we see a big bump in revenue?
  15. I have been a fan for UND athletics for many years, and a regular Basketball attender for many of them. I started drifting away from basketball toward the end of the Glass era and quite frankly have gotten out of the basketball attendence habit. The times I have gone to Jones coached games I left frustrated by the type of ball we played even if we won. We need a reason go to games again - a couple of signature wins, a trip to the dance, some fantastic talent to watch (quite honestly, as good as Huff was his play drove me nuts). There is absolutely no buzz about Men's basketball. I think many Sioux fans of all sports are ready for a serious concentrated effort for excellence across the board. I know we need more money, but here it becomes murky. I am giving what I think is a reasonable amount, and am not sure that if I gave more it would go towards any increase in competitiveness as that doesn't seem to by high on our AD's priorities. In addition I am frustrated by the lack of transparency by the Ralph. If we move into a free arena and double the hockey attendence why don't we have a lot more money than we do? I guess what I am saying is that in order for me to start attending basketball or give more in general I want some strong leadership (Bubba, for example is very entheusiastic, tells you what type of team he is building, tells you his goals, and is a guy you can believe in) - we need more of this type of leadership -
  16. Couldn't agree more - please be more active with the trolls - we have some here (not you Ira) that just can't help but take the bait time after time
  17. In fairness to all fans, Faison gave Muss the contract extension with years left on it. Not seeing how he gets credit for correcting his blunder at our expense.
  18. I agree that just on the record, Jones doesn't appear that bad - although he is certainly nothing to write home about. However, there is something about most of his teams that is inherently frustrating. Take the team that went to the title game for example (this is the one accomplishment everyone points to) - If they were a hard-working group of over-achievers who got there by hustle and teamwork I think everyone would have been very excited. However, they appeared to be a very talented group who didn't improve much over their careers, folded like lawn chairs on the road, played a very undisciplined style (think of our 1 on 3 offense) and refused to box out. It is nice to see UND fans want success in all DI sports - with that new interest comes some demands on coaches. So far Jones has done just enough to keep his job, but nothing that makes me think he's the guy to get it done. How long do we let him go on?
  19. .30 - that's some hardcore drinkin.
  20. But not tonight though - who do you think will win a championship first - Hak or Blais?
  21. Irish

    2015 Recruiting

    Love to hear that - Your son will fit right in and be an intregal part of what we call Bubba Ball - Thanks for being on the board - hope to see you tailgating
  22. Two lower bowl - 3rd row, sect 113, row C, seats 1 and 2 - $60 text 701 740 1607 SOLD - sorry
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