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Everything posted by Blackheart

  1. Anybody worried about any lingering effects of Blais' comments about the goaltending this past weekend; specifically Brandt? For a guy who gets the most out of his players (see 1997) he makes some strange decisions when talking to the media. I would have thought his comments would have been better handled "in house" rather than blasting one of his own in the paper. I'll defer to Deano on this one; he's the one with 2 National Championships, but we'll see how the team/goaltending reacts this weekend against CC. Go SIOUX!
  2. You obviously didn't make the trip to Albany a few years ago for the FF.
  3. Aw, they can shove it up there ****ing ***es!!
  4. So if the Sioux play in the Midwest regional, they would only be on Victory Sports but if they go to the West regional there's a good chance they would be shown on Fox Sports Net-Rocky Mtn/Other? ps. Carl Pohlad can kiss my *ss
  5. That must have been back in 89-90....My roommate got the call at the Meteorology Lab from President Clifford asking him what he thought.... Off to the bar we all went....
  6. Dumbass starts with DU
  7. DU'H' Pioneers
  8. I just heard Grampa Sports on WCCO and he mentioned his "good friend" (only good, not "close personal") JP Parise with two sons who play for North Dakota. He said, "It would have been nice had they gone to the UM, but it didn't work out for Zach and uh...I think it's Brad Parise" What a tool!!
  9. Blackheart

    Nice fan

  10. I was just made aware of this on the Sioux Shop site. http://siouxshop.com/catalog/product_info....products_id=398 Anyone else look into this at all? Is this the same thing PSB has been advertising or can he "hook us up" to a better deal?
  11. Didn't Archie wear #15 and #21?
  12. So when is homeboy coming to UND?
  13. Well to be honest, I am more concerned about his health for the rest of the season than the fact they lost a game to those slackers from Hockey Least....
  14. Anyone else watch Zach limp off the ice after the handshakes? He looked like he needed help just to get back to the bench. Hope he didn't do any more damage....
  15. My "Stuff the Gophers"shirt is a classic, it has a Sioux Hockey Player performing a bit of taxidermy on a live rodent by jamming hockey pucks up his keester....Not sure where that one came from, maybe West Hall...Good times....
  16. An Ian Kidd cross check to Duluth's Skeeter Moore during the 1986-87 playoffs....We all thought the guys neck was broken when they brought the stretcher out...That will teach him to be a chippy bastard...Good times...
  17. What's the current status of Sydney Crosby?
  18. Hey, I understand where the students are coming from...I did my share of waiting out in the cold before the arena was open and maybe the current situation is not deemed "fair". I just have a hard time seeing the bad side of a $100,000,000 gift.
  19. Christ, quit your pissin! You get to see big time DI hockey in the nicest arena in the country for a very $mall fee....At least you don't have to listen to every idiot on the street talking about the Goofers "eight-peat" and watch the Woogster and Hairhat talk about the Golden Showers every week..... I gotta move...
  20. Dave "Skates Up" Spehar of the Goofs going head first into the UND bench during the 1998 Final Five and not having any luck freeing himself.... I've got that picture here somewhere.....
  21. Thanks, that was what I was looking for.....
  22. Can any of you experts/lawyers out there give me a brief overview of what Title IX really says? I understood that it recommends that men and women have similar opportunities to compete but that it does not necessarily state that it has to be one for one. The way it is enforced today is that number of scholarships and varsity sports have to be equal for men and women. Was that the true intent of this? Sorry for bringing this into the hockey forum but I think I'll get a better anwer here.
  23. Geez, I didn't think Frank's hairhat was going to stay on because of all the excitement. Wooger kept shooting looks down the bar towards our group, I hope he didn't remember all the abuse we gave him during another 3rd period Gopher collapse back in 1998 at the Old REA. I remember those morale victories well. Not to take away from Mujack's blonde, but the brunette I saw was laser hot...
  24. Well, I would hate to lose the streak in a flukey one goal game, but this sounds like a real ass-whipping. We will see tomorrow if the mighty Mavs can shake this one off or if they have a little post-concussion syndrome. Go Sioux-Mavs Lose!!
  25. I like my version better (see below)....Of course I'm assuming CC goes into a mini-slump....Doesn't matter anyway; it's all about playing for position in the playoffs. It will be interesting to see how the regionals shake out this year now that there are no travel restrictions like last year. (that was sad) Ann Arbor and Minneapolis could be tough places to advance from.... Team GP Pts UND 28 43 CC 28 40 UMN 28 36 Denver 28 33 SCSU 28 32 UMD 28 29 Mankato 28 26 UW 28 16 MTech 28 15 AA 28 10
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