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Everything posted by UND Fan

  1. How can we offer him a scholarship when none are available for next year? The only scholarship for next year was Pat Mitchell's and I thought that one was going to Shane Benton. Is possibly one of the red-shirt juniors not returning next year. Something has to give for this offer to be made. Go Sioux ************* As noted below, a total of 13 scholarships are allowed but they do not need to be full rides. I would guess that only 9-10 of the kids who might be back next year have full rides so there is money available. ************* Number of Scholarships Men's Division-I teams are allowed 13 full-ride scholarships that can be broken up any way the university sees fit. You could see 26 players with half scholarships on a given team, however, it would be highly unusual
  2. Does anyone else find it odd that Hak received no votes for Pre-Season Coach of the Year in the Media Poll? Is he not a fan of the press? If so, I wasn't aware of it! PRESEASON COACH OF THE YEAR Scott Owens, Colorado College (9 votes); Mel Pearson, Michigan Tech (5) Others receiving votes: Dean Blais, Nebraska-Omaha; George Gwozdecky, Denver; Don Lucia, Minnesota; Dave Shyiak, Alaska-Anchorage
  3. This kid certainly appears to have a good head on his shoulders so an offer from Iowa likely would not be automatically accepted. Obviously, my point is, if Joe would accept a Hawkeye offer in December and January, it would make UND's efforts to find another top notch QB more difficult. I wish I wouldn't have posted this - don't mean to put a damper on such great news! Thanks again for all your insight regarding Mollberg. What is the latest on Labatt?
  4. I certainly don't blame Mollberg for his interest in Iowa. However, it puts the UND coaching staff in a tough position. Do you continue recruiting other QBs who were high on your list of prospects? These QBs have other programs interested in them. How do we entice them to remain interested in us when they know an offer may be contingent on Mollberg being offered by the Hawkeyes. Not a complaint - I am happy as heck that we have a tentative commitment. I sure hope it materializes.
  5. I agree - do we have any idea whether everyone is healthy?
  6. Added to Wiki - nice size, good speed!
  7. You had mentioned Labatt before. I think he plays both RB and LB. He will be a LB in college, right? Size? Any other offers? Regarding Mollberg - do you really think he would commit and then change his mind at the last minute if Iowa had something open up? That would certainly be a blow to whatever school he commits to now! Mollberg, depending on the source, has been listed everywhere between 6'1, 195 to 6'4, 220. What is his current size?
  8. I just reread all of those comments - very interesting! I know Ira has been following this kid closely for the last 2-3 years. Ira doesn't "blow smoke" like many of those who post. I certainly hope what he has heard and his reasoning pans out in a decision to attend UND. It sounds like we will know fairly soon.
  9. This surprises me a bit as it appears his No. 1 choice is Iowa. I assumed he would wait until he learned for sure that an offer would not come from the Hawkeyes. That being said, maybe they did inform him that an offer would not be forthcoming.
  10. That is excellent news! With the large roster, it will be interesting how many ladies we ask to redshirt. Hopefully, the most talented ones will buy-in and agree to sit out the year. It should be an exciting season!
  11. I hope it closer than this.... Fresno 48 UND 17
  12. Although the coaching staff likely knows who they plan to redshirt, I would expect that the final decisions won't be made until shortly before the season starts. They will want to see the players in official practices before setting the final roster.
  13. Have any of the UND students on this board seen the players in the gym yet? Of course, there are no organized practices yet but the players are undoubtedly on the court everyday. I am curious how both the veterans and rookies are looking? Do we know if Wilmer and Goodman are healthy?
  14. GS - you sure have a knack for finding these - thanks! I have updated Wiki with these as well as some other new info.
  15. First, I applaud and thank you for your support. Regarding being out gunned and everybody thinking the Alerus is fine, I don't necessarily think that is the case. I would guess most of us would prefer to have a larger stadium on campus. I am afraid that it just isn't feasible anytime in the next 10-15 years. Keep the passion!
  16. I appreciate your passion! Unquestionably, you "think big" which is normally quite commendable. However, much of what you continue to talk about requires huge amounts of cash. Where do you expect UND to find that kind of money? It would be great if another Ralph & Betty came along but that is highly unlikely. UND has its hands full financially just making the transition: more scholarships to fund, higher salaries, adding more employees, escalating tuition affecting the cost of scholarships, major travel expenses in all sports just to compete at the DI level, major recruiting expense due to the expansion of our recruiting footprint (not many kids are driving to GF to see what UND has to offer), etc. I need to ask the question: as a "loyal UND supporter", have you made a financial commitment to assist the athletic department meet these expenses and plan for the future? I don't remember if you are a student or not. If so, then you probably don't have the means to do much yet. I would hope that you do (or will) write as large of a check as possible every year to help UND athletics prosper. If you are not doing so or don't intend to do so, you may want to be a little less vocal and do a little less second-guessing about UND's desire to move forward. I do realize that "writing as large of a check as possible" represents a full spectrum of dollar amounts. Some folks certainly can afford much more than others but the smaller amounts are also extremely important! I do think we will hear more about the IPF quite soon - that will be a much-needed addition to UND's athletic facilities. However, complaining that there is no long term plan for a new stadium just doesn't make sense. UND leadership has too much to do to keep their arms around all that is happening today to spend a great of time planning for a stadium that will cost milllions of $. That isn't going to materialize anytime soon unless someone comes along willing to write a check for the vast majority of its cost. On that point - I assume that you do know UND has people out making contacts with any and all UND alumni and supporters looking for every dollar they can get to assist our athletic efforts. Sorry for the lecture - again, I appreciate your passion for Sioux sports!
  17. UND Fan


    Hope I'm wrong..... Idaho 34 UND 30
  18. UND Fan


    Unfortunately, this effort isn't going to inspire fans to come flocking back to the next home game....
  19. UND Fan


    Awfully sloppy - but it is the first game.....
  20. UND Fan


    3-0 after 1. We are moving!
  21. UND Fan


    Anderson just has an awfully hard time catching the ball. Talented but just not consistent!
  22. You are correct - I should not have been quite so outspoken that we should "blast" Carlson. Only well-written, professional notes are appropriate. But I still think we should bombard him with our toned-down opinions. Part of my frustration is that he and I have traded four different e-mails (four each way) since the issue first arose in the legislature. In each of his responses, he certainly made it sound like his actions were solely for the benefit of the university. I am not surprised but he certainly is not looking out for UND's best interests if he actively works to keep the law on the books. Most of ND's politicians are not in the same class (a very low class) as the majority of politicians in the federal gov't and many other states but it is apparent that Carlson does fit that mold!!
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