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Everything posted by UND Fan

  1. 3 points in the last 10 1/2 minutes of the first half - tied at 23 at halftime.
  2. Have we determined yet whether the funds would be for jerseys or the IPF? I would provide a donation for the jerseys just to help the cause a bit but I don't really care if we have green uniforms or not. I would be much more interested in writing a larger check for the IPF. I think it would be great to purchase something within the building that they would not have been able to have without our contribution.
  3. I have been meaning to ask you (or anyone else) if you have seen Nash practice. If so, what are your thoughts about how much he will help us next year? Same question as it relates to Salmonson, Hobaugh and Blake?
  4. Very good article! Did we know that his grades suffered and he wouldn't have been eligible to play this semester - if the NCAA would have approved his eligibility for this year? It said he would be eligible for his Sr. season. He will have two year of eligibility left, correct?
  5. Thanks for doing the homework - I hadn't been able to get to it yet! I am also surprised by Gumina and especially Clark! I agree he must of had qualifying issues.
  6. I watched the game on TV - agree with your assessment!
  7. I made a similar comment back during the season about the large number of Grizzly and Bobcat players from Montana high schools. This last week I was amazed again that, between the two schools, they signed 19 recruits from Montana. Between SU and us, we signed four ND recruits and I don't think there were any ND players signing with a DI school outside of ND, were there? The population of Montana is larger than ND's but not significantly larger - it is unrearl the difference in talent produced in MT high schools vs. North Dakota. Montana beat our ladies handily at the Betty this afternoon - with 11 Montana girls on their BB roster! We have four ND players on our roster, SU has one! Are ND high schools not producing the athletic talent that they should?
  8. To be quite honest, I really don't care about the uniforms either. I would contribute to the uni's but would much rather raise money for something in the IPF that they wouldn't have been able to afford without our help! I think this may also "set an example" for some folks with tons of $ to step up and help with the IPF.
  9. Thanks - I live a couple thousand miles from GF and the UND fans I know up there are already FSC members so I wouldn't likely be able to find others to contribute. Therefore, there really isn't a category for me. I would add a $100 or $200 category with no commitment to try to find other contributors.
  10. I originally posted this under the jersey thread but will move it over here as well....... Thanks to whomever created the poll. However, there probably should have been one more option: Willing to contribute more than $20 but not confident...... In fact, you might want to add a couple others: Willing contribute $100 or more and I am confident (or not) I can find 10 others to contribute at least $20. Some folks are able to write bigger checks - if we tracked their responses, we would have a better idea of how much we could raise.
  11. UND Fan

    New Jerseys

    Thanks to whomever created the poll. However, there probably should have been one more option: Willing to contribute more than $20 but not confident...... In fact, you might want to add: Willing contribute $100 or more and I am confident (or not) I can find 10 others to contribute at least $20. Some folks are able to write bigger checks - if we tracked their responses, we would have a better idea of how much we could raise.
  12. UND Fan

    New Jerseys

    I would do so if I knew how but why doesn't someone set up a poll/survey on this thread to see how many of us would ante up. That isn't very scientific but if there are 30 showing interest, rather than 8, it might make sense.
  13. What a fine win tonight! Very impressive! Keep it going in Missoula!!!
  14. Behind 24-23 at half. Turnovers - UND: 17, MSU: 14 Not a very well played game!!
  15. UND Fan

    New Jerseys

    That is what I expected - even with some of us anteing up a decent amount, I don't think we would get anywhere near $20K! A good idea but likely not feasible.
  16. UND Fan

    New Jerseys

    Does anyone have an idea what the total cost would be?
  17. UND Fan

    New Jerseys

    Come up with a method to contribute and I am in!
  18. It is interesting that Rivals no longer has LB Ramesh and RB Smith going to UW and Utah, respectively. Both were offered by UND. Ramesh isn't included in the Badger press release but one website says he did sign and will grey-shirt. I didn't do any homework on Smith. Not meant to get our hopes up - neither will end up with us.
  19. I am confused - SDSU lists 14 "recruited walk-ons". I would assume that term means the same as PWO. They signed 17 kids - not sure how their roster can support 14 walk-ons - unless some of them won't join the team until after school starts but I wouldn't think they would be considered "recruited walk-ons".
  20. I have no idea what "other schools" you may referencing!!!!!
  21. Guys - I think I have Wiki up-to-date with our recruits (still wish there was more info about PWOs). I will update the "offered but signed elsewhere" section this evening.
  22. You are correct - and I agree!
  23. Thanks - I did misread the question. I thought he asked how many were "walking" on rather than "waiting" on. However, it doesn't sound like there will be many.... Luke Schleusner: Yes it's definitely coming along. At the FCS level, we are limited to 95 players in Fall camp, so that means only 10 walk ons. with the number of talented PWO's we brought in last year, it means less spots this year.
  24. I believe so - and it sounds like he won't. As noted above, I hope we get the two CA kids. Surprised that, per Matt, there will only be 1-2 PWOs!
  25. It appears that we have backed off recruiting in Colorado - to some degree, at least! Over the last few years, we have offered a least one or two CO prospects each year - and gotten a few (Hicks, Pecosky, Young).
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