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Everything posted by ESPNInsider

  1. When they researched it, they just contacted the Athletic Association from each state. When they called the NDHSAA it was a free-lance writer. He asked what the best High school in the state was over the past 10 years. They told him they didn't keep that on record. So they had to go through and count up all the championships over the past 10 years. When they totaled it up RR was first, FSH second, and BHS third. If there was info in there not regarding the past 10 years, that would have been because the state association would have given them that info.
  2. What about Bush making Hoeven look like a hero and take GFAFB off the list at the last minute, propelling Hoeven to a win over Conrad? That would be a nice gain for the GOP!
  3. Yeah, I've visited their facilities and they are unreal. Indoor football facility is as cool as I've seen. Outdoor facility next door is great too. The track and field facilities are also nice. The one thing they need is a new b-ball arena. They curently use an old gymnasium which doesn't seat many. The rims have been known to shake during free throws as the crowd jumps. There was a debate a couple of years ago when the Ducks were going to play Alabama maybe? LSU? can't remember, but it was the first game of the year and was going to be very hot. The other team was also sponsored by Nike but the ducks were given new Nike vests, which I believe were the prototype for the Nike DryFit. The other school was very mad and threatened to drop their contract with Nike until they gave them the same vests. Pretty interesting how much money and innovation goes into college athletics. ...now I have to get back to designing that flying shoe...
  4. Yeah, but the cost to outfit a college team with new uniforms is nothing for Nike, Reebok etc. I don't usually buy shoes that often that it would bother me much. I like the changes and think that whoever pays for it is making more back on the purchases of new merchandise probably. Think about the cost of a MLB team changing to a new hat. Then think of how many hundreds of thousands of those hats they will sell. Seems like a pretty good investment to me. As for Oregon think of all the free pub they get over those uniforms. That is all free advertising. And I don't think anyone's going to say, oh I don't want to play for them, look at those ugly unis. Specially if they go check out the facilities that Nike has built the U o fO. It's pretty unbelievable, the facilities that Nike has paid for for them. And the innovation just continues with the underarmour and DryFit clothing, why wouldn't you want to go to Oregon, who gets to try a lot of this new stuff out before other schools. Now I'm getting into selling Oregon, but I just think that the uniform change was done to show innovation and get free publicity.
  5. See I like the Miami unis, but maybe it's just an age thing Do I dare ask what you think of Oregon's unis??
  6. Another sob article by Doreen Yellow Bird in the paper today. Yellowbird rant It saddens me that people have to go through life looking at everything as being unfair to them, or negative toward them. It's time to step out of the shell and realize that there are better things in the world and better places. America is a great place to live, if you want to live in one city and go to the schools there, that is your choice, if you want to live in another, that is just fine too. I just find it hard to believe that in this day in age people feel they are stuck in one place and do not have the freedom to move out.
  7. Mafia, I'm guessing you're a fan of Joe Pa and his stance on Penn State's unis huh? Personally, I see the reason they make these changes as being purely profitable. I don't mind the changes at all. I don't mind a team wearing a different uni every time they play. We always wanted as many different styles as we could get when I was playing. Just makes it more fun to switch it up once in a while. No harm no foul.
  8. This goes before Bush in Sept. then he has to sign off on it. Wouldn't think it would take place for a couple of years. Also, the runway will still be needed for the new UAVs that will be flying out of there..
  9. Didn't know where to put this, but this seemed like logical place. Do you guys think that the Lancers and/or UNO's hockey team will take a major hit with Calgary's AHL club going to Omaha?
  10. Looks like Fargo will be re-alligned CRR when did Conrad say that? Story here
  11. Ross Olson was All District All Academic 1st team. Pretty cool, first Sioux player since Gabe Dahl (current UND assistant) to be on the team.
  12. Best baseball movie: Bull Durham Major League 1, 2, or 3 Field of Dreams The Rookie Rookie of the Year The Natural A League of their Own 8 Men Out 61* Bad News Bears For the Love of the Game The Scout My favorite would be Field of Dreams, with Bull Durham second, and The Natural third Although my favorite part of any of these is when you watch Major League on TBS and Dorn says, "strike this.....(really poor timing) guuuuuy......out"
  13. Forgot about Braxton, he's a good one. Maris
  14. Just get something to discuss, not much else going on. I've just been trying to think of famous people from Fargo and have a hard time, Maris, Hansen, ??
  15. Being that ndsu and Fargo are FAR SUPERIOR to UND and GF according to those that pull for the Ag School, I wanted to get a little list of famous, ultra-successful alumni/residents going. I just can't think of that many from ndsu/Fargo. Maybe that is because we don't hear about them in GF but who are their famous alums? I'm thinking mainly athletics here folks, we don't have to name every businessman or lawyer that graduated from UND.
  16. I wouldn't mind Buning coming in and shaking things up for a couple of years. Maybe he won't be liked by all but he could make some needed, not well liked changes and then when he takes off for a new job in 3 years or so Rob can come in and be the "good guy" as we move into DI. Some big assumptions I know on my part but that's my opinion. The only reason I wouldn't see Buning moving on quickly would be the age of his three kids.
  17. I see the topic is heating up in the Herald. Looks like once again the Herald is copying SS.com
  18. Sounds great! No those of you who are still going to be there get out there and make the atmosphere great
  19. Why would the coaching staff want to bring in a recruit to watch a game in the Ralph? That would be dumb! Have the kid see a good atmosphere at a game. I don't think the Ralph is as big of a selling point on non-hockey players as many have claimed. Has anyone ever heard anybody say they want games in the Ralph? I know there is the argument that sweet owners want the games in there, but do they? They should have an open forum where people can speak their mind about the subject so this problem can be figured out. My guess would be that "the suite people" who want the games in the Ralph would not even show up. They are probably not going to most of the games but just want the games in the Ralph so they have the option to let others use their suite. I strongly believe that the true fans of basketball, the ones who show up night after night would show up for such a meeting and support the cause.
  20. I'm pretty sure that the new rule is you have to have two courts in the same building to be able to host. The Alerus, Ralph/Betty, Fargodome, BSA, and Bismarck can all do this, but I'm pretty sure Minot cannot. Does anyone know if Minot is still in the rotation? I would think people would rather have the tourney in the Alerus rather then the Ralph. The Alerus has a great set-up for two games at the same time.
  21. That's a valid point although, I would say they have competed for an NCC crown and played in the playoffs in recent history. But yes I would expect them to compete for NCC championships every couple of years or so. Probably more often now that the NCC is watered down.
  22. The only thing he could have done differently would have been to sit Brandt the entire game, as when he was in he was going to get his shots, whether they be from 12 of from 27 feet. It seems as though Brandt wanted to have a few more shots as he left the team??
  23. Cratter, you can't compare those four sports. Reasons? Hockey: a northern sport played by few schools. Yes UND has one of the best programs in the country, but there aren't that many schools who compete. Football: The NCC is a very strong football conference and the region UND is in is arguably (or not arguably) the strongest in the country. There are good prospects in the area that haven't had that many opportunities in the past to attend 1AA programs in the area (now changing with NDSU SDSU and the likes) In the South these players could attend any # of weak D1 or D1AA schools Women's Bball: NCC is arguably the strongest conference year in and year out in the nation. The region is again one of the best in the nation. There are good players in the area who stay here because, among other reasons Minn hadn't been very good in the past and the recruiting wasn't as spread out as it is now today. Men's bball: the NCC is an avg to maybe above average DII conference. The men's game is so highly competitive and so visible (AAU tourneys and other showcases) that when a strong player comes around he is going to be seen and recruited by a big time school. And let's face it ND and Western MN aren't exactly turning out great ballers every year. The other three can find some of the top players in the nation (at that level) in their own backyard while men's bball has to bring them in from around the country and GF isn't exactly the most desirable place to live, especially if you're a kid from the South! Sure, I wish UND was competing for National Championships in every sport but we have to be realistic. Hopefully the men can get to the top of the chain but it is just much different for them to do so then it is for the other three sports you speak of.
  24. Never mind I read the other post wrong. I was going to say I think there would be a drop-off after getting a good team in there then going to a crappy team. My bad.
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