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Everything posted by ESPNInsider

  1. He didn't say anything about the relationship with REA in there although I'm sure he just doesn't want to ruffle any feathers at this point. It would be interesting though if someone asked them about the relationship and their feelings at this point. It would be cool if (and maybe they have and I just missed it) the Herald could do a capsule on each candidate. Maybe even get a little Q&A with them. Although maybe that would go against the School trying to do the interviews itself???
  2. Although I would love to see Rob and Tarek get the job, it may also be good to get some fresh ideas into town. Maybe someone that can come in and sweep everything out and start in a strong new direction. Get the program on the track it should be on and look into the future. That being said maybe Rob and Tarek will do this and I hope so, but let's not count everyone else out yet. I wish someone would go to the meetings and ask what the prospects feel is the most important issue facing the AD at this point. If he doesn't say REA then ask about that relationship and what he feels needs to be done at this point. I would but I do not live in town and I'm not about to drive 11 hours when someone else can do it for me!
  3. So for those of you that have knowledge on the subject, at this point how do you think the REA has impacted UND and the UND Ath. Dept.? IMO it's a huge plus having the facility for the school, but it has really stretched the Ath Dept. There is a lot more turmoil now all the time and bickering about everything. I think it has really put a strain on the school. Being a long time GF resident I will always pull for the Alerus to succeed over the REA. Obviously I hope both do well but when they are fighting over the same things I hope the Alerus comes out better. Please don't berate me for my feelings, but I am wondering how those of you who know the situation well feel it has impacted the school.
  4. I would tend to believe that bettering the relationship with the REA and REA Inc. would be the highest priority wouldn't it? If you can really get that relationship open it would be a huge positive for the entire Ath Dept.
  5. I'm sure the NHLPA would bitch about this!
  6. Wow, nice work Airmail. One piece of advice. Do not attempt to wear a camelbak with booze in it. I fought the law and the law one!
  7. You mean no skirts, I thought that was implied
  8. My perfect REA: Students behind the visitor net in lower and upper bowl (filling their seats and cheering loudly, maybe standing and swearing sometimes, but keeping it mainly clean) Arena filled with true fans who cheer loud and stay the whole game A winning team on the ice Sioux fans getting along with each other while ribbing the other team Oh yeah...and free dip 'n dots and booze between periods (no lines either)
  9. I agree with most of this post. I hate when people come into a new situation, knowing what is there and then start complaining and want it changed. The bball court at Univ. park still baffles my mind. People were saying that their property values were going to go down. YOU BOUGHT A HOUSE NEXT TO UNIVERSITY PARK! What did they expect, young lads in their knickers and suspenders playing crochet, then turning in for the night at 7:30?
  10. Airmail, that is why I think the students should then also be moved to an area it won't bother as much, while still having good seats themselves, like the ends of the rinks. On the other hand, Coach Gary Williams at Maryland made having students around the entire court a must when they got their new arena. Here is a good read on the subject that may make you feel for the students, coaches, and players: Up close and personal
  11. I agree with you that it's not anyone's team. But as for the kid not being able to watch a game, I disagree with that. The kid is being brought into an environment known to have swearing and some bad behavior so it is the parents' responsability to either not sit by the students or teach the kid that this is not right. I remember being a little guy at a Vikings game and the guy in front of us was swearing the whole time and yelling. My parents just told us after the game that it was not right and you should not act like that. I remember feeling like the guy was an idiot. I rarely, if ever, swear when I am at games, but when I was growing up I saw a lot of it first hand. I guess my parents did a good job
  12. First off, I think people found some of those chants offensive too but maybe just didn't feel the freedom to voice it like they do now. Do you think if the student section was doing the old C_O_N_D_O_M chants people wouldn't complain, sure they would. On another note, we had the same thing at b-ball games when I was there a couple of years ago. Swearing rarely if ever happened and yet we rode the opposing teams hard. I actually called a time out for UNC during a play-in game and we were SO good that we got a UNO player suspended for a game because he gave us the bird, after some good ribbing by us.
  13. OLDRALPH, students today are just as creative as they were 20 years ago, you are just too far up in the rafters to hear it Only kidding, but I think that standing has become a part of sport. When you see a good DI student crowd they are ALL standing ALL game. i.e. Wisco's student sections are what I (and many others, SI did an article on them a while back) would consider some of the best in the country. They stand all game long and have coordinated cheers all game long. Heck the underclassmen and seniors even go back and forth with a "F*&^ you!" "Eat SH#*!" cheer at the football games. It's part of the atmosphere at college sporting events. Don't want it, take your kids to a high school game, the atmosphere is much more contained there, as it should be!
  14. Maybe you guys are putting too much blame on Kupchella? The guy is in a lose-lose situation. It is the people who are complaining and those that are acting poorly that are the problem. He is just in the middle of it. I don't think his attending games has much to do with his support for the school. Sure it is good to see him out there, but wouldn't you rather have him doing something positive for the school, as Sicatoka pointed out he was doing during the FF? I just don't think you can put him down for not attending every sporting event that goes on.
  15. I just think that it all gets blown out of proportion. Do you guys really feel it is that bad at the games is what I'm wondering? MafiaMan, yes the Pistons brawl was a disgrace, but nothing close to that has happened at UND.
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