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Everything posted by ESPNInsider

  1. I can't speak for PCM, but I don't think he lays all the blame on the media. Sure, Kupchella should not have written that in his letter, but he also asked for it to be kept confidential. Like PCM said, keeping it confidential is going to open it up to better candidates as they do not need to worry about consequences at their present job.
  2. And his letter to the Hockey fan that was published in the Dakota Student.
  3. Actually, I thought there was quite a bit of talk about it being a hate crime right away.
  4. Well then, being so unpopular how far below mediocrity does that put the NHL?
  5. Part of a story found here. "A rare Game 7 in the Stanley Cup finals drew the NHL championship's best overnight rating since at least 1997. Colorado's 3-1 victory over New Jersey to clinch the title Saturday night generated a 5.6 preliminary rating on ABC Sports. That's better than for any Stanley Cup game in at least four years, according to the network, whose NHL overnight ratings data doesn't go beyond 1998. There have been 13 final-round games televised on broadcast networks in that time. The rating is also 8 percent better than for Game 6 of last season's championship series, when New Jersey beat Dallas 2-1 in double overtime to clinch the title. For comparison's sake, the rating is less than half of what the World Series and NBA Finals each averaged in 2000."
  6. And were the NHL finals on live across the country?
  7. High, as compared to the NHL?
  8. In Minnesota maybe, but not the rest of the country.
  9. So are you just admitting that you are wrong? What are your reasons?
  10. Not every game, but people were appalled that they didn't see him at the Championship game for hockey and at other events, just read through some old threads. I'm glad to see that you are not basing your opinion solely on athletics, but I have no doubt that many are. I have heard it too many times that he is not at games enough, or he doesn't support the coaches enough, and on and on. So what are you basing your opinion on when you say he needs to go?
  11. I think too many people base their opinions of Kupchella solely on athletics. Maybe he wasn't at every game, but is that really what we want in a President? A guy who cares mainly about athletics and not so much about the thousands of other things that go on every day at the school? I think not. I love college athletics, don't get me wrong, but there are so many other things to take care of as a university president. So many people think that the nickname issue or the hockey team in the Frozen Four are the most important things going on at the school every day, but he no doubt has countless other problems/decisions that need to be addressed. This being said, I think that UND alumni and students want someone with a balance. Many alumni/suuporters are supporters of athletics first or only. They would like a President who goes to games and speaks to crowds at social events. A guy who is in the press touting Sioux sports. Many others want a guy who, like Kupchella, will bring in the research dollars, and push the academics to the next level. If Kupchella gets the Marshall job it will be interesting to see who the applicants are for the opening. Someone with a balance would be great.
  12. Which is on your couch watching tv.
  13. "Bollinger will be responsible for coordinating and facilitating with the UND Alumni Association and Foundation staff to maximize infrastructure support for events, marketing, development, database management, tax receipting, donor recognition, club membership and Alumni Review news." This sounds perfect for Rob. What a great move by him, what class!
  14. Isn't it kind of weird that they released the letter when it was labeled as confidential?
  15. Sorry, didn't read the article, but how was that letter released? thanks
  16. Title IX is money related
  17. Chase is a great guy and is always mentioned when there is GF hockey openings, not sure if he would go to GFC though? Personally, there is no doubt in my mind that Bina will get the job. They will find him a job in the district. A few years back when Perry wanted Bry to stick around they found him a job at Ben Franklin as a gym teacher. (only speculating that Perry helped) I think his degree is in Math? I know it wasn't in P.E. though. Pretty weird how they give a gym spot to a math teacher. Do you think they would ever do that the other way around? Hell no! If there are openings in Tech Ed though I see Bina getting one. He is well liked and well respected in GF. Plus he has done a good job at BHS and has strong ties to GFC.
  18. What two Tech Ed jobs are open? PCM, I was answering the question of if he teaches. Easy sailor!
  19. No, he is in banking and finance
  20. Have they announced the retirees from the district yet? Bina teaches Tech Ed I believe doesn't he? Not sure what his degree was in though.
  21. I'm not saying it is going to happen but, it just seems as likely as the SD conspiracy. Personally, I don't think either is very likely, but just brought up the ND one as a response to the SD theory. Hoeven will run, he wants that seat.
  22. Hoeven meets with Bush in late August early September in a publicized meeting, then soon after GFAFB is off the list.
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