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Everything posted by LB#11

  1. We have a suite @ the Ralph...I plan on keeping it for the rest of my life. We live in Fargo, I had someone come to our office a month ago to discuss the new suites at the new rink coming up here in Fargo. The suites look to be very nice, I know I plan on going in on one with some other people. Youth hockey is getting very big here, if Dean Blais was to coach a USHL team here I think it would work. With a beautiful new rink and a proven winner in Coach Blais, this could finally be something that will be successful in Fargo. Someone mentioned in another post that the facilities would make a big difference, I think that would probably be a bigger influence than getting one of the best hockey coaches in the United States. In case anyone hasn't noticed, we are a very spoiled society that likes to be comfortable when we watch our hockey. This weekend I was listening to Mike McFeeley on the radio. After convicting Toews, Oshie & Bina, he decided to weigh in on the new arena in Fargo. The man is completely negative on hockey in Fargo, wouldn't you think someone that is involved in sports would want to promote something that is good for the city of Fargo? I understand there has been a lot of failure with hockey here the past 10 years, but this seems to be a good plan. Good thing Mr. McFeeley is a sports writer and not a promoter of hockey. PS I was going to call into his show this weekend, but that would have been playing into his hand. I think I would have came unglued on what he said about the incident up at Judy's.
  2. McFeely...since you do read this, I could say some things about you...but I really don't want to go down that path. I know for a fact that Craig Bohl has some serious skeletons in his closet from Nebraska, but I don't think you would dare right about that in your paper. I believe Jonathan Toews & TJ Oshie are outstanding young men that made a bad mistake by being in a bar underage...I still think they are a credit to the University of North Dakota and will be terrific NHL players. Robbie Bina made a terrible mistake by getting in the way of the law...he is obviously a strong young man that knows he messed up bad and will be that much better for it in his future.
  3. The Fargo Forum had the article front & center in the sports section today. After the Sioux beat the Gophers on Friday, the Forum obviously didn't put that on their front page. After the Sioux beat the Gophers on Saturday, the Forum put a small article on the front page. I know the Forum is a Bison paper, but sometimes they drive me crazy.
  4. Great Analysis Goon...CASE CLOSED
  5. Congrats to Brandon Bochenski...I watched the game last night, he played very well...Brandon is a natural goal scorer.
  6. I don't agree that it is negative publicity. It certainly isn't a positive issue, but I would say that 80% of the United States would agree with the University's stance. I was in Florida last week wearing my Fighting Sioux apparrel...I was asked about the issue a few times...everyone I talked to was in full support of keeping up the fight for what is right. I work with people throughout the country everyday...most everyone thinks the issue makes no sense. Obviously it would be an issue if there was any truth to it...but to say the nickname is hostile & abusive makes absolutely no sense.
  7. I was wondering why anyone would just give up. Thanks star2city for pointing out why TRex would form such an opinion. This just gives us a little extra incentive to whoop up on Minnesota & Wisconsin when we play them in hockey...kind of like last weekend.
  8. Saw the clips from the meeting last night...didn't look like Denny was too happy with Mike Williams.
  9. I looked at the land yesterday...I thought the same thing. It would be directly south of the new Medical Center being built, there is a good size pile of dirt there right now. The information I got was pretty much 1st hand, I'll check into it a little more.
  10. The EDC tourney has never been a big draw in Grand Forks, knowing the state tournament would be at the Ralph the following weekend. The state tourney will be at the Ralph for a long time, I think the EDC would generate more interest in Fargo.
  11. It sounds like the suites will be built on the main concourse, so you will be close to the action. I'm not exactly sure how many of the suites have been sold so far, I believe that number is between 8 & 12. If you can get a few people together, the suites are the way to go. I believe by the year 2009 that all those suites will be sold, remember it's scheduled to open in October of 2009. More of this project will be in the news in coming weeks which will add to the enthusiam.
  12. I think the attendance figures for the Jets games have increased a little to maybe 11-1200. I am involved with the termite program which is 4 to 6 year olds...there are 170 kids in the program...11 teams. I know the Mites program is very strong, as are all the pee wee programs and everything up the ladder. What I'm getting at is, I see a very strong trend towards hockey in Fargo, therefore I think attendance figures will increase. The simple fact that going to a hockey game in a beautiful new 20 Million Dollar rink opposed to going to the Fargo Coliseum is a huge difference. They are also planning on playing bigger high school games there. Plans are to have a 32 team youth tournament almost every weekend, with the championship games slotted for the larger rink. A couple years ago I would have thought there is no way something like this would fly in Fargo...since that time I have seen such a jump in enthuisiam for the sport. I see where there would be skeptism, but I think it's a terrific plan.
  13. Looks like things are coming together for an expansion to hockey in Fargo. Originally the cost was to be around 40 Million Dollars, that has since been reduced to around 34 Million. They are going to be built just north of 32nd Avenue & just west of 45th Street. The main arena will seat 4900 people and have 40 Luxury Suites, the main youth arena will seat 2200 and the other 3 youth rinks will hold 800 each. The cost of the main arena will be around 20 Million...the people behind the project have been working with NDSU to no avail...they would have went to a 7500 to 8000 seat rink if NDSU would have been interested. They are working with a couple different USHL teams, for now the Jets team looks like it will be going into a very nice facuility. The youth rinks are projected to be done in October of 2008, with the main arena projected for October of 2009. I think it's fantastic that people have visions for the future. I know Fargo has never been noted for being a hockey town, but with this project I think things look very bright for the future of hockey in Fargo. PS No matter what...I will always be a UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA FIGHTING SIOUX FAN.
  14. Doc & Sally Gaustad have a lot to be proud of, they are the grandparents of 4 professional hockey players...2 in the NHL-Paul Gaustad(Buffalo Sabres) & Ryan Potulny(Philadelphia Flyers). The other 2 are Grant Potulny who is playing in the AHL with the Binghamton Senators & Paul's younger brother(don't remember his name) who is playing professionally in the minors. For those of you who don't know the Gaustad's... they are terrific people...even though they had to transform into Gopher fans for obvious reasons.
  15. I don't see where Bobiwabuchifan states anywhere that he doesn't respect our fallen heroes. I think he's just making a statement of how much we've(USA) become wimps, because of politics. If we didn't have to be so politcally correct, we wouldn't have the problems we have today in the Middle East. They(Middle East) think we are a bunch of wimps, that's why they can make the threats they do. Correct me if I wrong Bobiwabuchifan.
  16. Talk about CLASSLESS...thanks for proving yourself once again.
  17. Since you're a Bison alum...do you recall the attendance @ the last Bison home football playoff game and what year that might have been?
  18. Whatever happens with the final decision...I'm very proud of the University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux for the fight they have put up in defending what is right. We(Fighting Sioux fans) have a tremendous university in a very proud state...keep up the good fight.
  19. I get what you're saying Northcountry...but a little support from Earl Pomeroy on an issue that 90% of North Dakota supports isn't asking much...then again, it might be in the wacky world of politics.
  20. I see on the question of changing the "Fighting Sioux" nickname that it was only 89.4% in favor of keeping the name. Maybe Myles Brand is correct...if 10.6% of the 60,742 want change...to hell with the 54,303 people in favor of the nickname.
  21. LB#11

    NDSU Football

    I notice in the updates on Massey's Ratings they have the Gophers at #55...the Sioux at #59...the Bison at #89.
  22. LB#11

    NDSU Football

    Congrats to the Bison Football team on a very good effort Saturday. I was actually hoping they could pull the upset off over the Gophers until sometime in the 3rd quarter. I was enjoying the game with some buddies @ Playmakers in Fargo when all of the sudden the chant of Sioux Suck went into effect...I could no longer cheer for the Bison...not that it's wrong or right, just my personal opinion.
  23. Jonathan Toews is a pleasure to have @ the University of North Dakota. He obviously has talent 2nd to none...he is a modest young man who knows exactly what he's doing. I know this may be the last year we have him here, we(Sioux fans) really have to appreciate the fact that he is playing for the Fighting Sioux this year. If you'd like to stay longer Jonathan, you're more than welcome.
  24. I have 3 of the 6 Suite tickets left...asking $35 per ticket...I live in Fargo where the tickets are.
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