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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Home of Economy's seamstress does a great job, 701 772 6611. They sewed my sons letters on their jerseys, jackets, etc. but we had to provide the letters. BTW, do you have a contact number for Koronis. I would love to have one of the old white and green jerseys. Try this site to order letters http://www.dalcoathletic.com
  2. Great to see a college graduate make it to the big league!
  3. Contact the Alumi Assoc. They've arranged trips out East in the past including air transportation, hotel and tickets.
  4. Maybe a woman was on the 'ranking' committee .
  5. Sports events and other events where large numbers of people gather can be scary places to be in this day and age. Sports players, their parents and fans are killing each other. Terroists are killing everybody. While we want to protect our civil rights, we also have to be realistic about the real danger that can be out there, even at the REA. I don't have any problem with searches of the public that are done to protect the public. "Profiling" is wrong, anyone that is suspected of smuggling in 'illegal' goods should be searched. Sorry for grandstanding but the London bombings scared the heck out of me. And no, my season tickets are not up for grabs.
  6. Great article! Great press for the old alma mater as well!!
  7. His fused vertebrae will be stronger than they were before as long as the proper healing has been allowed to take place. Robbie, can't wait to see you on the ice again!! Just an aside-->Any physician who would clear Robbie before he is ready would have to have a lot of personal money to throw away because ain't no way any malpractice insurer would bail him out of that lawsuit. 'Reasonable standard of practice' is pretty high when it comes to fractured cervical vertebrae.
  8. I sure as heck couldn't tell that the popularity of hockey was on the decline in Columbus this year. But outside the arena area, there were lots of Columbianites who did not know that there was a HUGE hockey event taking place in their city.
  9. Great job Melissa! Thanks for sharing.
  10. My sincerest sympathy to the family. Losing a parent and wife at such a young age is more than most can bear. I believe the strenght and love for each other they displayed this past year will get them through this time of sorrow as well. God Bless.
  11. I have to admit I'm not a beer connoisseur, I drink MGD, but $500 even Canadian seems like a lot for beer .
  12. I wish I could hear the organ period. I didn't hear it at all this past season and I don't think I hear it last year either. Maybe I just missed it. Seems like a waste of a very expensive piece of musical equipment that was put in the arena specifically to be heard.
  13. I think that the 'clever' people who helped with the music selection, the cam shots of the oppposition with sub-titles/appropriate music and in-between period videos are no longer working at the REA. I really enjoyed the videos such as the Gopher in the penalty box crying. I think the band sounded great in Ohio. The reason may have been that they were really fired up due to a combination of the crowd and being at the F4. I agree they do sound better but I also would like to hear more from them at the REA.
  14. They'll probably bring it up again. Remember the first Alerus vote?
  15. The reason I've never heard the horn is because I'm screaming, jumping up and down, and high-fiving everyone around me. I guess if it were louder I might hear it.
  16. There's a goal horn?!
  17. A lot of proposals have been posted within this thread, some good, some not so good and some outrageous. So other than agreeing with some, belittling others, creating riffs amongst ourselves, etc. what can we do with them? I keep reading about the Student Council not doing a good job, at least doing something, not being able to do anything and we just a keep on posting. Again, what can WE do? I'm ready, willing and able to get off my duff and do more than this to keep the student section intact and stop the profanity.
  18. When did this turn into a students vs season ticket holders issue? The main problem as I understand it are the swearing chants. As someone else on this thread mentioned, this also occurs in non-student sections. And for the record, as an alum, I paid my dues. As an alum, I support the school not just by paying taxes but by yearly donations to the school and to the the Alumi Assoc. which supports students with scholarships, etc. As a season ticket holder, I deserve the same rights as current students to watch and enjoy the game. Let's quit reacting to each other as if the other posters to this thread were Goopher fans.
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