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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. At least ten years ago, and at least for Wisconsin this rule only applys to nonconference games.
  2. GK should follow his own advice. It's unfortunate that in this day and age, with all the information out there that people respond to other people without reading/understanding their statements. Some folks are just too anxious to sling a little mud. http://www.indianz.com/IndianGaming/2004/005208.asp But I don't agree with Tony's statements. The programs that UND has in place and the proposed GF casino agreement (or non-agreement), IMHO, will NOT change because UND will or will not keep the Sioux name or logo. The American Indian programs and services are not in place because of the Sioux name or logo. They are there because it's the University's mission to teach and prepare all it's students for a successful post college life. Any decision GF makes regarding the casino will be for strictly economic reasons with, hopefully, input from the citizens of GF.
  3. Thanks. Sounds as if he is familiar with and endorses the democratic process.
  4. I wonder what part of the process he was protesting? I thought the Executive Committee was made up only of University President's. This list has two 'faculty athletic representatives' listed. If not everyone was present to vote, Clough didn't vote and two faculty athletic representatives voted, is this a legal vote? How can they claim a unanimous decision? Shouldn't they have qualified the vote outcome by stating that not all members were present and not all voters were presidents? There were so many articles maybe I missed those qualifiers?!
  5. I can't stop!!! Here's another little ditty 'Homeland Security: blessing or bane?' on the dink http://www.journalism.indiana.edu/gallery/...eunkim/jpetrus/ I don't know why he's still living here?! Could it be the freedoms including the freedom of speech he enjoys. The same freedom that he wants to deny UND and it's use of the name Sioux and it's logo? (I'm done, I promise.)
  6. I don't know what we'd do without PCM. Keep up the good work!!
  7. I'm sure that I read in one of the articles that Kup was quoted as saying that UND had heard from Spirit Lake and they were continuing their support as long as the University continues using the name in a respectful fashion, etc. This was after the NC$$ edict was announced. I find it hard to imagine that the Spirit Lake Sioux will change their mind because people like GrahamKracker and Bellcourt refer to them as "hanging around the fort Sioux" and "hang around the plantation negro mentality" because they do not oppose UND's continued use of the name and logo.
  8. Must have been one of those 'hanging around the Fort' Sioux that GrahamKracker keeps ragging about.
  9. Hot damn!!! The best news is the continued support from the Spirit Lake Band; that along with the NC$$'s public statement, "The decision of a namesake sovereign tribe, regarding when and how its name and imagery can be used, must be respected even when others may not agree.", gives me hope. Put those together with the programs and services that UND provides for American Indians has to assure us of a waiver.
  10. Can't do, elmduf. "Dakota" is the name of an Indian tribe. Calling ourselves North Dakota or the University of North Dakota would be considered "hostile and abusive" by the NC$$.
  11. "The staff review committee noted the unique relationship between the university and the Seminole Tribe of Florida as a significant factor," the NCAA said Tuesday. "The decision of a namesake sovereign tribe, regarding when and how its name and imagery can be used, must be respected even when others may not agree."http://sports.myway.com/news/08232005/v8148.html According to this, it's going to be difficult for some schools to be taken off the list of shame. The Fighting Illini are not likely to show a 'unique relationship' with a 'sovereign tribe' because the Illini have all died off. The relationship between UND and Spirit Lake, if unchanged, should be good enough accordinh to the last statement of the above quote.
  12. " Wow, slap two racial groups in the face with one racist spurred epithet!! Is this the type of drivel the NC$$ is responding too?!
  13. As a bleeding heart liberal who is not a left wing extremist, I may be seeing the name change issue differently because I am also a UND alum. But I really don't think so. I see this as more of a freedom of speech issue than anything else. Why should an entity such as the NC$$ who has the power to bankrupt an athletic program with this type of inane injunction be allowed to dictate to a University what they can or cannot call themselves? I don't see that what a school's nickname or logo has to do with what the NC$$ reason for existance. Where the he!! is the ACLU?!
  14. The logo Fighting Sioux has NOT deterred nor stopped the progressive NA programs that continue to grow at UND. "Other" minorities, if you are referring to Mexican-Americans are doing well at UND without the special programs. In my case it was the love and example of my parents and relatives (the highest grade our parents finished was third grade) who had, adopted or acquired almost 100 offspring>>85% who have attended a and/or graduated from college. No programs, no gifts just hard work and persaverance. We weren't raised to be on the dole nor were we raised to expect special treatment because we were 'minorities'. We were raised to have goals and knew through their example that we could reach them through hard work. I'm not whining, I'm proud. STUPID remark but expected from someone who is NOT a minority but thinks they know how one is treated. My children know who they are, are proud of who they are. Words that children use against each other to hurt are not limited. Children call each other Ugly, Fat, Poor, Smelly, etc. Changing the Sioux logo is not going to change that. Raising your children to have pride in themselves will help them endure the name calling and raising them to know that words can be hurtful will help them stop using them. There's that tunnel vision of yours again. Tell me what other University in the country offers more than the University of North Dakota to NAs. We are thousands of students smaller than many and yet can compete with them in this arena toe to toe. Get the blinders off.
  15. http://www.news-gazette.com/localnews/story.cfm?Number=18794
  16. When someone is really passionate about an issue, they don't wait for someone to find them and tell them "there's going to be a protest". The GF Herald has done a pretty good job getting the word out as have the local television stations. The reason there are not more people in general and few if any NAs in particular at these protests is because the only people who want the name change are at the protest. You can make up as many "reasons" as you like but a picture is worth a thousand words. (See DakotaDan post above.)
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