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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. I think that thumb strength comes from having it up their a$$ all the time, not some illegal protein drink.
  2. I hate to disillusion anyone but I am a heterosexual, red-blooded, kick ass, America loving, bleeding heart liberal who is AGAINST (in case who haven't noticed) the name change.
  3. . There you go again! You really should change your moniker. The only facts you know are censored and self serving. This is what I said>>> Wrong again, Know Nothing. As a Mexican-American student who paid for her own way through school quite a while ago, supported two children and who worked while getting her advance degree from the University of North Dakota, I did step foot into those buildings. Those centers also don't have the same amount of funds to deal with those other minority students you know nothing about. You again got the facts wrong, Know Nothing. My reply was aimed at your comment >> I also want to point out that these remarks are aimed at YOU. I don't see anyone else except KRACK whining that the programs and services the University of North Dakota provides NA students are not enough. I'm proud of my alma mater and all she provides, not just to NA's.
  4. You certainly have a bad case of tunnel vision. I suggest you take off the blinders and take a look at the programs and services that are available to NAs at the University of North Dakota. Not enough for you? Compare them with other institutions that profess to offer similar programs. Don't like the new building for AISS, shall we take some money from the IN-Med or RAIN programs to make it 'greater'? I believe that "rebuilding" is the wrong word. "Continue" is more like it. As a member of the minority opposed to keeping the name and logo, you want your demands for change met. Yet you are totally opposed to the opinion of those Sioux (whom you believe to be a minority) who are not opposed to the name and logo. It's been fun responding to your inane postings but I'm begining to think that I'm dealing with an Idiot Savant and I was raised not to make fun of the handicapped. Just know that I believe your energies would be better spent in working directly with the NAs who need your help, be it in tutoring, counseling, teaching, etc. You say your from LA? How much time have you spent in East or West LA, done any volunteer work there or any where similar? I bet not; 'those people' are not the kind you would help. They're the wrong minority. (And before you ask, I do volunteer work every Saturday and Sunday morning.)
  5. The AISS building is an old rickety house?! And their new billing is not going to be as grand as anticipated?! Bastards!!! They must be spending all the money on a Mexican-American or African-American or Oriental-American or Irish-American or Polish-American Student Services building. Bastards!! Those groups don't even have an old rickety house to call their own. They have to share. But thats ok because individuals in those groups don't have a logo at UND, unless you count the flag of the UNITED States. You tell me when and where the pity party is going to take place because the NEW building isn't going to be GRAND, I'll be there! Oh never mind, I have to wash my hair that day.
  6. Sioux-cia


    Ziggy himself says that Isaac is very good. With not having had much (any) playing time the last while, he's probably looking to take over the back up spot. He has three years of elgibility left, I think we'll be seeing alot of Ziggy in the net but maybe not this year.
  7. Diggler, you forgot . In his reply to your questions, he was opposed to the logo because Bennet is not Sioux, he's not the right Indian. Bennet is Chippewa-Cree, an enemy of the Sioux or as Krack so eloquently called him in another post 'a rabbit choker'. Racism at it's finest but it's ok because it's one Indian discriminating against another Indian. In his references to other American Indians who don't agree with his stance on this board, he has been 'malicious and abusive'. But the NC$$ Executive Committee members and those faculty at UND who are opposed to the Sioux name would support to his right to free speech because as an American Indian he can be as racist as he wants, as long as its only directed at other American Indians.
  8. This article points out that the use of mascots and derogatory names is insulting. UND does not have a mascot nor is the name Sioux derogatory. The article also points out that people who are for the names do little or nothing for the American Indian. As stated ad nauseam, UND spends millions of dollars on American Indian programs and services.
  9. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...5081300448.html "We feel like it gives the type of recognition that allows people to identify with the name 'Seminoles,' " Ken Chambers, the outgoing chief of the Great Seminole Tribe of Oklahoma, told the Palm Beach Post. "Chambers doesn't know what he's talking about," David Narcomey, a member of the Oklahoma tribe's governing council,
  10. http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/arti...421/1006/NEWS01 While this article is for the ban, it points out so many other things that should be given time and attention re the NA 'plight' in America. I see UND's programs and services for NA's and know that we are far ahead off the rest of the country in addressing and actually doing something about those issues. Maybe we should change our name to the Fighting FOR the Sioux.
  11. Thanks, star2city. Good reading, I especially enjoyed reading Dan Wetzel's info on the NCAA Executive Committe members. You'd thing they would be too busy cleaning their own houses to worry about name of and the art in ours.
  12. Krac', sweetie, I never said Bennet was Sioux. I know he is Chippewa-Cree. I said I want him to design the Fighting Martinez' logo. Now as much as I enjoy sparring with you, why don't you go to the previous thread and answer Diggler's questions, the questions you keep avoiding. People really want to read the answers. This personal thing between us, while fun, isn't what this thread is about. But if you wanna keep playing......
  13. I just checked my email. President Kupchella (I'm sure his staff not him personally) has emailed his letter to the NCAA to me. Apparently, it's going out to all the Alums.
  14. There was concern that Kupchella was not reacting in a timely fashion, i.e. FSU. Now we see that he was doing what is done best in the upper Mid-west>>take the information, review it closely, look at all the pertinent facts and than when the issue still looks cloudy, ask for clarification. It's good to see that we will be exercising our rights to appeal and, possibly, take legal action. I agree with Diggler, we will have the Regionals as contractually agreed upon and our Sioux name and logo will be proudly displayed.
  15. 1. Free tuition to those Sioux NA students who are academically elgible to attend UND. 2. Summer education programs for HS students who want/need help to become academically elgible to be accepted into UND. 3. % of profits from the Sioux logo be used to support the programs listed. I disagree with giving the money to the different Sioux tribes without stipulation for it's use. 4. Free tuition and a stipend for those NAs who chose service careers that will address the problems such as chemical abuse, teenage pregnancy, pre-natal care, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Economic growth, etc. Stipulate that those educated in these areas have to work with the Sioux population a minimum of two or more? years or they will have to pay for the UND education they have received.
  16. DUDE!! Don't you LA boys know there is more than one site to do research. Here's one that supports mikejm. Go rag on the Sask. Indians who maintain the site. Chill, LA boy. "The first written documentation of contact with our people is in the 1640 Jesuit Relations. Jean Nicolet, based on information he had collected a few years earlier, provided names of a number of bands that he claimed were Naduesiu. Naduesiu is the French corruption of the Ojibwe term nadowe-is-iw-ug (nadowe = adder (species of snake) is = diminutive (smaller) iw-ug = they are) that was a derogatory nickname they used to distinguish the O
  17. "To err is human, to forgive is divine" Too many humans in the equation.
  18. Dang it, Krack, there you go again>> "Traditionally when a Dakota/Nakota/Lakota person was asked by one of our own people
  19. Too late, Punkin', I feel sorry for you on so many different levels. You're personal attacks only point out how much in need you are of my sympathy. And not because of the Sioux name. You keep pointing out that your parents can't support you during your college education as if every non NA's parents can. Once again, Toots, your wrong. Those students (my kids) who are lucky enough to get financial help for their education likely have parents who worked their a$$s off to get to a financial place in their lives to be able to help their children with their education costs. Others (me) have (had) parents who could only support them with encouragement, love, and pride. Vaya con Dios (or whoever your higher power is).
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