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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Does anyone have an update on Nick's condition?
  2. I am absolutely pro-student. I agree with cheering, booing, singing, groaning, etc. ane engage in it myself. I am against the vulgar chants. But I am sick and tired of the season ticket holders being looked upon as the villains. The couple with season tickets who sit in front of me and the couple who sit in front of them are (I'm guessing) over 75 years old. They stand to cheer or stand when there's a break away etc. They are die hard Fighting Sioux hockey fans. Why can't they watch the game sitting in their seats? The season ticket holder bashing on this thread is out of line.
  3. Got mine. I agree with LB#11, especially with the cover art and info. Great job. Thanks
  4. I never read my ticket. I only listen to the PA system when they announce the 50/50 numbers. I always watch the Fighting Sioux video. I still believe that a video played just before each periodwarning of the consequences of continuous swearing (an "oh sh$$" or similar that slips out shouldn't be cause for removal)would be a good additon.
  5. PLAN: Leave the students where they are. Inform the students that swearing will not be tolerated. Swearing will result in students from the ENTIRE section where the swearing is heard being removed by the NO SWEARING police. Enforce the rule. Students will police themselves.
  6. First, Why is the video idea DOA? The video regardig the Sioux name is watched and respected. Second, Who reads their ticket?
  7. The season ticket holders' in those sections were given the choice to sit anywhere in the arena when it first opened and they chose to sit in those sections. Why would they be willing to move? As I said before, they are fans who have had their season tickets AND have used them for over two decades. Why would they be willing to give them up to a student just so that student can swear at the opposing goalie and have the band drown them out so no one will, supposedly, hear the swearing? Since my seats are on the opposite side, I can tell you that those season ticket holders seats are filled most of the time when compared to the student sections which are not filled as often.
  8. Moving the students to an area where they can stand and not obscure anyone else's view of the game makes sense. Moving the band nearer to the student section makes sense. Moving the band so they can drown out vulgar language does not make sense. The problem, I thought, was the vulgar language, not the number of seats the students have or where the band is located. It will be interesting to see what the reaction of the season ticket holders in sections 104 and 105 is going to be if they are told they have to give up those seats. I know people who sit there who have been season ticket holders for over two decades and requested those seats. Seems to me they are going to be the ones penalized for the students continued use of vulgar language and the season ticket holder's longevity and loyalty is going to be ignored. Leave the students where they are, move the band above them, play a video before each period banning the use of vulgar language and the penalties for disregarding the ban, enforce the penalties and let's play hockey!
  9. Sorry, Opie, your opinion piece shows that you are and always will be a 'small town kind of guy'. Just as your mind will always be small, narrow, and full of dust balls. Where you come from and where you are going won't change that.
  10. Seems that there's a journalist who doesn't know that there are two UNDs. Must be a Michigan graduate.
  11. No one is debating this. The people on this post want to know why this so-called journalist had to identify Ralph Englestad as someone who is known to be a Nazi sympathizer. We don't like it that he felt it necessary to justify why Michigan is better by bashing the whole state. Why not just state the obvious? As previously written, we know that Michigan as a university has a lot to offer except as you mention in the areas of hockey and aviation (there are a lot more but why be redundant).
  12. Iknow, I was just playing with you. I hope the capitalized cia after Sioux-cia was not meant to be a 'subtle' slam. If you know someone that speaks spanish, ask them what Sioux-cia, spelled differently of course, means.
  13. I hope that guy at the University of Arkansas has more integrity as a journalist than you do. You still don't get it. Of course, North Dakota bashing is going to be a hit at our rival schools. Why don't you give the Englestad's a call and ask them what they think of your article?
  14. RIGHT!! Did you get accepted to your school through some sort of waiver for "the will never get it impaired"? If your going to name that player in connection with your crack at steroids you dam$ well better investiagate his history or be ready for a lawsuit. I am begining to suspect that your are not really a senior at Michigan. If you are, their standards for acceptance and graduation are a lot lower that I was led to believe.
  15. Ok, I'll meet them. Just give me the names of the thousands of people you know in GF who care about the Rose Bowl and I'll make it a point to meet them. I don't want to be thought of as close minded. One of the reasons I love to travel is to meet people with diverse life styles, likes and dislikes, 'what-have-you' ,etc. I guess I shouldn't have excluded those thousands in GF who like to watch the Rose Bowl. (Please note that I have not discredited those folks, made fun of their home state, the size their schools, eluded to false misconceptions regarding benefactors to the city, etc.)
  16. Yep. And I didn't meet thousands of people who cared about the Rose Bowl when I lived in California for four years either. Oh, who am I kidding, I don't want to meet those people.
  17. You got that right. In the past year I've been to Chicago (my home town) four times, Buenos Aires once, Minneapolis five times (the Final Five was one trip) and Columbus, Ohio for the Frozen Four. I work in Fargo so go there almost daily and I have friends who live in Northern Minnesota and have been there half a dozen times or so. I need to stay in GF and meet thousands of people instead.
  18. Really? I've lived in GF for 31 years and don't know thousands of people who live here, let alone, thousands that watch the Rose Bowl. You must be some social butterfly
  19. So, in order to fit in with misinformed persons 'as far out as Michigan', you make a conscious decision to not correct the misconception in print. You have the perfect venue to tell persons, . For reasons of sensationalism and as a ploy to spice up your "article", you perpetuate the myth. Do you remember your mother telling you that there is such a thing as lying by omission? Your not telling what you know to be the truth about Mr. Englestad is the same as stating he is a Nazi. You can't get around that. If you know anyone with a sense of ethics in your journalism program, ask for her/him what they believe you did when you wrote people think Mr. Englestad was a Nazi sympathizer without any disclaimer on your part. As YaneA has posted, When your a man, maybe, you'll realize that you owe an apology to the Englestad family.
  20. So the easiest thing to address is the basketball statement? Why can't you answer the 'the only thing North Dakota has is hockey statement? Can it be you lack the maturity to admit you are wrong? Why can't you address the Ralph Engelstad is known as a Nazi sympathizer statement? Could it be because this is a false statement and, as a so-called journalist, admitting your were wrong to write this and have it printed would show you to not be a journalist at all but rather an immature, moron. As PCM stated in an earlier post, you owe the Engelstad family an apology. Did you know Mr. Engelstad was a quiet philanthropist? He gave a lot of money to fund things other than hockey. Why don't you use your education and research what this man has contributed to society and print that along with your retraction regarding your 'Nazi sympathizer' statement. Be assured, if I ever see anything with your byline, I'll trash it. You lack credibiltiy.
  21. Since this topic is not intended for use by the public and for entertainment only, the REA security or GF PD personnel who read and participate in SS.com won't be taking notes.
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