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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Obviously this was the first game you've watched this season. The number of stupid penalties taken by the Sioux, Prpich included has decreased considerably. The motivation for the Gophers was playing against the Sioux. The Sioux need a little more of that same motivation, playing against the Gophers, tonight. I'll take Prpich's 'loose mouth', which he has restained, over stupid Irmen antics any day.
  2. Does anyone know if the Sioux leaders who were to be Kup's guests were there last night? or are they expected tonight? Kudos to the students and other fans for great participartion without some of the usual vulgarity!! Except when the Gopher fans out shouted the Sioux fans and the students didn't join us in section 113 cheering GO SIOUX , I was very proud of them.
  3. Always willing to help out a fellow SS poster. Happy to see you agree.
  4. Prpich played a damn good game! In my opinion, he has shown a lot of maturity since early this season when he was taking stupid penalties. As a player with a history of being a rabble rouser, getting under the other players skin with his smart mouth, he has shown a lot of restraint which has resulted in his being on the ice more, making good plays. As a rabble rouser with a smart mouth myself, I'm also happy to see him use that with enough restraint not to draw stupid penalties. He sure got under Chucko's skin!
  5. I'm pretty sure at 10A. Give 'em a call 775-9752.
  6. I went to Washington State to work for a friend of mine for a couple of weeks. The nurses warned me about a patient I was going to see who was very cranky. He walked in wearing bib overalls, pack of Camels in the front pocket and a scowl on his face. He looked at me and said, 'You're new. Where did you come from?' Rather than going through the "I was born in Chicago, etc,", I said I was from North Dakota. His expression changed a teeny, tiny bit. I asked if he knew North Dakota. He said he was from Tolley (sp). I told him my son's great grandparents used to live in Mohall, Gramma and Grandpa Hyatt. He said, 'He's gone now.' Turned out when he was a little guy, Grandpa Hyatt, who worked for the Soo Line, chased him off the tracks and told his parents where he had been playing. When he got home that night he 'got a whoopin'. Small world.
  7. Great thing about North Dakota (?) is you know him/her, know someone who knows him/her or you're related to him/her! Kleinsasser lived across the street from me when he was a UND student. Now that's one funny looking guy. (I'm being polite.)
  8. Damn, watching it never gets old. Sweet goal!! Thanks for the link.
  9. I'll be cheering for you next Saturday! Ya got a lota talent on that team of yours, should be a cake walk!
  10. There are two cab companies in town, Grand Forks Taxi - 780-8890/775-8294 & Nodak RadioCab - 772-3456. Both should know where the Red Pepper is located on University. You should probably go to a Bar such as Dagwoods or El Roco and take their bus to the arena and back to the bar. I'm sure there are other bars with buses but I only know these two; maybe Whitey's, Southgate.
  11. I refuse to consider changing the name Fighting Sioux and the Bennett logo until all avenues have been taken and we have been defeated. Weenies!!!
  12. mako, please explain to us how using the Sioux name and an American Indian logo keeps the American Indian from moving forward generations after the injustices that were inflicted on them occurred? How is the American Indian any different from any other race that had similar fates? What other race/ethnic group in American has 'been taken care of' by the government like the American Indian? Not the African American who was brought here forcefully, not the Mexican American who also endured the same atrocities as the American Indian, not the Japanese American who was imprisoned because of his/her ancestry, not the Jew who faced being slaughtered and was still denied entry into the United States, not the Irish American, etc, etc, etc. The American Indian has been given much more than any other American by the American government and still continues to find excuses to not move forward. I don't understand.
  13. Holy @rap, you're right! First the names to blame, now the symbols, then it will be the colors, then they'll blame representative athletes' ethnic/culture/race, it will go on and on. Given that 'bright' future, the American Indian will have to wait generations before 'moving on to other issues'. Just imagine what this country would be today if every immigrant, from day one, decided to wait until all the injustices they faced disappeared before they went forward for the betterment of their futures?
  14. Agree. Not moving forward on issues that are affecting the American Indians is due to their apathy, not school nicknames and logos.
  15. We are. We're speaking up for our rights and our beliefs! Thanks for your concern.
  16. http://www.spiritlakecasino.com/ The eagle flying next to the Spirit Lake Casino name on their web site is not touching the ground and, perhaps, is sending prayers for big winnings to God? That's ok? Using the eagle as an advertisement for a casino is not sacrilegious if it's an American Indian tribe doing it? In other words, non Indians cannot use American Indian symbols in any manner that an American Indian believes is sacriligious, even though the non American Indian does not believe it is sacriligious, but an American Indian using 'sacred images' for profit/gambling is not sacriligious. If your religion worships on Friday/Saturday/Sunday, I'm being sacriligious if I don't. If the cross is not part of my religion and I use it in an unreligious was, I'm being sacriligious. If the women of my religion are required to keep their heads covered and I don't, I'm being sacriligious. If your religions abhors technology and I have electricity, I'm being sacriligious. If your culture requires women to stay home with the children and I work, I'm being sacriligious. If your religion requires scarring of the body and tatooing and I don't have any, I'm being sacriligious. If your culture does not allow women to wear pants and I do, I'm being sacriligious. And on and on and on. OK, I get it now!!
  17. I added smoked Bison to my pre-meal Thanksgiving snacks. So traditional and realistic, .
  18. Yes, they were. Looks like the 'crash' may have had an affect on mako's 'joined' date. It's listed as yesterday.
  19. A round table discussion, open to the public, mid-week, 2:30-4P, during work hours for most folk, hmm. Looks like this discussion is designed to mainly attract students, faculty, the self employed and the unemployed. Those who work Monday thru Friday, whose work hours are early morning through afternoon, employed folk cannot attend the meeting. This sort of eliminates most local UND alum and supporters. It's not easy to just take the time off when others are dependent on your being at work. I wish I could attend. Any chance this will be video-taped?
  20. Hmm, ok? Thanks for the service. I too didn't realize how much SiouxSports.com is part of my day. Went through a little withdrawal there for a bit. OK, now. Thanks again. Some of the members made a good suggestion, after not getting my SiouxSports fix yesterday, I too am ready to make a donation to this site.
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