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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Anyway the general public can have access to these two documents?
  2. Positive thoughts, dagies. . I think that someone at the NC$$ FINALLY actually read the appeal. Something they clearly have not done with past appeals. Lots of red flags there which, IMHO, would bode well for UND in a court trial.
  3. It's well known that UND fully expected to lose this second appeal. The wheels to take this to court are set to go. NC$$ is stalling. The big question is why?!
  4. mako, no matter how you twist the facts, they stand YOU offered up the t-shirt when asked for proof that there was rampant racism in GF/UND, fact. There were only three bidders, total, for those two t-shirts that were up for sale on ebay. The seller was not from North Dakota. GK, who claims he is Lakota Sioux, told this board that he would be getting one of these t-shirts. Fact. Ask ebay why the t-shirt was pulled, they'll tell you it was because of complaints. I can't presume they were all from SS.com members but many were. So while I can't state emphatically that they were pulled solely due to complaints from SS.com members, we were definitely a contributing factor. Fact. Ranting and raving? Such as calling people names, insulting people's opinions, insulting other races/American Indians who are not Name Changers, people of different cultures, demeaning someones military service, threatening violence, etc. because the Sioux name supporters don't agree with the Name Changers? Now you're the one rocketing off on some tangent reality alternative. The ones who have been ranting and raving have been Name Change proponents, you included. Fact. The 2000 Spirit Lake resolution not opposing the use of the Sioux name by UND stands as it has not been rescinded. Fact. Still waiting for those examples of rampant racism in GF/UND.
  5. In 1930, 1967 and 1982, South Dakota Sioux Indians designed and then traveled to Champaign-Urbana to augment Chief Illini's authentic Sioux raiment. Hmmm.
  6. I'm not here to get into a pissing contest with you KTF, I've already won. It's unfortunate that when you are faced with facts as opposed to your suppositions, misinformation and wild, unfounded accusations you revert to name calling and insults. (Redwing77, your right again, you poopy head.) As a Mexican American I don't have a problem with any other ethnic/cultural/racial group who want to experience anything in my culture. When its important, I spend time educating. My and my families own practices, beliefs, language, religion, etc. are intact. What someone else does with them doesn't affect that, doesn't belittle them. As long as they live in me and mine, they live. Private eye? Hee, hee, thanks for the compliment. Doesn't take a private eye to find information when GOOGLE.com is your friend and the information has been posted for anyone to see. Greek Goddess, huh, that is hilarious!!!
  7. Your right the resolution does not use the word support; they state they are not opposed to the use of the name. There's no reason to post all the positives I see that come from the use of the name because you don't now and will never agree that there is anything positive in it's use. Now please post the link to "your imaginary resolution" disolving the 2000 Spirit Lake resolution.
  8. It perpetuatrates the myth that the American Indian is violent and ready to scalp anyone at any given moment in time...as long as there is a Tomahawk Hatchet nickname readily available to him/her.
  9. Interesting that the schools are being asked to change their Indian names and logos and are being asked to prove they do not promote discrimination and stereotypes. Why ask for the change if they have yet to prove they do promote discrimination and stereotypes?
  10. It's unfortunate that you know less about your own ancestors as you do the American Indian's. If you did you would know that the US Government made treaties with the Mexican people that they broke as well. That's how my ancestors lost the farm. Glad to hear you respect your Grandmother and her hard work but lack that same respect for your Grandfather. I take it he was white. Of course he is. Why else the disrespect. You are a victim of tunnel vision if you believe that the only culture that has illness, poverty, family members to care for, disabled, children, etc. is the American Indian. Take a look at the migrant workers of today. Not doing any better than they did 50/60 years ago. But why would you, they are mainly Hispanics and African American. And they don't have a visible cause/bandwagon for you to jump on to help them in their plight. Good for your grandmother!! She did what most Latina's did and continue to do. I refer you to the author, Dr. Adelaida del Castillo. She wrote about the Mexican women in the work force here in the U.S. and in Mexico. Wonderful women who faced hardship, after hardship and guess what, succeeded and continue to succeed. They did it without blaming a name and logo for their lot in life. I doubt you'll read it. Your too immersed in UNDs use of the Sioux name and logo to recognize that there are other minorities who face the same injustices as the American Indian who manage to acheive successes in life inspite of the crap that is thrown in their paths. The difference is they aren't blaming a name and logo for their lot in life. Until you moved to Grand Forks and married a Lakota Sioux what did you do for La Raza or any other minority group for that matter? Squat. It must be hard to get involved in minority issues when you look more like Heidi Heitkamp than Dr. Yolanda Chavez Leyva. If you have so much respect for part of your culture why not get on GKs case for the crap he was writing about Mexican Americans. Oh, I get it, he was just using sarcasm, he actually respects the Mexican culture; just like you. I'm sure your grandmother would have understood. Let's get something straight. I AM NOT EMULATING THE SIOUX INDIAN. If I'm going to emulate anyone it will be, and hopefully is, my own ancestors. I wear a Sioux jersey as a fan of the Sioux athletes and their accomplishments. I don't wear the Sioux name and logo because I 'wanna be' a Sioux Indian. You want me to stay out of your conversations? Stop posting here. Vaya con Dios Chica. For the record I never said KTF disgusted me. Her post was disgusting. In it she demeans the American Indian by saying that without government aid they can't better their lives. What do you do? You do what every other American citizen who wants health care, day care, food, education, etc. does. You work at any job available, you finish high school and go the trade school or college, you move to where the jobs are-taking your culture, beliefs and religion with you. Where is it written that an American Indian can only be an American Indian on a poverty stricken reservation?
  11. Well, if I were American Indian, UND's being forced to change the name would 1. Increase the percentage of American Indian high school graduates which would result in every American Indian earning a college degree and all the advantages afforded a college graduate would be theirs. 2. Would decrease the incidence of diabetes, fetal alcohol syndrome, child abuse, elder abuse, alcoholism, poverty, single parent homes, high crime rates, high drug and alcohol rates, teenage pregnancy, low self esteem, poor health. (http://www.elderabusecenter.org/pdf/whatnew/litreview040707.pdf) 3. The Black Hills would revert to the Sioux Nation. Mmmm, what am I missing? 3. Oh yeah, and increase the government funding that the lack of, according to KTF, is keeping the American Indian from succeeding in life in general, After all UND's use of the Sioux name and logo is the cause of all the ills the American Indian suffers, so if the name and logo are changed life will be a bowl of cherries. (Imagine me skipping through a field of daisies, sun beams shinning and casting no shadows, wild animals of the forest lying together in peace in the valley, death is permanently on vacation, every one is the picture of health, racism is a thing of the past, etc., etc.)
  12. I've been a Sioux booster for over twenty five years. I have worn a Sioux t-shirt/sweat shirt/jersey (as my economic situation improved so did what I wore to the games)to every game I have ever attended as have those fans who sat all around me and through out the arena. But so what! How is wearing a Sioux garb with the Sioux name and logo racist? We're fan's, we're supporting our athletes and, like fans throughout the world, we wear our sports teams name and logo. I am proud of the accomplishments of our athletes and show that pride by wearing my Sioux gear. I've been a Chicago Bears fan since I was old enough to know who they were. I'm proud of the Chicago Bears and show that pride by wearing my Chicago Bears jersey. I know that when I hear crap about Chicago and/or the Chicago Bears the person is not attacking me. I've had to put up with a lot of smack because of it but hey, that's what rivalries are all about.
  13. 1. Racism is not central to any part of the world. Unfortunately, racists live every where. Jews, Catholics, Muslisms, etc. have and continue to be subjected to racial slurs EVERYWHERE. A university's athletic nickname and logo are not the cause. Racist remarks come from all ethnic/racial/cultural people. Go back and read some of GKs famous remarks about the Chippewa, Indians who do not agree with him, Mexican Americans and Caucasions. Being Indian doesn't make his remarks and beliefs any less racist than if they were made by a non Indian. 2. Do you not recognize satire when you read it without someone having to point it out to you? "satire, sa-tire, noun, 1. A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit. 2. Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose folly, vice or stupidity." 3. That tee shirt was pulled from ebay as a result of complaints from members of SiouxSports.com who are pro Sioux name and logo. There were THREE bids on the t-shirt before they were pulled. AND ONE OF THOSE BIDDERS WAS A LAKOTA SIOUX. Three bids from tens of thousands of ebay members. Read KnowtheFacts recent post. She's the one that is perpetuating the view of the Indian as lazy, welfare collecting, free cheese eating, whiney people. According to her the reason the American Indian can't hope for a better life is they don't get enough government aid! This type of posting from someone who is a Name Change proponent, diminishes the Indian people. What group of people, ethnic/cultural/racial, wants to go on record as saying, "I can't make my life situation better because I don't get enough government welfare?"
  14. I'm disgusted by KTFs post. The American Indian can't get jobs, educations, health care, etc. because the U.S. Government won't give them sufficient funding. BIG FAT BOO HOO!! This is the first post that has made me this angry. I'm only a generation away from fourteen Mexican Americans who lost the farm and went on the migrant trail to feed themselves and their children. That same generation also recognized they did not want the migrant life for their children and after a few, short, hardworking, back breaking years got out of the migrant work force. They moved hundreds of miles from their homes to 'letting go, moving on and moving up'. There was NO GOVERNMENT PROGRAM to help them; just their own sweat, hard work, perseverance, LACK OF SELF PITY and the lack of expectation that the government should take care of them. Our culture is intact, dispite what KTF and GK have so insultingly posted about me in the past. The only difference is we are not using maintaining our culture as an excuse to succeed without being on the dole. I'm not expecting any accolades for my family's success because every group that migrated to the U.S. faced the same hardships. AND don't give me any crap about this is the Indians country that they migrated to because the Indians also came from elsewhere to this country. As GK would so eloquently put it, it you don't like it here go back to your mother country. See how much government assistance you'll get there. So mako, KTF and GK get off the whine and get to work. UNDs name and logo aren't keeping anyone from being successful.
  15. Quote is from the article YOU wrote PCM. Apparently, it's not clear to some folk. I notice that she has not provided a link to any resolution that overturns the 2000 resolution. Why, because the 2000 resolution from Spirit Lake has NOT be dissolved. Therefore, it stands. Doesn't matter what spin the Name Changers put on the resolution, it is still in place. She's attacking the reporter now. As Redwing77 pointed out, when children and those who are poorly equipped to fight the fight are losing, they revert to name calling.
  16. Well, if he is suspended, the Kessel/Johnson party will be over and maybe they'll use the rest of the talent to get us to the GOLD.
  17. Thanks Siouxdonyms and Siouxbear1. Wish we'd won. Damn, who to blame? Kessel, yeah, that's the ticket, it's Kessel's fault.
  18. GO SIO---I MEAN, GO USA!!!!
  19. How much time is left? Where's Oshie!
  20. Harvard certainly worked very hard both nights. I was not impressed with anything but their work ethic. Tyler Magura got a lot of hype because he's from Fargo and I watched him closely when he was on the ice. OK player, not Sioux material. Alexander, Foyt, Martens, Walski were given the opportunity to play and worked their butts off when on the ice and I believe were more skillful players then most of the Harvard players. On the other hand, Harvards goalie was awesome-skillful and hardworking. The problem as I see it is that while the Sioux have the skill, many times they don't seem to be putting 100% into their game; I see this less in the freshman. Other times there appears to be a lack of communication on the ice; passes are made and no one's there, hits aren't taken, playing with the puck for what seems hours, etc. These are just observations from an ex-hockey mom.
  21. The author of this article and the young Indian hockey players featured in another thread have made points ignored by Mako, KTF and GK. They have moved on. They acknowledge the past but by living their lifes as they have show that there is more to life than wallowing in the past, living on the reservation and refusing to move forward. Let go, let live, move on, and most importantly, move up. An athletic team's logo and nickname don't prevent any American Indian from "being all you can be". Self pity and apathy most certainly do.
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