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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. The oppressed has risen and shines in glory on the ice!! WOO HOO!!
  2. Slappy? Where'd you go? I must be psychic. I know you were asking 'what's the big deal, etc'. Cool, now I can go on cable.
  3. Well Slappy, the big deal for me was the 'amazement' that the Coach voiced when he learned that his players actually had college courses which required studying and finals. He's not coaching in the NHL, he's a college coach.
  4. I'm happy to read that some athleles (even WiBads) care about their education. Not everyone makes the NHL. AND I'm extemely proud of the UND Fighting Sioux athletes who consistently excel in academics as well in sport. (there WiSioux, it's officially a Sioux topic)
  5. Well, hey Gk, I guess your nothing, I've read all your posts and must have missed your bio. Care to repost it. "Yeah that's what I thought". (one of your most annoying, repeated statements, presumes you can read minds.)
  6. PCM will have more chance to get two sixteen year old cars for his eight year old one. This is a capitalistic society after all. I don't believe the oppressed can qualify for car loans.
  7. EXACTLY?? She asks what does the Viking Football team have to do with who she is and you say EXACTLY? What do the Fighting Sioux athletic teams have to do with who you are? EXACTLY.
  8. I distinctly remember you're posting after returning from your forced 'vacation' that you would not be returning until the name change issue was resolved. Yet here you are, back again. We must be as entertaining for you as you are to us. Why would you think that someone saying something about getting your internet hooked up have to be about your economic status? Why can't it be about being computer illiterate, or a power outage, or changing servers, or anything else? Damn, boy, get a grip!
  9. They only person to use racist, derogatory names on this board has been GK. The first time I heard the 'prairie N word' was when GK posted it in the name change tread. So it seems there is a difference. GK can use derogatory racial slurs when speaking to and of others but UND can not use the Fighting Sioux name and logo with respect and honor because the athletes aren't 'real Sioux'. This is the point where I should be able to say, 'OK, I get it now', but I don't.
  10. Dallas Cowboys - Any Cowboys out there pissed about this team name? Minnesota Vikings - Already represented and no they're not pissed. Fighting Irish - Hey Irish, pissed off yet? etc., etc.
  11. We all honor the AMERICAN men and women who serve our country in the armed forces, black, white, red, brown, yellow and all the Heinz 57. Many served and continue to serve who are not American citizens. The American Indian quote is from a man who was obviously proud to serve and didn't worry about being 'suckered' into serving in the military. Of course you care what I say. Why else would you respond to some my posts and choose to ignore those that you know to be true of your character.
  12. I'm so proud, if I had a button down shirt, my buttons would be a popping. Good job Jonathon! Make us proud (more proud).
  13. Geeze, math is not my forte' and this only proves it. Thanks for the correction. I obviously was looking at the percentages a$$ backwards.
  14. You shared!! I know it's Christman, but sharing Chippers?! Happy Holidays, Air Force One, .
  15. Your posts clearly show that you should go back to your elders and learn about Lakota honor. What you display on this board is not what an honorable Lakota would want to be associated with.
  16. Wrong again. http://www.heritage.org/Research/NationalS...fm&PageID=85079 U.S. Military Recruits by Race American Indian/Alaska Native 0.78% of the population and 1.82% recruit percentage White 77.44% of the population and 75.79% recruit percentage Black 11.33% of the population and 14.99% recruit percentage Hispanic 12.11% of the population and 11.50% recruit percentage Only Asians and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders had lower recruit percentages than American Indians out of nine represented races and two 'declined to respond.
  17. No one on this board has used profanity when responding to you. You only show your true character with responses like this. Is this really how a Lakota Soux lives the Lakota way? Sad.
  18. Serving in the military is an honorable profession. I can understand why you got out.
  19. You show only arrogance and ignorance when you assume your the only person who speaks his native language or knows their ancestry. I'm sure your Lakota ancestors would turn their backs on someone such as you.
  20. I don't go on other boards so I enjoy (?) reading this type of news (I find it newsworthy) on this board. As stated in other threads, if someone doesn't want to read about a particular topic, don't go there.
  21. You've repeated this 'know where I come from, practice my Lakota beliefs, speak the Lakota language, etc' ad nauseam. Your not the only one on this board to know where they come from, practice their own beliefs, speak their ancesteral lanquage, etc. But you are the only one who has made racist, derogatory remarks about people of other races, cultures, and ethnic backgrounds. I doubt this is the Lakota way. At least it's not for the Lakota Sioux I know. And like Bacardio, I'm so happy to know them and know that it's not Lakota Sioux who are racist bigots. I don't know who your people are but I do know there is nothing wrong with the Lakota, Dakota, Nakota people.
  22. I hope Toews isn't back for this series.
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