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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Much as GK claims to be a 'pure blood', he's not. None of us is pure anything except human. My dad, Mexican descent, was 6'7". Not very 'Mexican' of him to be so darn tall, yet going through the family tree found no evidence of any 'interloper'. My mother's family on the other hand has a little bit of everything, as evidenced by the blue eyed blonds, red heads, green eyed red heads, etc. Me thinks that ole Leif must have done a bit o' rapin' and pillaging south of the border. Visiting friends on the reservation, the same 'mix' is noted. Anyone claiming to be 100% anything other than human, is fooling only himself. I'm proud of my heritage as my fellow posters are and equally proud that we have moved forward dispite the rapin' and pillaging done south of the border. It's unfortunate that GK can't let go, let live, move on and move up.
  2. Hilarious. But what if one of the Sioux name and logo supporters posts a sig that states, "My heros make Smores with GrahamKrackers." He/she would be labeled a racist, glutenous pig. Ah me, oh my,the disparity of it all! Has anyone else noticed that the only SS.com member to threaten violence and the only one to make racist remarks is GK?
  3. If you're gonna try chocolate covered chips, get Widmans, the 'wanna be's' don't stack up! This has to do with hockey in the same way going to the games sitting next to people you only see at the Ralph and being treated like good buddies. Comaraderie!! JFR, PM me and give me your address, I'll see you get a sample of the real thing. Happy Holidays!!
  4. It's scary to read that someone who went head first into the boards and was on the ice for ten minutes was not put in a head and neck stabilizer and lifted onto the stretcher. I hope he's gonna be ok.
  5. http://www.nhl.com/news/2005/12/247626.html
  6. I agree. I have to say that I have yet to read ONE rude, nasty, gloating remark from Slapshot. He/she has an opinion, his/her opinion, no one has asked anyone here to accept or believe anyone else's opinion. Why the heinous crap directed at him/her? Because an idiot Gopher skippy posted crap early on and disappeared. Slappy's the scape goat. I admire and at times disagree with many of my SS fellow posters but some of you have been down right embarrassing in this thread. The best thing about sports are the rivalries. If we were all friends and cheered for each other, we would be bored out of our minds. And we'd be spending our Friday and Saturday nights at Bible study, reading the Old Testement's blood and guts chapters for a little excitement.
  7. I stand by my statement. Blais did NOT want Grant and the reason had nothing to do with his hockey ability or available scholarships. Ryan and Danny were not recruited either.
  8. Sorry, dd. Those three other corners also belong to folk who aren't likely to give them up without a squawk. For many, being a 30 plus years season ticket holder does count for something, so far.
  9. According to the Potulny family, neither boy was not recruited by Blais. Lots of hurt feelings there. It wasn't the Irmen family who told me he wasn't recruited so maybe the person who told me was wrong, maybe.
  10. Wow, look at you, without even trying, you've identified yourself as a Grade A, 100%, used butt wipe!
  11. Blais did not recruit the Potulny's nor did he recruit Irmen. Didn't get them 'cause they weren't wanted.
  12. I was referring to Irmen when I asked 'Where's the leadership'. I can't believe that the Sioux upperclassmen would have encouraged Chorney's stupid retaliatory jersey popping. I believe he got caught up in the moment and did something he likely regrets (at least I hope he does). I'm sure he got an earful from his teammates and Hak and neither he nor anyother Freshman is going to repeat the act. I too look forward for a great game against BSU.
  13. Slap, I've been reading your posts and the Sioux fan responses and feel the need to post one myself. Much as I love my Fighting Sioux and respect my fellow SS members, I don't believe you've posted anything that I consider 'bad form'. BUT, I think it's time to put the mouse away and come back another day.
  14. I have to ask a (probably stupid) question. Is the instant replay the ref reviews, the same view that is televised?
  15. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10428407?GT1=7516 ""...opened the Rodent Control Academy, an insitution of higher learning about vermin that scurry around in low places."" After the sweep this week end, maybe our guys can take the online course.
  16. We lost. When we lose, we beat ourselves up worse than any Skippy. We have several 'rivals' who post on SS.com and who 'give it to us' when deserved. The difference as I see it, those seasoned rival posters come on to actually discuss the game, pro and con, including coming down on themselves when deserved. Big difference in 'class' from those juvenile bozos who sign on as new members the day of the game to only come here to talk trash. Difference between the Irmen and Chorney acts? Irmen is a junior and should know better, Chorney's a freshman and still learning. Where's the leadership? I invite Skippy to go up to a Sioux fan and talk their trash face to face. Not hard to do, we're everywhere. Sioux appreciation for Skippy is best shown in person.
  17. WOO HOO!!!! A win is a win. Congrats, GVSU!!
  18. Why wait until the last minute and a half before putting forth the valient effort? Briggs must have been studying Wi films. Great dive that Shepard fell for.... a$$!!
  19. Some players have the opportunity to choose where they will play college hockey, others have to go to their second or third choices. Coach Blais chose not to recruit the Potulnys or Irmen.
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