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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Does anyone else remember the chicken on the ice at the old Ralph? We could tie a gopher to it's back and have it fly onto the ice...Oh, yeah, chickens don't fly.
  2. Sioux-cia

    Fargo Forum

    I wonder what the 'hard copy' readership is for either paper. I get all my news on-line, including Fargo's and Grand Forks'.
  3. The assists points show a lot about his character! Glad he's on our side.
  4. I love this website. There's always 'food for thought'.
  5. I got that beat, they couldn't find a Lakota who knew how to put up a tipi so they had to find a Mexican to do it.
  6. Show me anywhere on this website where anyone, besides you, has expressed hatred for someone because of the color of their skin. You really are delusional.
  7. Obviously, you're not a Three Stooges fan. Sorry for speaking over your head.
  8. BUT WAIT A MINUTE!!!! Weren't you the one who is going to help 'your people'? Aren't you still going to be in South Dakota with your people? Won't you still be there in twenty years? No, you'll be helping them from California, Montana, Arizona or maybe Mexico (if you succeed in deporting us poor Mexican Americans), helping them via internet postings where you'll still be blaming "Whitey" for all your problems. Pitiful. I do feel sorry for you.
  9. Hmm, let's look at this from another side of the border, you're wife is from CA and she has a Hispanic maiden name, hmmm....... Will we be sharing a bus or will she get a ride on the "Indian Express"?
  10. Kracker is married to a half white women/half not Indian woman who is in medical school, taking the spot that should rightly have gone to a REAL Indian who is more deserving. Hopefully, he will be able to use some of her future earnings to help his children through school. But it he decides that's too 'white' of an action and he would not be following his Indian ways by doing so, they're on their own; just like the majority of ALL college students are.
  11. Same old Kracker. Still distorting my previous posts, turning facts this way and that so they fit your agenda, out and out lies, not unexpected, disappointing but not unexpected. You're so good at this, you should run for tribal office. From the character you've shown in you're posts, you'll fit right in. Vaya con dios Krack, you're gonna need him.
  12. This one opens up in "Preview Post". Maybe it's my magic fingers; look out HockeyMom, you've got competition! http://www.nu-news.com/
  13. http://www.nu-news.com/media/paper600/sections/306930.html People in Glass Houses editorial with editing by them. The original column regarding discriminating against white women by refusing them entry to a forum was not cited. Instead, it is noted that the forum was opened to all after complaints of discrimination. I think that probably happened after the forum was already over. Who is this University of North Dakota hockey player who chose to wear a different jersey then his fellow Fighting Sioux teammates? http://www.nu-news.com/media/paper600/news...t-1025656.shtml
  14. The Sioux people of today do not believe we are honoring them. They're right. I believe we are honoring the couragous, brave, honorable Sioux of two centuries past. The University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux are known for excellence in sports, high academic achievements of its athletes, excellent programs which include business/medicine/aerospace, successful alumni, close to if not the highest number of American Indian programs/services in the country, and a large percentage of American Indian students. Unfortunately, nationally, the Sioux Indians of today are known, rightly or not, for casinos, gambling addictions, substance abuse, alcoholism, fetal alcohol syndrome, teen-age pregnancies, high percentage of grammer school/high school dropouts, unmanaged chronic health problems such as diabetes, poverty, unemployment, lack of ambition due to that monthly government check, racism, violence on reservations........... The University of North Dakota's American Indian programs/services are here to assist with the problems cited above. The Sioux people and others who are pro-name changers don't acknowledge this reality. Their focus today is on the creation of lies and the distortion of half truths that are meant to show the country that the use of the Sioux name by the University of North Dakota is disrespectful. It's not UND that's disrespecting the Sioux name.
  15. I for one like to hear what is being said locally, Devils Lake, especially if it's from a reliable source. We're certainly not hearing anything else from that front. I personally feel that it's best that she not say anything than coming right out and dissolving the resolution that is still in place. It is still in place isn't it? I haven't heard that Spirit Lake rescinded the resolution that 'allowed' UND to continue use of the Sioux name.
  16. You know those drunken, Fighting Irish, they'll go anywhere there's ice (for that Irish Whiskey, don'cha know.)
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