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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Marvin was taking a lot of verbal crap from the guy next to him while waiting for the face off. The ref got between them and it just went on. It was not a cheap shot, the guy was egging him on, long game, lop sided score and Marvin just decided not to take it anymore. Not saying it was right but good for him.
  2. The boys just couldn't get it done tonight. I agree, this may be a learning experience for them that they hopefully won't have to repeat. For a couple of minutes, they looked awesome, for a couple of minutes. With more experience under their belts, this hockey team is going to be hard to beat. I would give my car (it's paid for) for five minutes with Punkobitch. Everything that he did tonight bugged the he!! out of me. My baby boy is an ex football player, hockey player and discus/shot put thrower, weighs 260# and will happily hold him for me while I tap dance on his face! Aaargh, I'm more upset with Punkobitch and how he acted tonight than I am about losing the game.
  3. It could be a compound fracture, where the bone protrudes from the skin, because there was definitely blood on the ice. As previously stated, it was a BIG hit from one of our "Oaks" but it was clean. Smaby didn't hold back all night.
  4. A killing spree!! and no Gophers on the list.
  5. I think the time limit is up. I've been at a seminar this week and haven't kept up with it. I don't know if I should relist it or not. Didn't sell any. I was thinking about putting ads in the student papers of all the schools on the list of shame but trying to find a contact on line has taken a lot of time. I work from around 6:30A to after 5P Monday thru Friday and haven't found time to call them. I may just have to go to Columbia Mall and start sticking them on cars.
  6. I got a warning because I was too mean to GK and made comments about his family which I should not have done. My posts and the ones he made to/about me have been removed.
  7. It was a great hit and everyone cheered per usual. No one on the ice, other than JPar, realized he was injured for what seemed like a long time, several seconds. Everyone, including the Sioux players, clapped when he was taken off the ice on the stretcher. I hope his parents don't think the initial cheer was because he was hurt. It was a good clean hit. Unfortunate. He did such a great job tonight, my money is on Jordy.
  8. Chris Porter checked a guy from behind right in front of us, no penalty. Did you hear the status on the injuried DU player? He left blood on the ice. That one happened in front of us but because it was in front of us, other than the big hit we couldn't see if he got stabbed with a skate or ..... ? The injury was just above the right skate.
  9. Ok, I'm at a seminar all week with nothing to do in the evening. So, I made a nice little sign. It had little yellow chicks all over it and it said, 'CHEAP, CHEEP, PUNKOBITCH'. My seats are in section 113, not real visible, so I gave the sign to some students in section 109. Then, for not reason at all, the sign is confiscated by the cops!!! What the ef....? My son thinks it's because I offered the green wig I brought to the game for a friends 8 year old to a bald cop. But, man o man, what a game!!!
  10. Thanks for the play by play lady and gents. I'm off to watch my team, da Sox.
  11. 'cuz they don't know any better.
  12. There seems to me that there are a lot more 5 and 10 minute misconducts this year compared to years past. Wonder if Punkobitch is the reason?
  13. Wasn't the final 5-1 yesterday? Games not over yer. It still might be 10-1.
  14. Hmm, 5-1, Ziggy's not in the net, hmmm
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