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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Great article! I love that picture of him running over ??. Watching T.J. before, during and after games, on and off the ice, he just seems like a team player. I've seen him rejoicing at another teammates honors, it was difficult to believe he wasn't the guy that won them. He's always seen cheering on his teammates and watching out for them. Remember his pushing Finley off that Mav during the big fight that weekend?! At the same time he skated to the other side of the net and defended his teammates in another fight going on at the same time. Gawd, he's just an all around great kid. He's not gettin the accolades of the Towes', Johnson's and Staals but believe me, this kid, with his talent, personality, hard work and team mentality may end up being a greater MAN and possibly hockey player than any of them.
  2. I only remember GrahamKracker's complaints about the cost of the center. The University allocated $500,000 for the building of the Center and challenged AISS to raise money to match. AISS raised over $300,000 for furnishing, etc. Apparently, that was not enough according to GK. I haven't seen anything about a museum for American Indians on campus discussed anywhere. I still think this would be a great idea.
  3. Sorry, I thought this thread was to acknowledge and congratulate our athletes for their excellent performance in the classroom. I didn't realize, it was another Going D1 thread.
  4. Go here, http://www.photoshelter.com/gallery-show?G...amp;pagtotal=37 On the right hand side of the page, click on the photographer's name and on the left side of the next page is a 'contact photog' line you can click on and then you email the photographer.
  5. Can they do that without losing their amateur status?
  6. Our current hockey team has been to the Frozen Four twice in as many years. What's the joke?
  7. I think that the 'N' word used as a nickname would be squashed by the courts without the NC$$ even getting involved. Something that offensive could be considered in the same way a speech by anyone encouraging a group to rape, pillage, murder and riot would be considered; not protected by the freedom of speech amendment. Can't do it if it would very likely result in violence, harm to others, etc.
  8. i agree with your post except for the school work help. The University offers tutorial help, many times for free, to those who ask for it. Historically, athletes classroom work has been monitored closely by their coaches, in order not to lose anyone due to grades. When someone is struggling, they are helped. I have to say that I rarely saw Sparky smile. At the meet and greets, while all the other guys are joking, teasing and laughing, he's always seemed somber. It's tough for a young kid, don't care what you say, they're still kids, being without close friends, family. I don't blame him one bit. Miss him but don't begruge his choice.
  9. When my boys went to camp they weren't on the ice all day. The evenings were pretty loose, they could free skate, swim, bowl, etc. But that was a looong time ago. I agree,they're fun to watch especially the little guys. I wonder who does the power skating now? Nancy Burggraft (sp) coached my last kid. (told you it was a long time ago) She was tough and the kids had mean thoughts about her while they were being coached but loved her off the ice and years later when what she taught them showed in their game.
  10. Whoa, major memory clog. It's Barry that I found HOT. Maurice was ok and Robin was just down right homely. Andy, baby bro, was not part of the Bee Gees. Judging from the fit of those pants, I'm guessing their children are all adopted.
  11. When my sons went to hockey camp, we (parents, interested parties) were allowed to watch them on the ice. I wonder if that is still the case? Someone could go to the Ralph and say their kids on the ice and want to watch him/her on the ice. We could see what players are helping coach.
  12. Uh oh! This is the first time Jonathan hasn't said he's coming back to UND for another year.
  13. Oh I don't know. At the time I thought that Maurice was tres hot. I was young and didn't notice things then that I do now!
  14. Unless football games are NC$$ sponsered events, Chief Illini can dance all he wants without sanctions. FOR NOW!
  15. Dirty could be right. If by some fluke, some miscarriage of justice, some hugh payoff to the judge/jury the NC$$ wins, without a doubt false prohphets will follow.
  16. Oh no!! I personally find them very sexy!
  17. Aren't the surviving BeeGees bald!!
  18. These are likely the same people that vote against improving ND education, ie. increase teacher salaries, add/improve existing programs, etc. If it isn't something that they personally will benefit from they don't want to pay for it in any way. They're the ones that sound stupid.
  19. Have fun!! http://www.hockeydb.com/vb/archive/index.php/t-6016.html
  20. Questions 1. Were they 21 or over? 2. Did they pay their own cover charge? 3. Did they pay for their own alcohol? 4. Were they accompanied by UMTC staff, alumni, boosters, athletes, and/or anyone that has cheered for the Gophers who is not a relative? Yes to the first three>no big deal. No to any of the first three and yes to the last, BIG FRIGGIN' DEAL!!!
  21. The Ralph could do it. Doesn't matter who does it, it would be a monument to the Sioux people. It will educate those who don't know why the University chose the Fighting Sioux name for their athletes.
  22. They have gone toe to toe with us every year and with NDSU before they moved as well.
  23. You're right about having anyone (parent/relatives ok) pay for anything for a student athlete but I was wondering about just the tryout. I'm guessing that tryouts must be ok if the student pays all his own costs, including meals, etc., and doesn't have an agent but practicing with the team is not ok (I read that somewhere in this forum).
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